time with the new iMac (brief and scattered assessment)



  • Reply 81 of 114
    mac's girl...got an open box special at bestbuy...the dual optical mouseman from logitech...was marked down from 49 to only 27 bucks... the box was opened, but the software and mouse were not...plus, for 4.99 i got a 2 year protection plan that replaces the mouse with a new one (maybe this one will go bad and i will get a new 50 buck mouse for half price)...i downloaded usb overdrive last night...was very easy to download, load and set up...no problems at all...this mouse (a little big but i'm sure i will get use to it's size) tracks great, feels very solid and i haven't had the mouse arrow fly across the screen randomly like i did with the apple pro mouse...not as sexy looking as the pro mouse, nor logitech's red wheelmouse, but the scroll is very nice and i thought i might use the thumb button someday...the grey and silver are growing on me a bit...plus the mouse is under the tabletop when i am not using it and under my hand when i am...so i guess it could be butt ugly and i wouldn't mind too much (ok that is a lie, i am as vain as a broadway actress)...it is nice to have my scroll wheel back and right click capibilities with out using two hands...hope things are getting better with your iMac (did you have fun at the mall yesterday)...go ahead and download usb overdrive...seems pretty safe to me...g

    ps did zapping your pram help?? maybe a silly question, but how do you zap your pram with the new iMac?? g
  • Reply 82 of 114
    [quote]how do you use this isub? (i mean, whats it plug into?) im assuming it works in conjunction with the speakers we got with our new imac?

    i have some logitech speakers and subwoofer i bought a few months ago, and they sound really good. i've had many a slammin' party with them. i was thinking about switching back to them but they dont match as well, being that they're putty colored with a black subwoofer. i dont like how i get distortion with these new imac speakers with volume over 75%. maybe when i have a party, i can switch. for now, i dont need to hear "you've got mail" with a booming bass. <hr></blockquote>

    ok, i have the iSub hooked into one of the usb slots in the keyboard, pro speakers in the back of the iMac...simple set up...

    your black sub shouldn't matter since it should sit under your desk out of sight (yes, i have my iSub on the desk top, but that is because it looks so nice, i kick it alot when it is under the desk because i am still insanely hyperactive at 40 yrs old :eek: , and the carpet on the floor muffles the sound a bit compared to the desktop...if i need more desk space i would probably get a piece of slate and put it on the carpet under the desk and put the iSub on top of that)....then just paint those ugly putty speakers or replace them with the pro speakers (if that is possible)...if you have a sub and speakers you like, i wouldn't buy new speakers...just find a way to hide them on your desk, then keep the pro speakers out but not hooked up...that way you see the nice looking speakers, but hear the speakers that attach to your woofer.....then take the money you saved and buy yourself a usb printer/scanner.... g
  • Reply 83 of 114

    ps did zapping your pram help?? maybe a silly question, but how do you zap your pram with the new iMac?? g[/QB]<hr></blockquote>

    to reset the pram, hold down, command, option, the letter P and the letter R when booting up the imac. it's like playing twister with your fingers. hehe. hold control and command (apple key), and R with your left hand, then turn on power with right hand if need be and quickly hold down P. after you hear the computer chime three times, then let the keys go.

    btw, happy scrolling with your mouse. good price! i bought my logitech speakers for half price from there too.

    p.s. is an ethernet cable (regular RJ 45 patch cable, category 5e) the same thing as a crossover cable? i want to connect my powerbook to my imac to transfer files, but one person i asked said i have to use a crossover cable only. i dunno, they look the same to me...

    i bought the Palmrouter pr-100 by macsense and i cant seem to get it configured. despite not being able to get online, i havent even been able to get the computers to talk to each other thru the stupid thing. anyway, i dont care about using the old powerbook to surf the web as mush as i want it to be networked to the imac so i can play diablo2 with my husband on the LAN. and i want to be able to use the printer thru the powerbook.

    nothing's going right, is it?
  • Reply 84 of 114
    mac's girl...be SURE that the ethernet cable says it is a crossover cable. A regular cable passes the signals straight through (what goes in Pin 1, comes out Pin 1, etc.) but a crossover cable switches the order inside the connectors so that you can connect like pieces of hardware to each other, such as two computers or two hubs.
  • Reply 85 of 114
    not sure if the new iMacs are the same way, but i know the dual usb iBook's ethernet port is smart enough to set up the cable as either a crossover or reg. cable, depending on what's needed.

  • Reply 86 of 114
    [quote]Originally posted by Barvow:

    <strong>mac's girl...be SURE that the ethernet cable says it is a crossover cable. A regular cable passes the signals straight through (what goes in Pin 1, comes out Pin 1, etc.) but a crossover cable switches the order inside the connectors so that you can connect like pieces of hardware to each other, such as two computers or two hubs.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    dang it, ive got lots of patch cables but no crossover cables. hi ho, hi ho, its back to microcenter i go...

    should i plug it in and see if stuff blows up?............nah. not today, anyway.
  • Reply 87 of 114
    [quote]Originally posted by mac's girl:


    dang it, ive got lots of patch cables but no crossover cables. hi ho, hi ho, its back to microcenter i go...

    should i plug it in and see if stuff blows up?............nah. not today, anyway.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    mac's girl...although I can't vouch for what Alcimedes suggested, that the ethernet port would recognize the configuration needed to make it work, you probably won't blow anything up trying.

    If the powerbook ethernet ports can do that, surely the new iMac would, too. Does anyone else know about this for sure?
  • Reply 88 of 114
    This URL has a good technical summary of the new iMac:

    <a href="http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/hardware/Developer_Notes/Macintosh_CPUs-G4/iMac/index.html"; target="_blank">http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/hardware/Developer_Notes/Macintosh_CPUs-G4/iMac/index.html</a>;

    Under "Devices and Ports", "Ethernet port" it shows the pinout of the Ethernet connector, with transmit & receive pins marked. Maybe the firmware or software could dynamically swap those, but it doesn't mention that. I would guess that a crossover cable is required for direct connection between two computers.
  • Reply 89 of 114
    [quote]Originally posted by Paul S.:


    Under "Devices and Ports", "Ethernet port" it shows the pinout of the Ethernet connector, with transmit & receive pins marked. Maybe the firmware or software could dynamically swap those, but it doesn't mention that. I would guess that a crossover cable is required for direct connection between two computers.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Paul S. ...thanks for the information.

    mac's girl...did you ever try the cables you had or go get a crossover cable?
  • Reply 90 of 114
    All new Macs introed after the last iBook revision should automatically perform the cross over function so that the cross over cable wouldn't be needed. YMMV, but I know this is true for the iBook and TiBook, and it doesn't make sense for Apple not to do the same for the iMac and Power Mac.
  • Reply 91 of 114
    [quote]Originally posted by Barvow:


    Paul S. ...thanks for the information.

    mac's girl...did you ever try the cables you had or go get a crossover cable?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    i asked someone at apple, and she (and she was a dum-dum) said i had to use a crossover cable only. anyway, i didnt run out and buy one cuz now i'm trying to see if i can network the two macs thru the router. i finally got online with both of them at the same time, but im still trying to figure out how to swap files.
  • Reply 92 of 114
    taqtaq Posts: 76member
    If your files are big and both macs have firewire, go that route. the speed is awesome. you should be able to access your networked machines even if there is no network access. In OSX do a command K under the finder. I should appear under local network. If not then activate appletalk on both machines (make sure you do it under ethernet and not modem or airport) and select appletalk. Your macs should show up. Otherwise figure out their ip addresses and type them in. Good luck.
  • Reply 93 of 114
    [quote]Originally posted by Taq:

    <strong>In OSX do a command K under the finder. I should appear under local network. If not then activate appletalk on both machines (make sure you do it under ethernet and not modem or airport) and select appletalk. Your macs should show up. Otherwise figure out their ip addresses and type them in. Good luck.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    hi!i have ethernet on in both machines and set to appletalk. i tried control-k from OS X and it didnt find anything to connect to. even when i typed in the IP address, it couldnt find it. i think something must not be set right in the powerbook thats running OS 8.6. but i cant figure out what it is.
  • Reply 94 of 114
    mac's girl...see if this step by step explanation might help on the older mac:<a href="http://www.macsonly.com/ethernet.html"; target="_blank">link</a>

    You may have gone through all this before you had a problem.

    [ 02-14-2002: Message edited by: Barvow ]</p>
  • Reply 95 of 114
    ijerryijerry Posts: 615member
    Hey G, just wanted to say thank you for all of the picks and info. From the looks of it I would say you live in either Albuquerque or Santa Fe. anyway I was looking at one of your screen shots with a picture of the outdoors where you live, and the dock was at the bottom. Looks great, but I thought you might want to make the dock Transparent, all of your apps will dtill be at the bottom, but instead of that Big White box, you will just see your screen...Anyway here is the link to download...<a href="http://www.aquafiles.com/cgi-bin/aquafiles/jump.cgi?ID=696"; target="_blank">web page</a>
  • Reply 96 of 114
    between albuquerque and santa fe...thanks for the heads up on the dock....g

    how are the winds up there???
  • Reply 97 of 114
    ijerryijerry Posts: 615member
    windy as always, cant wait to go down your way for the summer, I need a little culture and food again. BTW, you are sooo lucky.
  • Reply 98 of 114
    i've been following this thread while waiting for my iMac to arrive - woo wee - it has now! thanks gelding and all for letting me live vicariously through you guys!

    so here's my pics and stuff

    <a href="http://www.insomedia.com/portabledesktop"; target="_blank">web page</a>


    <a href="http://homepage.mac.com/flashgoirl/PhotoAlbum3.html"; target="_blank">web page</a>

    hope you guys like them.

    thanks again for all the great reports!

  • Reply 99 of 114
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by flashgoirl:

    <strong>i've been following this thread while waiting for my iMac to arrive - woo wee - it has now! thanks gelding and all for letting me live vicariously through you guys!

    so here's my pics and stuff

    <a href="http://www.insomedia.com/portabledesktop"; target="_blank">web page</a>


    <a href="http://homepage.mac.com/flashgoirl/PhotoAlbum3.html"; target="_blank">web page</a>

    hope you guys like them.

    thanks again for all the great reports!

    *flashgoirl* </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Interesting desk. It's great with the iMac.
  • Reply 100 of 114
    Well, I know speed has always been a concern for me. I plan to use photoshop lightly do lots of programming and work in unix quite a bit. BUT, I have been with a 9500/400(G4 upgrade) for 7 years, so this iMac will be a dream come true. Its all a matter of perspective
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