Kid gets stuck inside crane game.
MILWAUKEE -- A 7-year-old boy had to be rescued with the help of a locksmith Sunday after crawling into a Sheboygan, Wis., supermarket's stuffed animal game machine while his father talked on the telephone.
And my personal thoughts on this story...
And my personal thoughts on this story...
I wonder if anyone tried to "win" him...
damn thats a steal for 50¢
I wonder how much he would fetch on the black market?
lets see a 7 year old blonde haired boy...
damnit murbot... stealing my jokes now?
Originally posted by nwhysee
Well you know how those games are, you think you got it, but the kid drops at the last second before he reaches the hole.
hahaha, classic!
Originally posted by iBrowse
Don't you think that 7 is old enough to know not to climb into games? Then again, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
ok prize to you for that one.
Originally posted by iBrowse
Ok, I just watched the video.
video?? do tell...
Originally posted by Paul
I wonder if anyone tried to "win" him...
damn thats a steal for 50¢
I wonder how much he would fetch on the black market?
lets see a 7 year old blonde haired boy...
damnit murbot... stealing my jokes now?
You have to feed that damn thing, then pay for it's education, then worry for it, then he'll be going through your collection of playboys, then he'll get married and be gone before you notice.
I bet his father dropped him there himself, hoping that for $.50 someone would *win* him.
Originally posted by Paul
video?? do tell...
The link in the first post was messed up. It's RealPlayer, but it's there.
Originally posted by piwozniak
You have to feed that damn thing, then pay for it's education, then worry for it, then he'll be going through your collection of playboys, then he'll get married and be gone before you notice.
I bet his father dropped him there himself, hoping that for $.50 someone would *win* him.
Unless they grow up an play in the NHL, NFL, etc, kids are dead weight. I'd have sold that kid immediately and pocketed the 30 grand. Every week you keep that money sucking creature, your net profits go in the shitter.
Originally posted by murbot
Unless they grow up an play in the NHL, NFL, etc, kids are dead weight. I'd have sold that kid immediately and pocketed the 30 grand. Every week you keep that money sucking creature, your net profits go in the shitter.
you know at some point your kids are going to find this stuff...