24 January, is a?



  • Reply 21 of 48
    kroehlkroehl Posts: 164member

    Originally posted by geekmeet


    now...what will be coming next?

    what do you think?

    you already know

    ehmmm.... no.

    I might have a few ideas though but absolutely no knowledge. Let us know what you know.

    You are absolutely right though. Something is coming and I'm almost going to ask my doctor for Prozac to keep down my excitement (well, not really). If His Steveness hadn't mentioned the 20'th anniversary of the Mac, noone outside of this kind of board would have thought about it.

    He did.

    Something is coming.

    It's going to be the kewlest thing evah.

    I will probably be unable to afford it.
  • Reply 22 of 48
    And this is what differentiates what I call "Macintosh Hezbollah" from Windows bigots.

    The dissection of every minor detail to try to ascertain whether a given date - only a fortnight in the future - may contain some new excitement for us to salivate over.

    Is it a video artefact? Has it changed? IF it has changed, will it change again on the 26th to reflect the new monochrome logo? WILL it change again to have a more relevant strapline?

    Why do you spend all of that money lovingly adding in an iPod onto the runner? Because you can? Or because you secretly want people like us to do exactly what we're doing because you ultimately know that the gossip will cause expectation that will spill into the mainstream (pronounced 'sane') community?

    I love it: Steve Jobs has turned into the frickin Riddler, and we're all sitting here like some bizarre cross between Jack Ryan, Batman and Clarice Starling. Really we should all be applying for intelligence analysis jobs with our respective national security services, except - in my case - I'm far too heterosexual for MI5 and I haven't been recruited by the Communists

    It truly is a world gone mad, and I'm nuts just for contributing to it.
  • Reply 23 of 48
    charlesscharless Posts: 301member

    Originally posted by kroehl

    Yeah, and why 3:14? Was it aired at 3:14 the first time?

  • Reply 24 of 48
    kroehlkroehl Posts: 164member

    Originally posted by CharlesS



    ApplePI was forecast already in 1984!!!! OMFG!! Not only the iPod then.
  • Reply 25 of 48
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    Reports circulating at Macworld suggest Apple will have some more CPU announcements by the end of the month. Upgraded G5s and possibly a new form iMac. We'll have to wait and see. Remember, Apple no longer waits until Macworlds to make announcements. They're made throughout the year as products become available. Get it?
  • Reply 26 of 48
    jousterjouster Posts: 460member

    Originally posted by kroehl


    ApplePI was forecast already in 1984!!!! OMFG!! Not only the iPod then.

    Of course, 'iPod' ia an anagram of 'Do Pi'.....

    OMFG - I think we're getting close!!!!!
  • Reply 27 of 48
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    apple will introduce the iTimeMachine
  • Reply 28 of 48
    It's a silly coincidence.
  • Reply 29 of 48

    Originally posted by G-News

    apple will introduce the iTimeMachine

    Great scott! 1.21 Gigawatts!

    Sorry, Back to the Future fan!
  • Reply 30 of 48

    Originally posted by Donny1

    Great scott! 1.21 Gigawatts!

    Sorry, Back to the Future fan!

    The Flux Capacitor in the new PowerMac G5!
  • Reply 31 of 48
    donny1donny1 Posts: 33member

    Originally posted by monkeyastronaut

    The Flux Capacitor in the new PowerMac G5!

    One drawback, to get your G5 up to 88mph you have to push it off a cliff!
  • Reply 32 of 48
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member

    Originally posted by Donny1

    One drawback, to get your G5 up to 88mph you have to push it off a cliff!

    Nah, it's got enough fans.
  • Reply 33 of 48

    Originally posted by monkeyastronaut

    The Flux Capacitor in the new PowerMac G5!

    Has anyone ever noticed how much the Firewire symbol looks like a flux capacitor?
  • Reply 34 of 48

    Originally posted by wmccurdy

    Has anyone ever noticed how much the Firewire symbol looks like a flux capacitor?

    Holy $#!+, it's true.

    And forget fuel cells for the new PowerBooks, they will have plutonium batteries or a Mr. Fusion.

  • Reply 35 of 48
    As if the Brushed Aluminum wasn't a giveaway?

    Now we need Christopher LLoyd in the next ad campaign instead of Goldblum.
  • Reply 36 of 48
    ps5533ps5533 Posts: 476member

    Originally posted by Clive

    Well, actually, 24 January isn?t a Tuesday, it?s a Saturday. But given that it?s *the* 20 birthday of the Mac? seems like a good time for a product announcement.

    The like of which seemed to be missing from yesterday?s events.

    -- Clive

    i think that an anouncement will either be on that friday(the 23rd) or the following monday(the 26th)for business purposes.
  • Reply 37 of 48
    New G5 products (PM speed bumps and a "new product") are scheduled "the week of Jan 20th"

    Apple might post them to the web on the 24th with Press Releases to follow.
  • Reply 38 of 48
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member

    Originally posted by Mark- Card Carrying FanaticRealist

    And this is what differentiates what I call "Macintosh Hezbollah" from Windows bigots. ... Really we should all be applying for intelligence analysis jobs with our respective national security services, ...

    Actually, it reminds me more of Kremlinology. Look! Malenkov is on the second row, THIRD from the left! That means Voroshilov is out of favor now! iMac G5 next week!

  • Reply 39 of 48
    I have gone through every frame and it is 84 not 04. Unless he only changed some of the frames and not all of the frames.

    lol lol lol
  • Reply 40 of 48
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    But why wouldn't Apple want to do a big hype product spot for something new? Updated G5's are nice, but you really don't celebrate an anniversary by releasing a minor update, which could have been done at a event were there is inherent publicity: Macworld! If we see anything the week of the 20th it will be a revamped iMac or a complete new, cool product. Anything else is a waste of money.
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