


  • Reply 141 of 158
    I got a little carried away while posting messages yesterday. It was irresponsible of me to have spent so much of my time writing messages when I really don't have that much time available to me. I have some more points that I want to make, but I've decided that for my own good, I'm going to try to limit myself to one post per day. Because I posted into the early hours this morning, I'm not going to make any more comments today. I like posting here and I'll probably get around to replying to most comments or questions about my opinions and beliefs. I do have some opinions that I can't imagine any of you persuading me to change, however there are many more opinions that I will reconsider upon refection of your opinions. So, your comments are not going out in vain; I do appreciate and consider the things that all of you write.

    Alexander the Great
  • Reply 142 of 158
    someone posted about looking at Africa as a symbol of what happens when one "fornicates." Much of the disease in Africa has little to do with Fornication and much to do with poverty. Many people who get HIV already have compromised immune systems due to malnutrition and other poverty related ills. The actual number of cases of HIV in Africa is also in question due to the proclivity of people to assume that one who loses weight dramatically ( which is often from Malaria) and died relatively quickly must have HIV. AS for prostiution. In South Africa and Swaziland you can thank the Aparthied system that kept many men from thier wives. Sexual gratification is basic to the human experience, to say that the men in question have low morals realy oversimplifies the truth.

    In cases such as those in Rwanda and DRC. Poverty is again the prime mover for HIV. In many refugee camps women depend on men for shelter. Many women are forced by circumstances to 'shack up" with men with questionable health simply to survive. As opposed to the infections in the US and Western Europe where infections occur in a largely voluntary, pleasure seeking manner.

    just wanted to clear that up.
  • Reply 143 of 158
    xenuxenu Posts: 204member

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    My concern with this is that ONLY Mormon members can receive these blessings in a temple. It makes it seem like they don't care about the rest of society who need the gospel of Christ. The exhorbitant cost of the temples would seem more justified if ALL God's children could find refuge in those buildings. You don't see the Catholic church blocking non-members out of their cathedrals or the Salvation Army blocking non-members out of their shelters.


    Exactly my view.

    On top of this, only elders, and I believe those who have put in many years of work can get deep into the temple. All other mormons have to be content with the rooms set aside for them.
  • Reply 144 of 158
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    I said atheist but my religion is Bad Religion8)
  • Reply 145 of 158
    ps5533ps5533 Posts: 476member
    roman catholic but not sure if i believe yet
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