


  • Reply 41 of 76
    If you know, I'm askin'!
  • Reply 42 of 76
    I'm starting to learn, actually that is one of the main benefits I plan to get out of working at the bookstore.
  • Reply 43 of 76
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Randycat99

    If you know, I'm askin'!

    Upsale is how companies advertise a very low price and then via options and add-ons get the folks to the actual price the company wishes to charge for it. Since they were sucked in by the lower price, they are partially already bought in. Likewise it gives you a way to justify what someone else spent and why someone else will pay more. (Well their website had a maximum of 25 images to prep, however it appears you would likely need our 50-100 image option)

    It is just basic salesmanship. If you want to see a great example of it, act naive and go get your oil changed at an Econolube and Tube and things of that nature, they are masters of it. So is pretty much any place that takes pictures of kids. Apple isn't half bad at it themselves. (Do I really need to spend $1000 more to get the superdrive on the laptop, etc.)

  • Reply 44 of 76
    yeah actually wal-mart is evil yes you're right....

    you're not allowed to unionize... they don't exactly pay for your benefits.... you don't have any say in your hour scheduling most of the time... and you don't a discount, and they never give you a full 40 hour work week, not to mention all the stress it is in a retail environment, my heart goes out to all wal-mart employees.

    also its so strange, incidentally my best friend from HS worked at a Sam's he's making a whopping 11 an hour think he's worked there SIX years, starting from minimum wage at the time 4 something he thinks its high dollar! I think its so strange. They sucked the drive, and want out of him, like living in a communist country ran by a cult for a month if you ask me. I can't get him to realize there's so much more in the world
  • Reply 45 of 76
    This thread got me thinking.....

    I did some searches for retail type or sales jobs in my area here in Dallas Fort Worth and I was surprised to find some pretty good paying jobs.

    Check out this link to Ultimate Electronics

    Ultimate Electronics Details on Pay for Sales Position

    Ultimate Electronics Home Link

    Not too bad.

  • Reply 46 of 76
    ahh another bigbox... personally i can't stand it I wish local small businesses got the same tax incentives and everything as the big boxes.

    It was ultimate electronics with combonation of fry's and best buy that put many of my clients out of business.
  • Reply 47 of 76

    Originally posted by kraig911

    ahh another bigbox... personally i can't stand it I wish local small businesses got the same tax incentives and everything as the big boxes.

    It was ultimate electronics with combonation of fry's and best buy that put many of my clients out of business.

    Big box stores get tax incentives?
  • Reply 48 of 76
    oh yeah.... big box sometimes get big tax breaks... like not having to pay as much tax on land value or other things... cities try to do this to attract big businesses to towns, so taht their population will have employment... its a popular ploy. When toyota is going to move into San Antonio south of here, SA offered to not require them to pay some education tax... toyota refused, and actually donated a lot of money to the local school district...

    another thing I can't stand about wal-mart... has anyone seen that special x-mas commercial they did about having school kids do chores around their town, to earn money to buy kids... and then go to wal-mart to buy the stuff... gah I can't stand taht... Wal-mart should have given them the toys in the first place... or match thier money dollar for dollar.

    Wal-mart is nothing but a corporation of greedy bastards, employing chinese people at .24 cents an hour, and reaming american businesses, and its own employees for stock success. I hope it fails.
  • Reply 49 of 76
    Chinese people? (I betta get my a$$ down there, then )
  • Reply 50 of 76
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Sounds like we should buy Wal-Mart stock.
  • Reply 51 of 76

    Originally posted by kraig911

    oh yeah.... big box sometimes get big tax breaks... like not having to pay as much tax on land value or other things...

    Interesting. I know P-town gives big tax incentives to little guys. . . trying to fight the virus that hit the rest of central Jersey starting in the 50's. And, more or less, it seems to have worked.

    Plus, it's hard to get a liquor license, so everywhere is BYOB. . . Few things annoy me more than paying $16 for a bottle of Woodbridge.
  • Reply 52 of 76

    Originally posted by kraig911

    oh yeah.... big box sometimes get big tax breaks... like not having to pay as much tax on land value or other things... cities try to do this to attract big businesses to towns, so taht their population will have employment... its a popular ploy. When toyota is going to move into San Antonio south of here, SA offered to not require them to pay some education tax... toyota refused, and actually donated a lot of money to the local school district...

    another thing I can't stand about wal-mart... has anyone seen that special x-mas commercial they did about having school kids do chores around their town, to earn money to buy kids... and then go to wal-mart to buy the stuff... gah I can't stand taht... Wal-mart should have given them the toys in the first place... or match thier money dollar for dollar.

    Wal-mart is nothing but a corporation of greedy bastards, employing chinese people at .24 cents an hour, and reaming american businesses, and its own employees for stock success. I hope it fails.

    One area where I disagree with you is "who is to blame?"

    I blame consumers who shop at wal-mart.

    The greed is found with the consumers trying to buy the cheapest thing for the cheapest price.

  • Reply 53 of 76
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    that's one of a few reasons that i won't shop at WalMart.
  • Reply 54 of 76
    Consumers are to blame? Damn greedy poor people! Who do they think they are? Can't they just reside their fate and starve more and wear rags like a dignified "pov"?
  • Reply 55 of 76

    Originally posted by Randycat99

    Consumers are to blame? Damn greedy poor people! Who do they think they are? Can't they just reside their fate and starve more and wear rags like a dignified "pov"?

    You can't have it both ways Randycat99.

    Of course people shop at wal-mart for their low prices. Wal-mart provides these low prices by keeping costs down.

    I find it funny how people pick on wal-mart for paying low wages.

    People pay low prices when they shop there for crying out loud. To mention paying a higher price for goods and services is a no no with you?

    How can you have your cake and eat it too? Please tell me how you could open up and run a business and pay well and provide low costs as Wal-Mart does.

    You can't.

  • Reply 56 of 76

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    You can't have it both ways Randycat99.

    Of course people shop at wal-mart for their low prices. Wal-mart provides these low prices by keeping costs down.

    I find it funny how people pick on wal-mart for paying low wages.

    People pay low prices when they shop there for crying out loud. To mention paying a higher price for goods and services is a no no with you?

    How can you have your cake and eat it too? Please tell me how you could open up and run a business and pay well and provide low costs as Wal-Mart does.

    You can't.


    at what cost fellowship? lower prices = lower human decency then IS that what your saying.. please forgive me to imply putting words in your mouth, but thats how I read your post.

    Its simple you shop at alternatives.

    Who is the biggest importer/seller of chinese goods? Wal-mart... and with the fallacy of their made in the USA campaign, only the tag probably being made in the USA. Another thing I hate is how they operate now has been an example of how to run an american business... make it all overseas import it, and then sell it.
  • Reply 57 of 76

    Originally posted by kraig911

    at what cost fellowship? lower prices = lower human decency then IS that what your saying.. please forgive me to imply putting words in your mouth, but thats how I read your post.

    Its simple you shop at alternatives.

    Who is the biggest importer/seller of chinese goods? Wal-mart... and with the fallacy of their made in the USA campaign, only the tag probably being made in the USA. Another thing I hate is how they operate now has been an example of how to run an american business... make it all overseas import it, and then sell it.

    I agree with your post. Lower prices do lead us down a bad bad path indeed.

    And for Chinese goods you can look at wal-mart, Target, Toys R Us, and most other retailers.

    Welcome to the age of imports.

    Same things with cheap imported cars. Kia, Daewoo, Hyundai and the like.

  • Reply 58 of 76
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by kraig911

    at what cost fellowship? lower prices = lower human decency then IS that what your saying.. please forgive me to imply putting words in your mouth, but thats how I read your post.

    Its simple you shop at alternatives.

    How the hell is someone shopping supposed to know that when they buy soap at WalMart they're contributing to a horrible company?

    The government has to be involved at some level. A rational human being knows that the government does a reasonable job of keeping people from hurting each other. They have to be able to assume that the government uses the same due dilligence when dealing with coorporations.

    The failure is with the government. If the government is going to set any limits, they need to be universal. The government is lopsided though, in favor of business.
  • Reply 59 of 76

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    You can't have it both ways Randycat99.

    I never asked it to be so. The bottomline is that if you need to stretch your dollar to make ends meet, you do what you have to. No one else is going to look after you or thank you for shopping where the prices are higher (not the people working in Walmart, not the rich people who live on the other side of town, not the Ma & Pa grocery store, not the government). If you can afford to shop elsewhere, by all means, do so, but that doesn't justify your looking down your nose at everyone else who doesn't. Not everyone is as blessed as you, unfortunately.
  • Reply 60 of 76
    Capital is a great equalizer.

    Similar arguments could have been made regards Japan or Taiwan of a couple of decades ago that are leveled at China or India today.
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