24 January, is a?



  • Reply 41 of 48
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member

    Originally posted by Carson O'Genic

    Perhaps the best SciFi ever produced for TV or even the big screen!

    They also seemed to have a positive influence on Babylon 5 at the time, making them reach for plot threads that lasted longer than the usual hour.

    Funny, you never know where B5 will pop up! This is hardly the first thread on AI that digressed in to B5 musings. And yes, B5 is definitely "good eats".

    Speaking of which, Season 4 DVDs were just released on Tuesday. Coincidence... I think not!
  • Reply 42 of 48
    3.14163.1416 Posts: 120member

    Originally posted by kroehl

    Yeah, and why 3:14?

    All part of my master plan...
  • Reply 43 of 48
    Yeah, my money is on either a new iMac or a new product on the 24. Speed bumped G5's can just be announced on the website, as where the recent dual 1.8 machines.

    So, iMac or iBox.

    Or perhaps Steve will now get to do Lisa properly!!
  • Reply 44 of 48
    I just noticed this thread and something I posted in another thread seems relevant for this one so here it is:


    Originally posted by Aphelion 10 Jan 04:

    OK, here's my prediction:

    After a MacWorld that was closed lipped on the Macintosh, I think we do have some clues. Of course the biggest clue is the prominent appearance of the 1984 Super Bowl ad. (one that cost millions to produce and air by the way).

    I will be glued to my seat watching the Superbowl, not for the game but for the ads. Note the plural, and I'm not talking about the Budwiser frogs or the Energizer Bunny, I'm talking about the Apple ad. Not the Pepsi ad either, the Apple ad.

    It begins just as in 1984, only the babe is wearing the iPod (duh) it runs as we saw it at MacWorld until the hammer hits the screen (Bill Gates?).

    The flash of light morphs into a bright white screen with a beautiful 20" Apple display showing the Panther desktop. Slowly, and to dramatic music, the screen rises on it's hidden arm to revel the 21st century Macintosh is all it's glory. A monolithic appearing pyramid with the screen attached to it's apex.

    Well, the last bit is my idea for a form factor to take the Macintosh forward for the next two decades, but whatever it is, it will be reveled at the Superbowl, and after the Pepsi ad, at the explosion of the screen in the original "1984" commercial.

    Somebody remember that I said this on 10 January 2004 @ 17:00

    And I'll add that since the Superbowl and the 24th don't coincide this year, we will have the Powermac's G5 speed bump on the 24th to mark the "beginning" of the 20tth anniversary year. Sort of a teaser for the new Macintosh released at the Superbowl. Also I think the "iMac" name will be dropped in favor of going back to "Macintosh" for this new product.
  • Reply 45 of 48
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    I have a gut feeling that the "iMac" name might get dropped.

    Also, I don't really see what the fuss over a G5 speedbump would be?

    Just not a really big deal.
  • Reply 46 of 48
    I'd like to see the return of 'Macintosh' for the 20th anniversary.

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 47 of 48

    Originally posted by msantti

    I have a gut feeling that the "iMac" name might get dropped.

    Also, I don't really see what the fuss over a G5 speedbump would be?

    Just not a really big deal.

    Im not sure about the iMac name being dropped... I mean it is only one of the few products of Apple (apart from iPod) that the general public can pciture as soon as you mention it.....

    I think the 20th Anniversary will be the announcement of iTMS Worldwide (Australia, UK, Asia) and MAYBE new product that ties everything together like never before......(iBox???)
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