iPod and iPod ads success...



  • Reply 21 of 47

    Originally posted by scavanger

    Computer Users are MSU aren't very computer knowledgable. It comes down to removing spyware most of the time, and them have regular Kazaa installed. Most don't know what a virus scanner is. Sure many have MusicMatch pre installed. But you know what? Preinstalled stuff sells pretty well. I had this game preinstalled when I bought my first PC. (66mhz Windows 95 box) and it is still one of the best games I've ever played.

    That may be the case, but you presented it like they CHOSE to install musicmatch when they probably didn't. (Who the hell would?) The bottom line is this: when some is going to be spending money on music, they're going to be smart about it. That's where iTunes comes in. You already said yourself iTunes is enough to get you to pay an extra $70 for the iPod. That's saying a lot.
  • Reply 22 of 47
    cubedudecubedude Posts: 1,556member
    Maybe I missed it, but I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the ads in San Francisco. I think there's one on every major road into the city, and some around the BART stations. Not to mention the G5 ads placed around the city...
  • Reply 23 of 47
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Damn I can't wait to see how much the iPod takes off when they finally add recording.
  • Reply 24 of 47

    Originally posted by Liquidic

    Damn I can't wait to see how much the iPod takes off when they finally add recording.

  • Reply 25 of 47
    krassykrassy Posts: 595member

    Originally posted by CubeDude

    Maybe I missed it, but I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the ads in San Francisco. I think there's one on every major road into the city, and some around the BART stations. Not to mention the G5 ads placed around the city...

    G5 ads? unbelievable in german cities... you can be glad if you find apple ads in a pc-magazine. this is why i was so excited about this new iPod advertising.. it's cool
  • Reply 26 of 47
    I dislike iTunes. I would prefer the drag and drop way, on the smaller nonmovable parts mp3 players. iTunes is the lesser of 2 evils. I have seen people here install Musicmatch willingly. On average, I've only seen one person who had bought music, most have kazaa, and most will continue to do so.
  • Reply 27 of 47
    wow...I've never heard of anyone disliking iTunes before

    of course you are entitled to your opinion, and I hold nothing against you for it, it's just kind of weird, I know a lot of people that wont try iTunes simply because it's apple, but I know A LOT more who have tried it, and love it.


    one mans boon is another mans non-boon
  • Reply 28 of 47
    I feel winamp is superior, to be quite honest with you. It plays everything except real media, just fine, including Quicktime. This of course is on the PC, if I was using linux mplayer far outweighs iTunes.
  • Reply 29 of 47

    Originally posted by scavanger

    I feel winamp is superior, to be quite honest with you. It plays everything except real media, just fine, including Quicktime. This of course is on the PC, if I was using linux mplayer far outweighs iTunes.

    And it looks like ass to boot. Makes windows pretty, I guess.
  • Reply 30 of 47
    Besides, I listen to alot of shoutcast streams, and shoutcast is a winamp plugin. So it makes sense that I use winamp. Winamp isn't ugly, is a compact player that does its job, and it does it pretty damn good.
  • Reply 31 of 47

    Originally posted by scavanger

    Winamp isn't ugly

    HA HA HA HA!!!




    HA HA HA!!!

    Phew! Thanks for the laugh.
  • Reply 32 of 47
    Winamp does its job... it doesn't need a fancy layout or cool brushed metal. It does what it is supposed to do with out the fluff, thats why its the best Media player on PC and will continue to be so.
  • Reply 33 of 47
    but iTunes is something else... iTunes can't be compared to Winamp.. except the tiny itty bitty little similarity is that they both can play music.
  • Reply 34 of 47
    I think it can be compared. I went to try and download quicktime 6.4 for my pc, and what do I find? itunes.exe is the install file. Well I just wanted to be able to see quicktime movies not the whole deal. iTunes seems to be a media player with a store attached to it, and the ability to sync with an ipod. Its still the same as winamp, just a bit more added to it.
  • Reply 35 of 47

    Originally posted by scavanger

    I think it can be compared. I went to try and download quicktime 6.4 for my pc, and what do I find? itunes.exe is the install file. Well I just wanted to be able to see quicktime movies not the whole deal. iTunes seems to be a media player with a store attached to it, and the ability to sync with an ipod. Its still the same as winamp, just a bit more added to it.

    Now you're trolling. iTunes is so much more than Winamp.

    Disregard the fact that it can burn playlists.

    Or the fact that it's got a whole music store in it.

    Or that you can have smart playlists.

    Or that it can play audible files.

    Or that you can sync your iPod to it.

    It's got rendezvous streaming. What's Winamp got? Some ass ugly skins? Please. Quit the trolling. It's getting pathetic. BTW, both are free, so what's the advantage to winamp again?
  • Reply 36 of 47
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    What is the underlying mechanics at work in a situation where someone (it can be anyone...a Mac user going to, say, DellInsider.com) and touting their side to what is, essentially, a place full of people who don't use what you do, don't like what you use and have no desire to change from what they're happy with?

    As much as I dig Apple and Macs, it has honestly never occurred to me to go seek out a PC-centric message forum and waste my time - and others' - by going out of my way to point out all the little things I consider inferior or lacking in that platform.

    Doing that would make me, at best, an annoying fly in the ointment. At worse, a burdensome, aggravating asshead.

    I ask, in all sincerity, who in the fück really cares about all this back-and-forth "yeah, but at least..." and dick measuring between some of you?

    Scav, do you honestly (and this is why people fling the "troll" thing at you a bit) think ANYTHING you say - as thought out and accurate as it may, or may not, be) is going to change ANYONE here? I don't mean that in a mean, jerky way.

    More of a "what are you doing...and moreover, WHY do you give a flying damn what a forum full of complete strangers prefers to use when it comes to computers, mp3 players, etc." way.

    What is it about some people - on either side of the platform aisle - that seeks out "debate" in so-called enemy territory? Is it a badge of honor thing? A "I can take the heat...watch!" gesture?

    All these sandbox pissing contests and what's the outcome? You're still a PC guy. We're still Mac guys. You haven't - and you won't - convince anyone here to part with their Mac. Just as much as none of use are going to convince you to come to our side.

    Why bother?

    Sorry, just had to get all that out after reading through all these Scavanger-initiated threads here in General Discussion.

    Odd...I'll never quite understand it. In any case, that's all I'm going to say on it. Don't bother trying to engage me or otherwise "get my goat" or keep the ball rolling or ding me over the head with specs and figures and obscure tech data. I assure you, that stuff makes me go numb after a while.

    I won't play.

  • Reply 37 of 47

    Originally posted by pscates

    As much as I dig Apple and Macs, it has honestly never occurred to me to go seek out a PC-centric message forum and waste my time - and others' - by going out of my way to point out all the little things I consider inferior or lacking in that platform.

    That is because most Mac users have a little bit different personalities and we think doing that would be stupid.. i guess windows users just like making fun of Macs because they wish they could use stuff like this... ever notice that though... Mac users are always nicer and such
  • Reply 38 of 47
    I have not once made fun of the Mac. Also, I might make a point that PC stands for Personal Computer, your Mac is a Personal Computer, apple even coined the term Personal Computer.

    Anyway, sure I am a Windows user, I use Windows all the time, since most places have them. I can use a Mac as well if it serves its purpose for what I need done.

    I'm not here trying to troll, which is apparently not praising Apple and saying windows is evil no matter what happens. I was considering a iBook becuase I can get one at a great deal, its small, and its portable. Its what I need. It's main selling point is the fact that I would be paying 300 dollars for the last rev of a iBook G3.

    So I came here to read up about apple and to learn what its all about. So what do I find, all these threads that proclaim apple the greatest and how Windows is so completely evil and how its so insecure and all that, and how it needs to die. I felt that this was a gross misrepresentation, and very biased by the fact I've seen some people say they've never even used a Windows Box. So I meerly am trying to give a more accurate view of what it really is, and to get rid of the misconceptions.

    I try to point out how the iPod has a competitor from Dell that is very similar and less cost, and I get yelled at becuase its not as elegant as apples or something to that nature. I'm only trying to provide constructive critism from the view point of a Windows user. If you guys can't take the view of one person, then why bother to try and convert others who will have more questions and comments from the Windows world. I have only received a small amount of constructive critism from a few people, others only say its a windows program it sucks, it doesn't have this cool thing call smart playlists so it sucks, or comments to that nature. If you can't answer questions and take comments, then apple has no future of converting people.

    If nothing else you've turned me off from converting to Apple, more then you would convince me.

    Also, to make one comment about that rendezvous streaming, I say is shoutcast. 50k+ users online using it with almost 5k+ servers that shoutcast.com knows about it. Its scalable to any application be it a home lan or the internet.
  • Reply 39 of 47
    PC stands for Personal Confuser
  • Reply 40 of 47
    itunes can read shoutcast too as I recall I may be mistaken..

    but I listen to somafm on itunes all the time which is all shoutcast... no?

    shoutcast is just an mp3 stream I always thought.

    about all your points about the platform conflicts use a mac and you'll soon find yourself using it more and more and more.

    I grow tired of things working against me, such as the cast of windows

    so its cheaper deal (dell) with it.
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