No ties to Al-Qaeda. No weapons of mass destruction. No danger to U.S. security.



  • Reply 401 of 443

    Originally posted by Randycat99

    BTW, have you followed through and sold your car, yet? Riding your bicycle to work and all? Can't let that Iraqi oil and blood touch your lifestyle, lest you be a hypocrite, right?...

    And in the end that's the rub, isn't it? How many of you assclown, crybaby left-wing conspiracy theorists have actually put your money and ideals where your mouths are, aside from the clusterf**k you always manage to create during your useless, self-absorbed marches and sit-ins while I'm trying to work and become rich and powerful? (And don't get me started on the religious zealotry located on the right side of the scale, either!) \

    I should preface these comments by telling you that I'm apolitical, so save yourself the keyboard time by trying to attack my politics. I don't have any to attack, so you're stuck attacking me personally. I warn you in advance, I already realize I'm an asshole!

    By the way, long time lurker, first time poster. Hell of a thread to weigh in on, but sometimes you just gotta say WTF!!!

  • Reply 402 of 443
    randycat99randycat99 Posts: 1,919member about an entrance! (even I'm afraid)
  • Reply 403 of 443

    Originally posted by Randycat99 about an entrance! (even I'm afraid)

    I'm harmless, really. To be perfectly honest, I'd be quite bored if not for the unintentional comedy found all over this forum!

  • Reply 404 of 443
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member
    Welcome to the jungle.

    You sure know how to make an entrance.

    I like it. Good job.
  • Reply 405 of 443
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by Big Bad Voodoo

    And in the end that's the rub, isn't it? How many of you assclown, crybaby left-wing conspiracy theorists have actually put your money and ideals where your mouths are, aside from the clusterf**k you always manage to create during your useless, self-absorbed marches and sit-ins while I'm trying to work and become rich and powerful? (And don't get me started on the religious zealotry located on the right side of the scale, either!) \

    I should preface these comments by telling you that I'm apolitical, so save yourself the keyboard time by trying to attack my politics. I don't have any to attack, so you're stuck attacking me personally. I warn you in advance, I already realize I'm an asshole!

    By the way, long time lurker, first time poster. Hell of a thread to weigh in on, but sometimes you just gotta say WTF!!!


    Probably MILLIONS. Oh well. That was easy, huh?
  • Reply 406 of 443
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Talk about spin. By your definition they support terror. That means the list of people you want to attack is huge. Are you really going to support war against US allies?

    Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Suicide bombers existed before the payments. The motivation isn't the money, it's the goal of getting Israel out of the occupied territories.

    Once again, nice bait job. I did not say attack. Read the post again. I said target. There are all sorts of measures that can be taken without firing a shot. Give me a break and quit twisting what I say. everyone here sees it. You are not gaining any respect or support with those type of cheap shots.

    I said it before, SH was not helping the situation by paying for terror. Just one more reason to go murder.
  • Reply 407 of 443
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    Once again, nice bait job. I did not say attack. Read the post again. I said target. There are all sorts of measures that can be taken without firing a shot. Give me a break and quit twisting what I say. everyone here sees it. You are not gaining any respect or support with those type of cheap shots.

    I said it before, SH was not helping the situation by paying for terror. Just one more reason to go murder.

    Sorry, it's not a biat job. If you want to stay legal and legit, you have to be consistent. You can't treat two people differently if they've committed the same crime.
  • Reply 408 of 443

    Originally posted by ShawnJ

    Probably MILLIONS. Oh well. That was easy, huh?

    Yeah, you're right. I mean, that explains the reason they're giving away gasoline now.

    You actually think anyone gives a shit about the opinions of the so-called 'MILLIONS" you claim are riding bikes to work everyday in response to this war?

    Try harder. I actually yawned.

  • Reply 409 of 443
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by Big Bad Voodoo

    [I should preface these comments by telling you that I'm apolitical, so save yourself the keyboard time by trying to attack my politics. I don't have any to attack, so you're stuck attacking me personally. I warn you in advance, I already realize I'm an asshole!

    Are you related to BR?

    And by the way, ignorant doesn't necessarily mean asshole, although I'm willing to bet you can live in both world simultaneously.

    That's my friendly welcome message, but I hate those smilies so I'm explicitly calling this friendly to avoid a flame war.
  • Reply 410 of 443
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by Big Bad Voodoo

    Yeah, you're right. I mean, that explains the reason they're giving away gasoline now.

    You actually think anyone gives a shit about the opinions of the so-called 'MILLIONS" you claim are riding bikes to work everyday in response to this war?

    Try harder. I actually yawned.


    No, I answered your question:

    BBVD: How many of you.... have actually put your money and ideals where your mouths are?

    Shawn: Probably MILLIONS.

    Granted, rants never really are I won't hold against you the fact that you asked a STUPID question.

  • Reply 411 of 443

    Originally posted by bunge

    Are you related to BR?

    And by the way, ignorant doesn't necessarily mean asshole, although I'm willing to bet you can live in both world simultaneously.

    No relation, bunge. If you define ignorance as a complete separation from the political malcontents on both sides of the scale then yes, i survive pretty well in both worlds, living so close to Berkeley notwithstanding. Thanks for the lucid welcome.

  • Reply 412 of 443

    Originally posted by ShawnJ

    No, I answered your question:

    BBVD: How many of you.... have actually put your money and ideals where your mouths are?

    Shawn: Probably MILLIONS.

    Great to meet you too, Shawn.

    I didn't think it was a stupid question. I could see how you would see it that way though. Hypocrisy is based on answers like the one you provided, typically prefaced by "probably" and unable to be substantiated.

  • Reply 413 of 443
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    I know I have. I take the subway to work. Or walk.

    Do I get a medal? Or do I have to go AWOL from the Texas Air National Guard to get one?
  • Reply 414 of 443

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    I know I have. I take the subway to work. Or walk.

    Do I get a medal? Or do I have to go AWOL from the Texas Air National Guard to get one?

    No, but there should be more like you to affect change, IF you actually changed your habits in response to what you believed to be an injustice.

  • Reply 415 of 443
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    I take alot less cabs. I know... big deal.

    It's 2004... I thought we would all be taking mag-lev trains to work by now.
  • Reply 416 of 443
    sammi josammi jo Posts: 4,634member
  • Reply 417 of 443
    sammi josammi jo Posts: 4,634member

    IMO Saddam was supporting terrorism. I may be wrong but I see something very evil about the whole setup.

    You seem over-willing to give the murderer SH the benefit of the doubt. [/B]

    So if financing and supporting terrorism is so wrong...(which of course it is)....then why the hell is that scumbag Oliver North swanning round the country as a free man giving lectures at $10,000 a pop and running a radio show, instead of serving life in jail like any other low-life who finances and associates with terrorists? The Nicaraguan Contras were a terrorist organization by every definition. They blew up civilian buses, peasant cooperatives, wedding parties and even child care centres. In one attack, on a civilian bus, 32 people were murdered, including eight pregnant women. The Contras were just as much terrorists as Bin Laden's gangs. The US Congress provided $100 million to the Contras in 1986 alone. Thousands of Nicaraguan citizens were murdered by this group during the 1980s.
  • Reply 418 of 443
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by Randycat99

    No, it certainly was you. Backpeddle and deny all you want... It's really not surprising. I mean, a Mustang is a Mustang (unless you punked out and got the V6), and it appears it has gotten you halfway back to your senses about what is sensible transportation. You just need to come to grips that you shot your mouth off that day long ago about how far you really would go to live by your convictions (or you are just a lying hypocrite, tomato-tomahto). I knew you would never follow through!

    I'm sorry it wasn't me. Honest.

    If you think so you're nuts.
  • Reply 419 of 443
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by sammi jo

    So if financing and supporting terrorism is so wrong...(which of course it is)....then why the hell is that scumbag Oliver North swanning round the country as a free man giving lectures at $10,000 a pop and running a radio show, instead of serving life in jail like any other low-life who finances and associates with terrorists? The Nicaraguan Contras were a terrorist organization by every definition. They blew up civilian buses, peasant cooperatives, wedding parties and even child care centres. In one attack, on a civilian bus, 32 people were murdered, including eight pregnant women. The Contras were just as much terrorists as Bin Laden's gangs. The US Congress provided $100 million to the Contras in 1986 alone. Thousands of Nicaraguan citizens were murdered by this group during the 1980s.

    That is a subject I know little about. You may be right. But that was the past, this is now. Not that I am saying that what he did was wrong or right. There are so many issues confronting this nation and the world right now that I don't think that can have much relevance now.

    Like I said, I know little about the subject and we are talking pre 9/11. It was a different time.
  • Reply 420 of 443
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    But that was the past, this is now.

    I guess it doesn't matter that many of the people in the Bush admin were members of the reagan admin.

    And, more importantly, I guess it doesn't matter that Elliot Abrams, who actually was convicted during the Iran-Contra scandal, is a senior official with the NSC under Bush.



    I know little about the subject and we are talking pre 9/11.

    Funny, because the Iraq war has been in the works for a long, long time.

    Maybe you didn't notice that Chalabi, yes, that Chalabi, studied under Wohlstetter with Wolfowitz and Shulsky at university of chicago all the way back in the late 60's and early 70's. Wolfowitz has been arguing for a full invasion since at least the late 70's and throughout the 90's (Clinton's weak Iraq policy was basically the neo-cons') planning for the war accelerated.
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