Red vs. Blue...which states will change in '04 election?



  • Reply 21 of 29

    Originally posted by Kirkland

    If the people vote for the guy who they think is most trustworthy, why did Clinton clobber Bob Dole in 1996?

    I think it's because they trusted him with the economy.
  • Reply 22 of 29
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member

    If the people vote for the guy who they think is most trustworthy, why did Clinton clobber Bob Dole in 1996?

    if he's not in the white house he might move next door to your daughter!
  • Reply 23 of 29
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    I think there's plenty of evidence that Bush says one thing than does another.

    No child left behind. UNFUNDED.

    Medicare. UNFUNDED

    Protecting the environtment. Then opening up our national forrests and reserves to lumber and energy interests.

    That tireless search for Osama? Can't catch him if you're looking in IRAQ.

    The list goes ON and ON.

    Come on chu, come back to reality...

    No Child Left Behind.... largest federal education program ever, but still smaller than ol'Ted Kennedy wanted and has the dreaded unfunded federal testing mandate. To the average person though it is a lot of cash toward education

    Medicare... largest single increase in spending EVER. I say this as the guy that DOESN'T want the government buying prescription drugs. However to call it unfunded is insane.

    Protecting the environment. The thinning of the forests is a good thing. Ask all the Californians who watched half the state burn.

    Osama, with Saddam down, Bush can claim it is a matter of time.

  • Reply 24 of 29
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member

    Originally posted by Kirkland

    Florida will likely go to Bush regardless of the Democratic nominee. New York and California will not, unless the Democrats were to nominate Dennis Kucinich.

    whats wrong with dennis... I'm sure he could get the vote in NY at least...
  • Reply 25 of 29
    Kucinich is so far left he wouldn't get a single vote in upstate New York, and you need more than the City to win the state. The only way a Kucinich ticket could win New York is if his veep was Hillary Clinton.

    Dennis is almost as far removed from the political center in this country as the Greens.
  • Reply 26 of 29
    Actually No Child Left Behind requires states to meet testing standards without supplying the states with the funds to create the required tests.

    Also it penalizes schools that perform badly. Making poor schools poorer. Sorry. UNDERfunded.

    At Best, Bush Plan Covers Only 20 Percent of Expected Costs for Seniors. Bush's plan devotes $400 billion for Medicare prescription drugs over ten years, however this amount would cover, at best, only 21.7 percent of seniors' projected costs, which are projected to be $1.84 trillion over the same ten year period. In February 2003, Congress and Bush approved $54 billion in increased Medicare payments to doctors and hospitals; according to a report by the Washington Post those funds will also come out of the $400 billion budget allotment for Medicare, leaving actually $346 billion for prescription drugs. [White House Fact Sheet, 3/3/03; Families USA, Analysis of President's Budget, 2/7/03,; Washington Post, 2/16/ UNDERfunded.

    Gray Davis requested more federal funds for clearing growth BEFORE the fires... of course he was turned down.

    Bush's new TIMBER! law is basically deregualtion of the national forrests. It expedites and limits any attempts to stop cutting through environmental impact studies or court appeals. The logging companies LOVE that.
  • Reply 27 of 29
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Protecting the environment. The thinning of the forests is a good thing. Ask all the Californians who watched half the state burn.

    Nature doesn't intend for tons of folks to build their houses in the middle of the woods. Forest fires are natural, but because we are inhabiting these forests, we do everything we can to prevent them from catching fire. As time passes, forests naturally add more and more natural burnable material as we try more and more to keep a fire from starting. Of course, eventually one does start and everything goes to hell.

    Changing the forests to accomodate US and our ways is a bad move, and it certainly does not protect the environment.
  • Reply 28 of 29
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member

    Originally posted by Blue Shift

    Mark my words!

    Whether you agree or disagree with him, like or dislike him, Bush has a spine. He stood up, said what he had to say, and followed through in an unwavering manner - despite scathing WORLD criticism. Dean, as many of his Democratic rivals have already pointed out, has been all over the map - and just with regards to Iraq. Dean very soon, will also have to make a sprint to the right if he wishes for any chance of success in the general election.. and this is where he will automaticaly lose.

    You seem to be the victim of listening to only conservative rhetoric and one point of view. I am as liberal as they come, and I visit daily and , yet I also am sure to listen to and read conservative commentators as well as, of course, standard news sources. My point here is that if you were to investigate sources other than your right-wing talk shows, you would realize you are making absurd claims, specifically that Dean has been "all over the map" regarding the war, when in fact he is the only democratic candidate who has opposed it from the start, and he remains steadfast in his opposition despite some pro-war momentum after capturing Saddam.

    My point isn't to disprove what you said, but rather that I feel too many people become so obsessed with their own point of view that they never expose themselves to opposing viewpoints except when criticizing a sound byte.
  • Reply 29 of 29

    Originally posted by progmac

    You seem to be the victim of listening to only conservative rhetoric and one point of view. I am as liberal as they come, and I visit daily and , yet I also am sure to listen to and read conservative commentators as well as, of course, standard news sources. My point here is that if you were to investigate sources other than your right-wing talk shows, you would realize you are making absurd claims, specifically that Dean has been "all over the map" regarding the war, when in fact he is the only democratic candidate who has opposed it from the start, and he remains steadfast in his opposition despite some pro-war momentum after capturing Saddam.

    My point isn't to disprove what you said, but rather that I feel too many people become so obsessed with their own point of view that they never expose themselves to opposing viewpoints except when criticizing a sound byte.

    You're wrong.

    You'd be surprised, but I rarely if ever watch or listen to "conservative" talk shows. My views are my own, and are arrived at independently through my own observations. It will be pure coincidence if they might resemble something someone on a conservative talk shows might have said.


    Originally posted by Blue Shift

    Dean, as many of his Democratic rivals have already pointed out, has been all over the map - and just with regards to Iraq.

    Don't take my word for it. Watch the NBC democratic debate.
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