


  • Reply 21 of 83
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by shetline

    Scrambling around only looking for confirming evidence, and ignoring or trying to rationalize away any conflicting evidence that rudely crosses your path along the way, is all I see so far.

    Well I don't think there's much in between when it comes to Astrology. It's either Belief or Bullshit in my experience.


    Originally posted by Carol A

    PS I have a Gemini moon sign. I'm glad I do.

    Heh. I'm a Gemini sun sign, with rising, moon, Venus and Jupiter in Leo. Basically, that makes me a bi-polar bi-sexual.
  • Reply 22 of 83
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by 709

    Heh. I'm a Gemini sun sign, with rising, moon, Venus and Jupiter in Leo. Basically, that makes me a bi-polar bi-sexual.

    Wow! You must be an interesting person, 709. And I don't believe for a minute that you're a bi-polar, bi-sexual.

    What I envision is 'you' as the statue of The Thinker: sitting there contemplating away (so impressively) - but of course, what people don't know is that you're thinking about sex!!!

    Right??? hahahaha.

    (Guess that's why The Thinker is naked )

    As the motto goes: "Always Be Prepared".
  • Reply 23 of 83
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    What I envision is 'you' as the statue of The Thinker: sitting there contemplating away (so impressively) - but of course, what people don't know is that you're thinking about sex!!!

    Right??? hahahaha.

    Right on the money, sister.
  • Reply 24 of 83
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by 709

    Right on the money, sister.

    See, what'd I tell ya ?!
  • Reply 25 of 83
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    WHOA! Shetline, my god, why don't you lighten up a little?!!!

    With a little yogic flying, perhaps?


    Astrology is something that is just for FUN!!!!! You know - like roller coasters, trick or treating, playing spin the bottle. F-U-N. Fun is 'fun' - you should try it sometime!

    I am having fun. I argue for fun. I probably like it so much because I don't have to wear special shoes to do it, or buy any club memberships, and because I win so much.


    I just made my first post here a few minutes ago; yet you claim I've been scrambling around, rationalizing away conflicts, mentioning houses and ascendants????? What in the world are you talking about?

    This thread is one thing... but you've been making astrological interjections into many threads since you started posting here. I would suspect that in Real Life™ you use astrology as common conversational device too.

    Just for fun, of course.


    I haven't even had a chance to say what I really think about astrology, or why I think it.

    First of all, I put NO stock in astrology, whatsoever. I DO, however, think it's VERY interesting. I am amazed how accurately signs seem to fit the people I know.

    Fortune cookies are "just for fun" too, but how many books and articles have you read on fortune cookies?

    Your degree of interest, and apparent amazement at the supposed accuracy of various astrological prediction, suggests a bit more stock than NO stock being put into the subject.


    And why attack me in such a negative and hostile way? We're just having a conversation here. I'm not trying to take over the world, for heaven's sake.

    I argue forcefully. I always argue forcefully. I don't like pseudoscience, and I'm apt to state my case when pseudoscience rears its ugly head, even if someone else wants to brush it off as "just for fun".

    My words probably only seem like an attack because you're more accustomed to the rest of these guys here, so amazed to encounter an actual female, flirting with you instead.


    The whole thing about 'precession' - all I can say is I don't worry about it. I'm a Leo. There's no way I could be a Cancer, which is what I would be wrt precession.

    The very fact that you have seem to have a very strong opinion of what exactly a Leo and a Cancer are supposed to be, and strongly identify with one and reject the other, again suggests more to me than a no-stock, just-for-fun attitude.


    PS I bet you're a Sagittarian. But then, I hardly ever guess right; so you probably aren't.

    I'll give you eleven more guesses.
  • Reply 26 of 83
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by shetline

    I'll give you eleven more guesses.

  • Reply 27 of 83
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by DMBand0026

    But for the record, I'm a Leo.

    And when you DO get around to having sex, you're going to be REALLY good at it.

    Wanna argue with that???

    That's what I thought!
  • Reply 28 of 83
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    I loved this special on the Science Channel when this guy picked a random horoscope then walked around the city asking people's signs and giving them the same exact one. They all believed it. That kind of stupidity is both funny and scary.
  • Reply 29 of 83
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by addabox

    I shot a guy once just to see him die.

    Oh, wait, wrong thread.

    Best post Evar!1!

  • Reply 30 of 83

    Originally posted by Carol A

    And when you DO get around to having sex, you're going to be REALLY good at it.

    Wanna argue with that???

    That's what I thought!

    Best. post. evar!
  • Reply 31 of 83

    Originally posted by Carol A

    Gemini, of course, is the twins. The Gemini person can have a much more complex inner-self than might be apparent to others.

    Gemini is often good at things requiring speed - quick-thinking, quick-moving sports, good hand-eye coordination and fast motor skills.

    Good at the written word.

    Any of that fit, Wrong Robert?

    PS I have a Gemini moon sign. I'm glad I do.

    Mere coincidence I tell you! it's all bull hooney.

    My brother is Gemini too, so, he's got the 'other person' part down already

    actually, to tell you the truth, apart from the speed thing, I'm not very adept at any of the things you mentioned, but I can play bass really really fast, so that's gotta count for something

    oh yeah, and my name isn't robert!
  • Reply 32 of 83
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    Mere coincidence I tell you! it's all bull hooney.

    My brother is Gemini too, so, he's got the 'other person' part down already

    actually, to tell you the truth, apart from the speed thing, I'm not very adept at any of the things you mentioned, but I can play bass really really fast, so that's gotta count for something

    oh yeah, and my name isn't robert!

    Things requiring speed were the main things I DID mention - hand-eye coordination - playing bass really really fast. See, what'd I tell ya? Gemini !

    Wrong Robot ! OMG - I'm losing my eyesight!!!!!


    My vision is being ruined by my 12" Powerbook. I'm gonna sue!!!
  • Reply 33 of 83
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    Best. post. evar!


    I'm fond of it myself. 8)
  • Reply 34 of 83
    But LCDs aren't supposed to harm your eyes anymore than staring at a light bulb 8)
  • Reply 35 of 83
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    But LCDs aren't supposed to harm your eyes anymore than staring at a light bulb 8)

    I know. But I had to have some excuse, didn't I?

    ...besides being either legally blind or terminally unobservant...
  • Reply 36 of 83
    Astrology is a bunch of crap.

    But everything Jonathn Edwards says is true. That guy really can talk to dead people all day long. Really, the guy is a god, just like David Koresh.

  • Reply 37 of 83
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Well, if nothing else, this thread is certainly entertaining.

    I've had relatives do unsolicited card readings and other similar things for me, and send me the results. I have yet to figure out why.

    The last one did get some things right, but given that it spanned several pages and spoke in general terms that's hardly surprising. Fortune-telling has always fed off the commonality of much of human experience and perception. If it has any use, it's as a psychological tool and a sort of broad survey of human consciousness.

    I actually have a beef with a lot of "alternative consciousness" stuff, because I do believe that there's more out there than is dreamt of in our philosophy, but since it's the historical province of fortune-telling serious researchers won't go near it for fear of sounding like quacks; or they focus on the merit of the fortune-telling mechanisms themselves. I can't dismiss the impetus behind the universal human impulse to come up with astrological systems, nor can I discount their appeal; I just don't place any stock in the nature or quality of the results, so far.

    I've pinned a lot of hope - perhaps an absurd amount of hope - on the quantum physicists, since they're the most accustomed to observing all kinds of wild behavior without even blinking, and accounting for it insofar as that's possible.
  • Reply 38 of 83
    This thread has surpassed my FDA approved daily recommendation of smilies & bullshit online flirtation; and if it continues to run its coarse, and I continue to read it, I may have to be admitted to the local hospital. I just pray to my wooden horse donkey-monkey fertility deity god of love that Nebagakid doesn't show up....then I might die

    Oww, I don't feel so good...
  • Reply 39 of 83

    bullshit online flirtation

    It makes me sick too.
  • Reply 40 of 83
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member
    Originally posted by shetline


    I am having fun. I argue for fun.

    Okay, then you're either an Aries or a Libra.


    This thread is one thing... but you've been making astrological interjections into many threads since you started posting here. I would suspect that in Real Life™ you use astrology as common conversational device too.

    Yes, I have been mentioning it here, because we have nothing here but words by which to get to know each other. For me, learning someone's sign adds a little extra information. In 'real life' - where I teach, for example - I already know everyone's sign. So it seldom comes up in conversation. Your implication appears to be that I am enthralled by astrology, have no intellectual depth, few mental resources, and no interest in matters beyond my own physical realm. If assuming these things gives you some kind of satisfaction, then by all means, assume away.


    Your degree of interest, and apparent amazement at the supposed accuracy of various astrological prediction, suggests a bit more stock than NO stock being put into the subject.

    My interest is high. I find in-depth charts fascinating. I'm also extremely interested in military history and the strategy and tactics of war. Not much call for these topics in threads at AO, however, I can't help noticing. Hmmm. Must be why I spent ten months on the history boards.


    I argue forcefully. I always argue forcefully. I don't like pseudoscience, and I'm apt to state my case when pseudoscience rears its ugly head, even if someone else wants to brush it off as "just for fun".

    Like I said. Aries or Libra. There's a difference between forcefully vs. negatively, forcefully vs. demeaningly. No one loves science more than I. I LOVE science. Astrology is for fun! The two bear no relation to each other!


    My words probably only seem like an attack because you're more accustomed to the rest of these guys here, so amazed to encounter an actual female, flirting with you instead.

    hahaha. Actually I get regularly trashed - at least once on most threads, by at least one person (like you!), sometimes by two. If the tone is condescending, demeaning, and dismissive, I get mad and fight back. I'm not going to be anyone's doormat. But there are other, more pleasant, more effective ways to disagree with someone besides assuming that they are mentally deficient and telling them so. And yes. I love to flirt. It's a lot of F-U-N !


    The very fact that you have seem to have a very strong opinion of what exactly a Leo and a Cancer are supposed to be, and strongly identify with one and reject the other, again suggests more to me than a no-stock, just-for-fun attitude.

    Well, Leos and Cancers are like night and day. So of course I have a strong opinion about that. I have a strong opinion about a lot of things. That doesn't make any of them the be-all and end-all of my existence, or the subject of intense devotion on my part.


    I'll give you eleven more guesses.

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