For those of you who haven't gone to Panther



  • Reply 21 of 55
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    I have a 12" PB but I have seen reports with widely different configs having the skipping audio problem, and by audio I mean everything, even MIDIs. iTunes by itself used to skip every now and then too. Odd. Lots of people had DHCP issues but my Internet never had problems with 10.2.8 at least. Also after the update iTunes visuals dropped to 30fps and won't go higher. Yes I unchecked cap fps. A few other problems are there I'm sure that I can't think of, but bottom line, there is no reason to get .2.8 because it doesn't add anything except potential problems. it's not Snappier?
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  • Reply 22 of 55
    doxxdoxx Posts: 41member
    10.2.8 over here (again) after Panther totally crashed my machine (!!!). I still haven't figured out, what exactly happened...

    Didn't have many strange applications or drivers installed, since this is my production machine.

    Also, my PCMCIA Slot (TiPb over here) did not recognize my compact flash cards from my digicam anymore.

    The Panther box is sitting here and it is itching - but I'm waiting for 10.3.2 and try it on an external HD first.
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  • Reply 23 of 55
    I'm happily running 10.2.3 here. I have the Panther discs sitting right next to me, but my system is running fine right now and I'm a little leery of Panther. It appears to have many more issues than Jaguar did. So I think I'll wait at least until 10.3.2 is out and people give it positive reviews. If you're in the middle of an important project related to your livelihood, there's really little reason to take a chance on a new version of the OS.
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  • Reply 24 of 55
    I'm running 10.2.8 with NO PROBS on an iBook SE (466 G3).

    I couldn't tell any difference from previous Jag versions .... but it runs just fine (also running it on a 266 iMac)

    Will pick up a copy of Panther anyway next time I'm in Honolulu.
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  • Reply 25 of 55

    Originally posted by Kesh

    I had some connectivity problems when I first updated to 10.2.8 from 10.2.6. Since then, I had planned on buying Panther, but ran out of money.

    However, I had already wiped my hard drive back to the factory installation. So, after downloading 100 Mb on dialup, I'm back to 10.2.8 and having no problems. So, it's possible that the problem stems from updating 10.2.6 to .8 rather than a problem with .8 in general.

    Man! Can you tell me what dialup service you have, or are you kidding? I'm yet to be aware of a dialup service that can actually download 100 MB continuously without breaking the connection. Besides, wouldn't that take like all day and all night?

    I had to write a special script just to download gcc source code:
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  • Reply 26 of 55
    what about Panther on an iBook SE? g3 366mhz - could it be worthwhile? 4 meg video card, 320 megs of RAM, 6gigHD is half-full already... yr opinions welcome. i realize Apple has already said sorry probably not th go, BUT hoping....
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  • Reply 27 of 55

    Originally posted by giant

    Running 10.2.6 on my Ghz Tibook. I will not be ever updating to 10.2.8 since what I am using now works fine.

    I have 10.3.1 running on an ibook, and still have problems accessing one of my firewire drives from it. There are also some graphics issues, notably in word. I will probably update the powerbook to 10.3.2 when it becomes available, but there is little reason to do so now and more reasons not to. 10.2.6 is not in the way of my workflow, so moving to panther is not a necessity.

    Same here. 10.2.6 runs very well on my ghz Tibook, and there are a ton of interface changes in 10.3 that I think are horrendous, so I see no reason to switch over yet as it won't be improving my system all that much.
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  • Reply 28 of 55

    Originally posted by kwikfx

    what about Panther on an iBook SE? g3 366mhz - could it be worthwhile? 4 meg video card, 320 megs of RAM, 6gigHD is half-full already... yr opinions welcome. i realize Apple has already said sorry probably not th go, BUT hoping....

    Apple Says it will work with ANY iBook with 128MB ram ... I'm going to put Panther on my iBook 466 next week.
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  • Reply 29 of 55
    Panther baby...

    Its been a long time since Ive recommended an upgrade based on one feature but Expose is that good.

    There are lots of other improvements that are sweet (LABELS FINALLY!, way better user mgmt) but Expose is one of those things that if you are beginner or pro user you will use all the time.

    When i switch back to my winXP machines im hammering F10-12 all the time... and each time nothing happens I die a little inside.

    if you dont have special peripheral hardware requirments then enough drama, just upgrade!
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  • Reply 30 of 55
    10.3 has bugs. I don't like it.
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  • Reply 31 of 55
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    Tonight I'm backing up all my data to another box... and then tomorrow I'll clone Jag and wipe the slate clean for Panther. I've simply done too much futzing with the system that I don't want any unexpected problems to crop up.

    This way I'll also have a bootable backup in case one fails... at least for the first little bit.

    I can't wait!
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  • Reply 32 of 55

    Originally posted by Mr. Thermistor

    10.3 has bugs. I don't like it.

    Yes, it certainly has bugs (what OS doesn't?), but for me it has fewer bugs than 10.2. Then add on the new features and I like it.

    Exposé and labels and the improved open/save dialogs and ... make it well worth the minor bugs.
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  • Reply 33 of 55
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member

    Originally posted by Mr. Thermistor

    10.3 has bugs. I don't like it.

    You're really on a roll here, aren't you? I definitely see Member of the Week honors in your future.
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  • Reply 34 of 55
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    But Murbot?
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  • Reply 35 of 55
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Mr. Thermistor

    10.3 has bugs. I don't like it.

    Name a couple. I'd love to hear.
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  • Reply 36 of 55
    nanonano Posts: 179member
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  • Reply 37 of 55
    dage007dage007 Posts: 320member

    Originally posted by rustedborg

    Well, there's a little more good news.

    Does anyone reading this thread use Kodak professional dye-sub photo printers (8500) and a Mac running Panther? Again, I'm paranoid that I'll suddenly have printer problems if I upgrade to Panther. I've read several comments in other forums from people who reported Epson printer problems with Panther ... but those problems may have been user related, not Panther's fault.

    i use taht printer with my new dual g5, and panther 10.3.1 no problem to report and the printing to the printer seems fairly fast if you ask me.

    especially in tiff format from photoshop, as you know these are large files and uncompressed
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  • Reply 38 of 55
    nanonano Posts: 179member

    Originally posted by cookies

    Man! Can you tell me what dialup service you have, or are you kidding? I'm yet to be aware of a dialup service that can actually download 100 MB continuously without breaking the connection. Besides, wouldn't that take like all day and all night?

    I had to write a special script just to download gcc source code:

    You could use a program like speed download or igetter, or even the terminal (i cant remember the command but ive used it) and when it breaks just resume it
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  • Reply 39 of 55
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    Doesn't Software Update resume your downloads after your connection has broken?

    100MB should only take you a night to download on dial-up, depending on how long you consider a night to be and how fast you connect.
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  • Reply 40 of 55
    I'm running 10.2.8 on a G4 1.42 dual.

    The only problem I have is a weekly or so kernal panic when awakening the computer from sleep mode. However it always works after I restart.

    As to going to Panther:

    You use your computer for business reasons... for that reason alone you should wait at least 6 months after any new operating system is out just to let the bugs get worked out.

    There are all sorts of the usual little kinks with Panther... I'd wait and let it get settled in for a few months at the minimum before installing on any computer you use for your livelihood.

    I plan on putting Panther on my ibook though this next week though..but just to familiarize with it...and see how it goes..after a while I'll put it on my tower.
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