"MWSF": THE thread



  • Reply 141 of 204
    I still believe this is close to what we'll see tomorrow:

    ? Updated Power Mac G5's. Ranging from Dual 2.0 GHz to Dual 2.4 GHz, or Single 2.2 GHz to Dual 2.6 GHz.

    ? G5 Xserves. This tends to be pretty a strong rumour as of late.

    ? Perhaps a new piece of software? (Gotta have a piece of software as well).

    ? If not the Power Mac G5's, then hopefully severely updated iMacs and eMacs. The consumer line is in dire need of an update ? namely a speed bump. "Raise your hands if you think the situation is dire...".

    ? Maybe new miniature iPods, (I like to call it the iPodlet), if one of the above hardware announcements are not made.

    Let's just see how close I am tomorrow...

    Sorry Nebagakid... m.
  • Reply 142 of 204
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    We'll see:

    Updates of the iLife suite including a new App Garageband.

    X Serve Updates using G5

    New model iPod

    Announcement of iTMS in several countries

    We won't see updated PowerMacs or iMacs or iBooks or Powerbooks.
  • Reply 143 of 204
    I'm hoping Time Magazine will publish the a front page story on the MiniPOD tonight, like they did just before the iMac was to be introduced.
  • Reply 144 of 204
    tinktink Posts: 395member
    3Ghz tomorrow.

    \\\\ ah gota love unfounded optimism!
  • Reply 145 of 204
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I hate to put any faith in rumors, and I'm not going to, but I have to admit that Garage-Band sounds like a F**king Awesome idea. If that is just Vapor I hope Apple gets wind of it, and makes it.

    I think It would be somewhat difficult to go to market with Logic. SoundTrack, and a Garage-Band app because I think people are somewhat puzzled by SoundTrack, and what features it has, and doesn't have. Which is why I have a feeling it might be confusing having 3 Apps for Music creation.

    I think a Logic-Express could be considered a Garage-Band type application, and would be an easier explanation of such an app, but that still does not cover the confused stigma attached to SoundTrack.

    I would certainly be buying some software tomorrow if Logic-Express was released.
  • Reply 146 of 204
    gfeiergfeier Posts: 127member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    I think he'll go beyond 3GHz at WWDC. He should have no problems doing it either.

    I sincerely hope so. It will probably be my next machine.
  • Reply 147 of 204
    akumulatorakumulator Posts: 1,111member

    Originally posted by Elmer Fudd

    Plus, new iApp. GarageBand. Music creation tool. Included in $99 updated iLife. Fact.

    This is the only thing that's interests me here.... I'd like this. Apple waited too long for displays. I got a Samsung.
  • Reply 148 of 204
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member

    Originally posted by Merovingian

    I still believe this is close to what we'll see tomorrow:

    ? G5 Xserves. This tends to be pretty a strong rumour as of late.

    ? Perhaps a new piece of software? (Gotta have a piece of software as well).

    ? Maybe new miniature iPods, (I like to call it the iPodlet), if one of the above hardware announcements are not made.

    Let's just see how close I am tomorrow...

    Sorry Nebagakid... m.

    Definitally new miniPods, new piece of software is an update to AppleWorks, G5s for shure... and no harm no fowl, but if you step again, don't think I will be as nice (well, what can I do over the internet except seem like a jackass)?
  • Reply 149 of 204
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    From C|Net


    Security during set-up for the show is tight, as always, with Apple's booth obscured by a huge black tarp on all sides. Posted at the main entrance are two rather generic banners for the iPod. Tucked neatly behind each of the 15-foot banners, however, is another banner that is rolled up and whose contents are obscured from view, presumably a banner containing details of at least some of what Jobs has up his sleeve.

  • Reply 150 of 204
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    In response to Dhagen...to quote Adam Sandler, "Gooooo!"
  • Reply 151 of 204
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    Hey, where are the people in Appleinsider chat? Comeon now...

    I predict an Apple tablet powered by the IBM PPC 440GX
  • Reply 152 of 204

    Originally posted by MacsRGood4U

    We'll see:

    Updates of the iLife suite including a new App Garageband.

    X Serve Updates using G5

    New model iPod

    Announcement of iTMS in several countries

    We won't see updated PowerMacs or iMacs or iBooks or Powerbooks.

    These all seem to be the most reasonable expectations.

    My question out there is this: MWSF is the 20th anniversary of the introduction of the Macintosh (okay, a month early). I would think that Steve would address this and give us something to start us for the next 20 years. Convergence? Control of media? I don't know.

    I just hope that things like Powermac updates come later (in 2 weeks or so) and instead we are hit with something we haven't thought of.

    What could they intro that we would be writing about for an anniversary in 20 years?
  • Reply 153 of 204
    nav3nav3 Posts: 34member
    Anyone else think that Apple is gearing up to make a new grouping of applications to rival Microsoft's Office?

    For some reason I have a feeling we'll see a packaging of Works / Keynote / and XGrid soon...
  • Reply 154 of 204
    akumulatorakumulator Posts: 1,111member

    Originally posted by Nebagakid

    G5s for shure...

    I hope they slap a mirror on the front of it.
  • Reply 155 of 204
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by atomicham

    These all seem to be the most reasonable expectations.

    My question out there is this: MWSF is the 20th anniversary of the introduction of the Macintosh (okay, a month early). I would think that Steve would address this and give us something to start us for the next 20 years. Convergence? Control of media? I don't know.

    I just hope that things like Powermac updates come later (in 2 weeks or so) and instead we are hit with something we haven't thought of.

    What could they intro that we would be writing about for an anniversary in 20 years?

    I for one would like to see a serious revamp of appleworks as I hate using anything MS. Word for mac is the only thing left, even though I try to use textedit as much as I can. I would love to rid my mac of anything MS. That's just me though.
  • Reply 156 of 204

    Originally posted by PookJP

    I don't understand how any rational minded person could possibly think the iMac's form factor will be updated, seeing as how they just released a new model -- the 20". When has Apple ever released a new version of an existing piece of hardware, only to replace it with an entirely new one but a month or two later?

    I bought a 1 GHz Titanium Powerbook with a Superdrive on the day it was introduced in November 2002, only to see the 12" and 17" Aluminum Powerbooks rolled out at the 2003 MWSF less than two months later. I agree that it is unlikely that Apple would change the form factor for the iMac, but such a move would not be unprecedented.
  • Reply 157 of 204

    Originally posted by Texas Flood

    I bought a 1 GHz Titanium Powerbook with a Superdrive on the day it was introduced in November 2002, only to see the 12" and 17" Aluminum Powerbooks rolled out at the 2003 MWSF less than two months later. I agree that it is unlikely that Apple would change the form factor for the iMac, but such a move would not be unprecedented.

    Also, the 20" iMac is a very-low-R&D, high-margin product, designed purely for extracting the remaining value from the iMac's current form factor. Selling it for a few months is no problem at all given the money spent developing it, especially considering those months were, in part, the Christmas shopping period.
  • Reply 158 of 204
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by NJANJA2

    Also, the 20" iMac is a very-low-R&D, high-margin product, designed purely for extracting the remaining value from the iMac's current form factor. Selling it for a few months is no problem at all given the money spent developing it, especially considering those months were, in part, the Christmas shopping period.

    Not only that, they planned adding bigger screen sizes. The R&D was done long ago.
  • Reply 159 of 204
    I agree on this. the 20" imac had christmas stop-gap written all over it. I wouldn't be suprised at all to see them slip a new imac under the rumor radar.

    Come to think of it, maybe the G4 ibook was a christmas cash grab too....

    I'm sure imac sales are in the toilet in general compared to last year, they need a cosmetic refresh bad...
  • Reply 160 of 204
    no one saw the cube comming?? hey, workerbee, did you hear that?
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