Terror Alert Moves to High, Orange.



  • Reply 201 of 276
    Excessive use of the smilies puts his resolve in even further doubt, IMO. His "finishing blow" employs a "dare you to not have the last word" game??? Hysterical! It's "case closed" alright, but certainly not in jimmac's favor, based on what has been presented here. Now where is that "jimmac owned" gif?...
  • Reply 202 of 276
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by Randycat99

    Excessive use of the smilies puts his resolve in even further doubt, IMO. It's "case closed" alright, but certainly not in jimmac's favor, based on what has been presented here...

    I wondered if I was the only one that noticed.

    I actually thought maybe I was reading things wrong, maybe some kind of common sense dyslexia, if you will.

    i kinda got that he was that way. He and Giant seem to to be birds of a feather. Although giant tries to overwhelm you with his overabundance of reading experience.

    As far as common sense, don't bother bringing that in. I will agree on that.
  • Reply 203 of 276
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    You're not trying to argue with....JIMMAC, are you? There is your first mistake. See, jimmac will never be defeated, because he doesn't care about logic, reason, empirical data or even common sense. Jimmac loves to post things like this:

    On the economy: "[things might get better for awhile, but then they'll just slide right back...I've seen this happen with republican administrations over and over throughout my life]"

    Of course, jimmac is unable to provide any evidence to support his claims. He has consistently argued against anything that might help the President politically...even arguing that such things exist or are happening at all. He truly cannot see what unbelievably bad shape the Democratic party is in... and whether one is a Democrat or not that much must be admitted. He truly cannot see how bad Dean is for the party, and how Bush's advantages in the upcoming election are absolutely huge. In other words, he cannot separate his personal feelings from his predictions of outcomes and perceptions of politcal reality.

    I did realize that he was that way, I kept it going just to let him dig his hole deeper.

    Like I said to him, it drives me nuts, personally when people state things so blatantly skewed as fact. I will read a thread and try to see things as others do until it turns ridiculous. I can't help myself. i need to say something, if only to let them know they can't get away with it completely, without being questioned. I will do that to all viewpoints.

    As far as Bush's advantages, he may be vulnerable to the Nuclear end of the WMD thing, (just because of the far left's overkill of that one part, and ignoring the others.) I am not sure to what factor though. I also think he can't be too cocky. That might hurt him.

    I would really like to see him come on the TV and say, "Due to the state the world is in and the time requirements of my office, I will not be campaigning against my Democratic Rivals. I will be spending my time and great effort in fighting terrorism and protecting this land, as the constitution dictates I do. I will be donating $30 million dollars from my campaign fund to a new fund promoting security in Iraq to be used by the Iraqi people for security forces. $30 million will also go to a fund for education in this country..."

    I think that would synch it for him. The dems would go into convulsions for months maybe years. That won't happen but I think he could pull it off. It would be must see TV.
  • Reply 204 of 276
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    I really think this thread should be renamed "NaplesX vs Jimmac : Cage Match 2003". Jimmac has tried to end this thread on at least four different occasions as if he'd won an intellectual battle.....not realizing this thread has gone so far OT that it's just become a street brawl. Nothing's been settled - this is Troll Town at this point.

    C'mon guys, let it end.

    If I were a Mod I'd say "Case Open, Thread Closed".

    Jimminy Christmas, LET IT END - or get it back On Topic!

  • Reply 205 of 276
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by drewprops

    I really think this thread should be renamed "NaplesX vs Jimmac : Cage Match 2003". Jimmac has tried to end this thread on at least four different occasions as if he'd won an intellectual battle.....not realizing this thread has gone so far OT that it's just become a street brawl. Nothing's been settled - this is Troll Town at this point.

    C'mon guys, let it end.

    If I were a Mod I'd say "Case Open, Thread Closed".

    Jimminy Christmas, LET IT END - or get it back On Topic!

    I was waiting for someone to say that.

    Sorry, it just seems that every thread becomes a pile on bush bash, and I have to call people to task on their claims.

    On topic, I have seen a ton of terror plot news since the alert level has been upped.

    Looks like DHS has got their hands full.

    Any interesting tidbits?
  • Reply 206 of 276
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member

    Originally posted by xenu

    As someone else said, huh?

    I am talking about reports that are shown to lead nowhere.

    Not just once, but again, and again.

    Got to love all that knee jerking.

    Intel is not a science, it's an art. Plus with our lack of sources and on-ground assets, I'd rather that we err on the side of caution rather than be caught totally unprepared.

    If raising the Threat Level to Orange prompts an American Citizen to pack a pistol (in a Concealed Carry state) while she goes shopping and that Citizen puts down a scumbag spraying a shopping mall with an AK-47, then I don't care how many false alarms precede that event.

    Aries 1B
  • Reply 207 of 276
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by Aries 1B

    Intel is not a science, it's an art. Plus with our lack of sources and on-ground assets, I'd rather that we err on the side of caution rather than be caught totally unprepared.

    If raising the Threat Level to Orange prompts an American Citizen to pack a pistol (in a Concealed Carry state) while she goes shopping and that Citizen puts down a scumbag spraying a shopping mall with an AK-47, then I don't care how many false alarms precede that event.

    Aries 1B

    Does everyone remember or care to see the fuss that was and is being made over what was or was not known about 9/11, after it happened?

    Can you imagine being a POTUS if another event happened and there was no form of alert system in place or if it is at the all clear level, especially in this instant access age? Political heads will roll.
  • Reply 208 of 276
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member

    Originally posted by jimmac

    Come on NaplesX! No one's listening anymore.

    I know I'm not.

    I'm listening very closely, NaplesX. You are providing very crucial evidence. Very nice work.

    Aries 1B

  • Reply 209 of 276
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by Aries 1B

    I'm listening very closely, NaplesX. You are providing very crucial evidence. Very nice work.

    Aries 1B

    Well thanks.

    Just using the billions of bits of information out there to debunk misinformation.

  • Reply 210 of 276
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    Well thanks.

    Just using the billions of bits of information out there to debunk misinformation.

    And that's a good thing to do, of course.

    Still, I'd rather encourage (and have been encouraging) the liberals to really bond with their candidates and to believe in their infallibility, to blend with them in a metaphysical sense...

    ...so that when GWB is re-elected to the Presidency some of these Democratic Spinners





    "That", said Aries 1B, "is a sound that I simply must hear...."

    Aries 1B
  • Reply 211 of 276
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    You have outlined your positions, but you have not explained them.

    I have posed questions and you have ignored them and stated only "Case closed".

    Is that how you gain allies to your cause?

    Yup! You sound just like SDW. Total denial.
  • Reply 212 of 276

    this really is the most pointless thread ever....more Kool-Aid please!
  • Reply 213 of 276
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by jimmac

    Yup! You sound just like SDW. Total denial.

    NaplesX - 12-25-2003 04:52 PM - brought up possibility of finding Nuclear WMD.

    jimmac - 12-25-2003 04:52 PM - too late for that - Implies that I was a partisan.

    NaplesX - 12-25-2003 05:15 PM - asked to justify partisan implication - id him as lib

    jimmac - 12-25-2003 05:44 PM - imminent threat, "That's all you need to know", war based on nothing, "...no other conclusion you can draw...", GWB is dangerous, "By the way I'm registered independent."

    NaplesX - 12-25-2003 06:08 PM - pointed out parallel with dem talking points

    NaplesX - 12-25-2003 06:26 PM - posed issue to be faced if/when WMD found - cited Kay report - pointed out additional reasons GWB gave for war.

    jimmac - 12-25-2003 07:58 PM - hahahahahahahahahah! - a full attempt to marginalize me - "wool over our eyes?" - brought up N. Korea

    jimmac - 12-25-2003 08:07 PM - Direct threat argument. "Remember his missiles only had a range of about 600 miles."

    NaplesX - 12-25-2003 11:00 PM - 9/11 was declaration of war on us - Iraq likely ally with al-qaeda - link to Korean ballistic missile - referenced Kay report - pointed out assumption of special knowledge of classified intel - inability of POTUS to reveal intel to defend self.

    NaplesX - 12-25-2003 11:56 PM - pointed out 17 countries in 600 mile range of mentioned missiles. - pointed out obligation to allies and citizens in region

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 12:13 AM - posted link to site based on unscom data

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 01:50 AM - repeated direct threat argument

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 01:52 AM - "It's easy to find private sites that go along with your opinion" ... "Try again." - partisan accusation

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 02:15 AM - SH nothing to do with 9/11 - "And no rags spewing speculation presented as fact!" - no evidence from inspections - restate deployment issue - "Try again"

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 09:31 AM - pointed to UNSCOM based site not private speculation - questioned opinion on what ADMIN had to stage elaborate hoax? - requested he present argument in a non partisan manner.

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 09:41 AM - pointed out argument relies on implications

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 01:36 PM - brought up tax-cut, deficit and lost surplus due to bush

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 01:50 PM - war sold on falsehood - direct threat - "global war and global terrorism are two very different things."

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 02:42 PM - pleaded for possible agenda of GWB was again

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 02:51 PM - pointed out that surplus was "projected" not real or current

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 03:28 PM - bush not good with economics - "I can only guess but I feel it's pretty accurate." - war a detraction from economy - appear as strong leader

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 03:30 PM - "Doesn't matter we were closer to it than we had been in 30 years! Too bad we didn't get the chance to experience it."

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 04:02 PM - fact matter not to jimmac

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 04:11 PM - pointed out guessing thing - pointed to current economic rebound due to tax-cuts, bush promised before election answer to then failing economy.

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 04:39 PM - "Yes I'm guessing but it's really the most likely." - job growth - deficit will rise

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 10:36 PM - commended him for being honest about guessing - asked for reasonable explanations

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 12:56 PM - quotes NaplesX - "You may be slippery and can dance around the subject in order to distract from the main issue almost as good as SDW. But you can't get away with it."

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 01:01 PM - pointed out using opinion as argument rather than assumed facts

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 01:09 PM - "Ok, all my previous posts are my opinion ( but certainly are based on the facts we have ). Satisfied?" - direct threat - "End of story"

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 01:38 PM - point out SOU speech - ignoring facts

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 02:29 PM - quotes bunge saying "Not because he says so, he says so because it's true."

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 02:31 PM - direct threat

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 02:45 PM - pointed to Monsoor Ijaz detailing possible proof of WMD - stated opinion that Iran plays a big part in WMD info

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 04:44 PM - dismisses Ijaz' credibility - wants to see cache of WMD and delivery systems - "Nothing short of that will excuse this war."

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 05:42 PM - posted link as to Ijaz' credentials

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 07:08 PM - attempt to marginalize Foxnews - denies any hint of WMDs - implies WMD's never existed.

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 07:34 PM - suggest we will know plight of WMD within a year - suggest let facts come in

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 08:11 PM - WMD argument important for election results

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 10:04 PM - ask for explination of motives again

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 10:07 PM - wait until all facts are in

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 10:13 PM - "This might be all we get and right now he looks guilty as hell."

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 10:16 PM - Compares clinton to bush

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 10:17 PM - "Please. Your democrat compatriots will not let that happen. I guess through "bush hating glasses" he looks like the devil too."

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 10:18 PM - "Well considering what he's done to this country so far....."

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 10:23 PM - points out obvious parroting of partisan talking points

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 10:27 PM - "Oh geez you're so transparent. Waiting until I left so you could get one more jab in."

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 10:39 PM - quotes SOU speech reguarding threat of WMD in terrorist hands

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 10:40 PM - "Saddam didn't have any way to attack us in a way that constitutes a threat." - stated bush did not mention attacks on states in region as reason for aggression

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 10:43 PM - refers to previous quote from SOU

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 11:00 PM - Posted link to Middle East Intel Bulletin website - that explains in detail events leading up to war

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 11:02 PM - posts quotes from different bush speech without referring them.

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 11:37 PM - asks for where quotes came from

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 11:52 PM - points to website who also does not provide references - implies they are from many speaches

    NaplesX - 12-28-2003 12:51 AM - after research finds quotes are from Cincinnati speech - rebuts each with proof supporting Bush from Kay report

    jimmac - 12-28-2003 01:10 AM - "Yes we know he had some of these things to make WOMD at one time. These aren't complete weapons. Where are they now? And how would this have posed a threat to us?"

    NaplesX - 12-28-2003 01:29 AM - asked if he read the Kay report.

    jimmac - 12-28-2003 03:36 AM - quotes about not finding stockpiles

    jimmac - 12-28-2003 05:36 AM - quotes washington post article

    NaplesX - 12-28-2003 09:19 AM - after research found article to be accepted widely as lies

    NaplesX - 12-28-2003 11:46 AM - points to Front Page Magazine's dishonorable mention of washington post due to inaccurate reporting

    jimmac - 12-28-2003 02:37 PM - attemp to marginalise NYT article as just an editorial not based on fact - implies naplesx is right winger - "Come on NaplesX! No one's listening anymore."

    jimmac - 12-28-2003 02:39 PM - employs the "dare you to not have the last word game

    NaplesX - 12-28-2003 05:52 PM - explained political leanings and pet peeves - asked questions regarding special knowledge of WMD - criticized effort to linch pres based on bias.

    jimmac - 12-28-2003 06:33 PM - "I knew you couldn't resist! Look you're just simply wrong about this. Many have already outlined why. Case closed!"

    Your right. I am sorry I tried to deny the obvious. You win. I am going out tomorrow and registering democrat and joining the Dean election campaign.

    Thank you for steering me right. (or should I say left)
  • Reply 214 of 276
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    NaplesX - 12-25-2003 04:52 PM - brought up possibility of finding Nuclear WMD.

    jimmac - 12-25-2003 04:52 PM - too late for that - Implies that I was a partisan.

    NaplesX - 12-25-2003 05:15 PM - asked to justify partisan implication - id him as lib

    jimmac - 12-25-2003 05:44 PM - imminent threat, "That's all you need to know", war based on nothing, "...no other conclusion you can draw...", GWB is dangerous, "By the way I'm registered independent."

    NaplesX - 12-25-2003 06:08 PM - pointed out parallel with dem talking points

    NaplesX - 12-25-2003 06:26 PM - posed issue to be faced if/when WMD found - cited Kay report - pointed out additional reasons GWB gave for war.

    jimmac - 12-25-2003 07:58 PM - hahahahahahahahahah! - a full attempt to marginalize me - "wool over our eyes?" - brought up N. Korea

    jimmac - 12-25-2003 08:07 PM - Direct threat argument. "Remember his missiles only had a range of about 600 miles."

    NaplesX - 12-25-2003 11:00 PM - 9/11 was declaration of war on us - Iraq likely ally with al-qaeda - link to Korean ballistic missile - referenced Kay report - pointed out assumption of special knowledge of classified intel - inability of POTUS to reveal intel to defend self.

    NaplesX - 12-25-2003 11:56 PM - pointed out 17 countries in 600 mile range of mentioned missiles. - pointed out obligation to allies and citizens in region

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 12:13 AM - posted link to site based on unscom data

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 01:50 AM - repeated direct threat argument

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 01:52 AM - "It's easy to find private sites that go along with your opinion" ... "Try again." - partisan accusation

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 02:15 AM - SH nothing to do with 9/11 - "And no rags spewing speculation presented as fact!" - no evidence from inspections - restate deployment issue - "Try again"

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 09:31 AM - pointed to UNSCOM based site not private speculation - questioned opinion on what ADMIN had to stage elaborate hoax? - requested he present argument in a non partisan manner.

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 09:41 AM - pointed out argument relies on implications

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 01:36 PM - brought up tax-cut, deficit and lost surplus due to bush

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 01:50 PM - war sold on falsehood - direct threat - "global war and global terrorism are two very different things."

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 02:42 PM - pleaded for possible agenda of GWB was again

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 02:51 PM - pointed out that surplus was "projected" not real or current

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 03:28 PM - bush not good with economics - "I can only guess but I feel it's pretty accurate." - war a detraction from economy - appear as strong leader

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 03:30 PM - "Doesn't matter we were closer to it than we had been in 30 years! Too bad we didn't get the chance to experience it."

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 04:02 PM - fact matter not to jimmac

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 04:11 PM - pointed out guessing thing - pointed to current economic rebound due to tax-cuts, bush promised before election answer to then failing economy.

    jimmac - 12-26-2003 04:39 PM - "Yes I'm guessing but it's really the most likely." - job growth - deficit will rise

    NaplesX - 12-26-2003 10:36 PM - commended him for being honest about guessing - asked for reasonable explanations

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 12:56 PM - quotes NaplesX - "You may be slippery and can dance around the subject in order to distract from the main issue almost as good as SDW. But you can't get away with it."

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 01:01 PM - pointed out using opinion as argument rather than assumed facts

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 01:09 PM - "Ok, all my previous posts are my opinion ( but certainly are based on the facts we have ). Satisfied?" - direct threat - "End of story"

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 01:38 PM - point out SOU speech - ignoring facts

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 02:29 PM - quotes bunge saying "Not because he says so, he says so because it's true."

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 02:31 PM - direct threat

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 02:45 PM - pointed to Monsoor Ijaz detailing possible proof of WMD - stated opinion that Iran plays a big part in WMD info

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 04:44 PM - dismisses Ijaz' credibility - wants to see cache of WMD and delivery systems - "Nothing short of that will excuse this war."

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 05:42 PM - posted link as to Ijaz' credentials

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 07:08 PM - attempt to marginalize Foxnews - denies any hint of WMDs - implies WMD's never existed.

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 07:34 PM - suggest we will know plight of WMD within a year - suggest let facts come in

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 08:11 PM - WMD argument important for election results

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 10:04 PM - ask for explination of motives again

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 10:07 PM - wait until all facts are in

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 10:13 PM - "This might be all we get and right now he looks guilty as hell."

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 10:16 PM - Compares clinton to bush

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 10:17 PM - "Please. Your democrat compatriots will not let that happen. I guess through "bush hating glasses" he looks like the devil too."

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 10:18 PM - "Well considering what he's done to this country so far....."

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 10:23 PM - points out obvious parroting of partisan talking points

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 10:27 PM - "Oh geez you're so transparent. Waiting until I left so you could get one more jab in."

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 10:39 PM - quotes SOU speech reguarding threat of WMD in terrorist hands

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 10:40 PM - "Saddam didn't have any way to attack us in a way that constitutes a threat." - stated bush did not mention attacks on states in region as reason for aggression

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 10:43 PM - refers to previous quote from SOU

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 11:00 PM - Posted link to Middle East Intel Bulletin website - that explains in detail events leading up to war

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 11:02 PM - posts quotes from different bush speech without referring them.

    NaplesX - 12-27-2003 11:37 PM - asks for where quotes came from

    jimmac - 12-27-2003 11:52 PM - points to website who also does not provide references - implies they are from many speaches

    NaplesX - 12-28-2003 12:51 AM - after research finds quotes are from Cincinnati speech - rebuts each with proof supporting Bush from Kay report

    jimmac - 12-28-2003 01:10 AM - "Yes we know he had some of these things to make WOMD at one time. These aren't complete weapons. Where are they now? And how would this have posed a threat to us?"

    NaplesX - 12-28-2003 01:29 AM - asked if he read the Kay report.

    jimmac - 12-28-2003 03:36 AM - quotes about not finding stockpiles

    jimmac - 12-28-2003 05:36 AM - quotes washington post article

    NaplesX - 12-28-2003 09:19 AM - after research found article to be accepted widely as lies

    NaplesX - 12-28-2003 11:46 AM - points to Front Page Magazine's dishonorable mention of washington post due to inaccurate reporting

    jimmac - 12-28-2003 02:37 PM - attemp to marginalise NYT article as just an editorial not based on fact - implies naplesx is right winger - "Come on NaplesX! No one's listening anymore."

    jimmac - 12-28-2003 02:39 PM - employs the "dare you to not have the last word game

    NaplesX - 12-28-2003 05:52 PM - explained political leanings and pet peeves - asked questions regarding special knowledge of WMD - criticized effort to linch pres based on bias.

    jimmac - 12-28-2003 06:33 PM - "I knew you couldn't resist! Look you're just simply wrong about this. Many have already outlined why. Case closed!"

    Your right. I am sorry I tried to deny the obvious. You win. I am going out tomorrow and registering democrat and joining the Dean election campaign.

    Thank you for steering me right. (or should I say left)

    Good! You've made the right decision!

    Although it does seem you've got way too much time on your hands.
  • Reply 215 of 276
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by drewprops


    this really is the most pointless thread ever....more Kool-Aid please!

    Pointless I suppose because he lost the argument.

    A long time ago......
  • Reply 216 of 276
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    You're not trying to argue with....JIMMAC, are you? There is your first mistake. See, jimmac will never be defeated, because he doesn't care about logic, reason, empirical data or even common sense. Jimmac loves to post things like this:

    On the economy: "[things might get better for awhile, but then they'll just slide right back...I've seen this happen with republican administrations over and over throughout my life]"

    Of course, jimmac is unable to provide any evidence to support his claims. He has consistently argued against anything that might help the President politically...even arguing that such things exist or are happening at all. He truly cannot see what unbelievably bad shape the Democratic party is in... and whether one is a Democrat or not that much must be admitted. He truly cannot see how bad Dean is for the party, and how Bush's advantages in the upcoming election are absolutely huge. In other words, he cannot separate his personal feelings from his predictions of outcomes and perceptions of politcal reality.

    And of course you only pay attention to data that supports your claims. How typical.
  • Reply 217 of 276
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    alright, in an attempt to...

    a.) prevent this from becoming a naplesx vs. jinmac showdown thread (may be too late for that)

    b.) to somehow wrangle this thread back to something in the blast radius of its intent (sorry, sdw, i'll do what i can...)


    c.) introduce a little bit of levity to brighten the mood 'round here...

    the xmas holidays have come and gone, and nothing happened. do you want to know why? do you really want the honest truth? it wasn't because the terrorists saw "terror alert: high" on fox news. it wasn't that joe public was on the lookout...

    it was because they knew that trying to hijack a plane full of people who just had to spend the holidays with their in-laws would have to be the dumbest idea on earth. the collective lot of them would hogtie the son-of-a-bitch and rape him with every chia pet or clapper they recieved under the tree and had to smile and say "aw, how sweet!"

    they won't do it on new years, either... no one wants to f*ck with a drunk new york crowd.

    game. set. match.
  • Reply 218 of 276
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by jimmac

    Although it does seem you've got way too much time on your hands.

    Wow. No kidding. Too bad more of that time isn't spent actually researching.
  • Reply 219 of 276
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by Aries 1B

    Intel is not a science, it's an art.

    Easy now. Don't go regurgitating things you read in a little article somewhere. That's how you end up misunderstanding.

    Naples, you can't even spell Halliburton remotely correctly (and yet you bother to draw attention to this lack of knowledge but not actually find out how to do it correctly ). That demonstrates pretty clearly you level of knowledge on anything regarding the Iraq war, 9.11 or the bush admin in general. I mean, have you even researched the decades of political thought that brought us to this point?
  • Reply 220 of 276
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by giant

    Easy now. Don't go regurgitating things you read in a little article somewhere. That's how you end up misunderstanding.

    Naples, you can't even spell Halliburton remotely correctly (and yet you bother to draw attention to this lack of knowledge but not actually find out how to do it correctly ). That demonstrates pretty clearly you level of knowledge on anything regarding the Iraq war or even the bush admin in general.

    You love to bait people so you can do just that, don't you?

    I think that you and jimmac are just multiple personalities of the same person. I would love to debate you again but, as you and jimmac have both proven to me that you cannot conclude one argument without deflecting to another. It is a viscous circle and ends up going nowhere. That is your tactic anyway isn't it, you guys.

    You guys also love to use personal attacks to bolster your own self importance. I have experience both of your debating skills.

    At one time, not too long ago I figured this was a great place to exchange ideas and learn from one another. I may be wrong about that. You and jimmac seem to think it is all about you and proving something to someone.

    Debate can be a powerful tool in the human learning process. If you want it to be and if you don't think you know everything.

    i like to learn, That is my agenda here. I think I know, but, what is yours?

    I am sorry this seems confrontational, but I see the need for someone confront these thing. i guess right now it is me.
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