For those of you who haven't gone to Panther



  • Reply 41 of 55
    Honestly, why bother with a system that costs $129 and has had a ton of bugs...the only feature I really like is Expose.

    I'll wait until it's more mature.
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  • Reply 42 of 55

    Originally posted by Gizzmonic

    Honestly, why bother with a system that costs $129 and has had a ton of bugs...the only feature I really like is Expose.

    I'll wait until it's more mature.

    Maybe you and Mr. Thermistor should meet for coffee some day. I will repeat this since you aren't the first to claim this.

    What bugs?

    What bugs does 10.3.1 have that are any worse or debilitating than the bugs that 10.2.8 has? Has everyone here forgotten the hell that the first 10.2.8 update caused for some users? Some people claim to still have not recovered fully, but are still using 10.2.8 regardless.

    For me and lots of people at AppleInsider and everywhere else, 10.3.1 is running as well if not significantly better than 10.2.8. I have experienced zero serious bugs with Panther.
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  • Reply 43 of 55
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Please, edumakate us, or can we just chalk this up to FUD/troll/misinformed?
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  • Reply 44 of 55
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    everything i use is working fine under 10.2.8, and my rig is humming along quickly.

    meanwhile, i have heard nothing but problems over the updates to suitcase (i own font reserve). i cannot afford adobe cs apps for a while... same for macromedia mx 2004 apps.

    and i have an annoying solution for all of the people complaining about 10.2.8... make sure all of your documents are backed up regularly to a separate partition, and then do a nuke & pave from the ground up. pain in the ass? sure. but ask me if i have had any problems...

    well, okay, i had one. but just one!
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  • Reply 45 of 55
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    You want bugs? OK, I'll bite the bait. I've been using 10.3.1 for 4 days now and found a few. My USB flash drives do not unmount completely on my machine. Drag to the trash and the icon disappears, but when you remove the drive an alert comes up and yells at me. The files I transfered do not work on other computers.

    Bug #2: The Mysterious random beep. My computer beeps for no apparent reason. It usually happens after I move the mouse to the right after not using the computer for 15 minutes or right after startup. No other programs have to be open.

    Take that! (In a fun, joking way of course)
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  • Reply 46 of 55

    Originally posted by Spart

    Doesn't Software Update resume your downloads after your connection has broken?

    100MB should only take you a night to download on dial-up, depending on how long you consider a night to be and how fast you connect.

    I've never seen software update resume a download.

    I use wget to resume downloads that are larger than 10 MB or so, because my connection on the Mac OS X computer is terrible.

    I was merely wondering in my post whether or not that person had downloaded the 100 MB uninterrupted. Usually people don't have software that can resume downloads.
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  • Reply 47 of 55
    I own a B&W, and I'm running 1.2.8 without a problem. Anyway I wanted to install Panther, but after rebooting with the first Panther CD in the drive I get the regular bootup-screen as in Jaguar. After a while a black window pops up with white writing on it telling me that I have to reboot my computer. I have updated the firmware and have uninstalled any third party expansion cards.

    Any ideas?

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  • Reply 48 of 55
    stevesteve Posts: 523member

    Originally posted by Brad

    What bugs?

    To tell you the truth, I've been getting daily kernel panics. Sometimes bi-daily. On two separate machines, mind you.
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  • Reply 49 of 55
    just updated from 10.2.8 to 10.3.1...will let you know how it far, panther is prettier (to me...little things i guess) and seems much much faster on my iMac 800 FP...will update the iMac g3 400 later this week if all goes nicely on this one...

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  • Reply 50 of 55
    well, i just installed panther last night from 10.2.8, and i must say, there are a couple things that ran better in 10.2.8, but i think most of it is that all the caches were cleared out, because the performance today is about 2 times faster than last night's. panther is incredible though... exposé has got to be the best addition ever made to any OS. panther was worth every bit of the 50 bucks i paid for it (student discount ). anyways, i say aeveryone should upgrade, but 10.2.8 is a good alternative if you dont have the moeny right now.
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  • Reply 51 of 55
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    What!? What went slower on Panther than 10.2.8?

    Also regarding Exposé which I haven't used much, I just realized I needed. I was toggling between 20 different windows in TextEdit of class notes for a final and I kept having to go the window menu or Dock, and realized DAMN wouldn't Exposé be nice!
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  • Reply 52 of 55
    keshkesh Posts: 621member

    Originally posted by cookies

    Man! Can you tell me what dialup service you have, or are you kidding? I'm yet to be aware of a dialup service that can actually download 100 MB continuously without breaking the connection. Besides, wouldn't that take like all day and all night?

    I had to write a special script just to download gcc source code:

    I should have looked at this thread again after posting.

    It wasn't a continuous download. I can never stay connected for more than a few hours, it seems.

    What I did was download Fink and Fink Commander, then used FC to install an app called 'wget'. Once that's done, you pop into Terminal and type 'wget http://yoururlhere' and it will start downloading to your home folder.

    If the connection breaks, you just reconnect, pop into Terminal and type 'wget -c http://yoururlhere' and it will continue where it left off.

    Took me three or four days of doing that a few hours at a time.
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  • Reply 53 of 55

    To tell you the truth, I've been getting daily kernel panics. Sometimes bi-daily. On two separate machines, mind you.

    What mouse and Key board are you using? Any other devices in your USB or Firewire ports?
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  • Reply 54 of 55

    Originally posted by francisG3


    What are you waiting for? Here's what you got to do:

    1. Back up your hard drive.

    2. Reformat it.

    3. Install Panther + all your apps

    4. Install the 10.3.1 update.

    5. Download the Firewire patch from the manufacturers

    5. Fix permisions.

    You'll regret you didn't do it sooner. Panther is the equivalent of the jump from

    10.0 to 10.1, or 10.1 to 10.2.

    10.3 rules my life in every different direction. When I use Jaguar, I get irritated.

    Do it now!!

    Here! Here! put in panther NOW and don't worry about "minor bugS"
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  • Reply 55 of 55
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by copeland I own a B&W, and I'm running 1.2.8...

    Damn, that's old school! OS I?
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