Apple Hypes MWSF 2002



  • Reply 1621 of 1761
    Hey JLL, if memory serves, you had the inside track on the PowerMac speeds a couple of days before MWNY '01. No scoops for us this year?

    ( that I think about may have posted those specs on a different Forum).

    [ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: Michael Grey ]</p>
  • Reply 1622 of 1761
    composercomposer Posts: 212member
    I usually ignore threads with over 5 pages, but weeping creeping Jesus this is a whopping big thread!

    Will it make 2000? Who knows...

    2.5 hours to go...
  • Reply 1623 of 1761
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    [quote]Originally posted by Michael Grey:

    <strong>Hey JLL, if memory serves, you had the inside track on the PowerMac speeds a couple of days before MWNY '01. No scoops for us this year?

    ( that I think about may have posted those specs on a different Forum).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I posted the QuickSilver specs on MacNN, but unfortunately my source doesn't work at the same company now
  • Reply 1623 of 1761
    Come on baby!!! This is my contribution to hitting 2000. Come one people...lets see it!!! 9:32 Eastern. Dammit, I still have to wait 'till 9:00 Pacific. I can't stand this!!!
  • Reply 1625 of 1761
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by sCreeD:

    <strong>Mother of God! In the iPhoto picture the Apple logo is chrome!!

    Screed ...I don't why I'm so excited, but I feel I should be.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ummm I know EXACTLY what you're thinking... But dare we say it? *Dare... Dare...

    I mean Apple has used crome in their logos ALL the time... (ummm NOT) maybe they were just really lucky guessing it (yea yea)... could be but I doubt it... could they have had access to the new iMac look ummm not on your life, they woulda posted it fer sure (or at least teased about it)...

    Gosh if what you and I are thinking becomes reality (and thats still a big if) then we're gonna have a ton of people to laugh at...

    (* oh and sorry about that Blazing Saddles ref but I had to)

  • Reply 1626 of 1761
    Presuming that this new iMac does indeed have a G4 and a burner of some kind and a DVD player (personally I don't need to burn that many DVDs... until I get an DVD-A player, heh) it has everything I need. And it completely superceedes this (very attractive) Cube + 15" LCD I have on my desk.

    My wife said I could get one: as long as I sold all my other stuff first. Sigh.

    BTW. Based on the photo with the Canon S110 Digital ELPH, that's a very tiny machine. I have an S110 and a Cube, and that new iMac is t.i.n.y. Cool)
  • Reply 1627 of 1761
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    As to what the keynote holds, we can only hope that the iMac is not the only major announcement. As great as it appears to be, many people have written to us expressing their concern that the new iMac alone does not fulfil the hype Apple created.

    Erhm? didn't they say that we would get an iWalk? Or do the admit that they were faking it
  • Reply 1628 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    [quote]My wife said I could get one: as long as I sold all my other stuff first. Sigh.<hr></blockquote>

    Do you have a friend? Sell him/her the stuff for a penny, and agree to buy it back for the same price after you get the new iMac. Then tell your wife that it was too good of a deal to pass up.
  • Reply 1629 of 1761
    glurxglurx Posts: 1,031member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:


    Do you have a friend? Sell him/her the stuff for a penny, and agree to buy it back for the same price after you get the new iMac. Then tell your wife that it was too good of a deal to pass up. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    "What?! You sold all that stuff and only got a penny?! Next time use eBay!!!"
  • Reply 1630 of 1761
    [quote]Originally posted by Joecool:

    <strong>Not too sure if the stream is actually saveable!! If it is, it'll be a massive file...2.5 hrs or so.


    The keynote is a less massive 2 hours even in length.
  • Reply 1630 of 1761
    Well, things my get weird at the keynote if it's anything like the dream I had last night.

    I dreamt that Steve rolled in on a Segeway and then proceeded to do sort of a line dance pulling every one in their chairs (the chairs had wheels on them) around the stage. Also the surprise taped to the bottom of the chairs was a silver spoon. I can't figure that one out. Or for that matter the Segeway thing other than he invested millions in it and wants to hype his investment.

    So don't be surprised if Steve scoots onto stage with a Segeway. I told you it was weird.
  • Reply 1632 of 1761
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member
    The new iMac looks pretty close to what was posted on last week. The only real differences are how the monitor is attached and the base is a hemisphere instead of the more bubble-like shape sketched out on the rumor site.
  • Reply 1633 of 1761
    They wouldn't make iphoto exclusively for OSX. Would they?
  • Reply 1634 of 1761
    Officially 2 hours left, gentlemen. And ladies, of course.
  • Reply 1635 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    [quote]The new iMac looks pretty close to what was posted on last week. The only real differences are how the monitor is attached and the base is a hemisphere instead of the more bubble-like shape sketched out on the rumor site. <hr></blockquote>

    Thanks, I needed that laugh.
  • Reply 1636 of 1761
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    [quote]Originally posted by Nokturnal:

    <strong>Officially 2 hours left, gentlemen. And ladies, of course.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    officialy in less in 2 hours , Steve will make his speech : hopes it woulb be a condensed speech and not a delayed one ...

  • Reply 1637 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Another post from another registered user that doesn't have a password.

    [quote]Hi all,

    Just registered today so can't post yet. I felt that I needed to be involved in this historic moment so thanxx doubly to Fran. As a Pc convert some 12 months ago, I can only say that for me Apple can do no wrong. The iMac IS superb, and the iMac II will be better. A lot of people are talking about the PM, I wish that¹s all I can say. It really means nothing to me other than i) its gorgeous ii)more than the wife will let me spend iii)something that I can always hanker after iv)totally pointless for the "common" user.

    This doesn't stop me wanting one but, does it really impact on the daily life of Joe Bloggs how many triple back flips it performs? I call all those who do not have, do not want, do not have the cash for, are not allowed to buy to shut up and concentrate on what is THE most asthetically pleasing, legendarilly easy to use and no doubt THE current Best PC of this millenia.

    Cheers and only 2 hours to go.......

  • Reply 1638 of 1761
    Check out <a href=""; target="_blank">apple/home</a>.

    14" iBooks

    800Mhz G4 LCD iMacs

    GeForce 2MX graphics

    iPhoto, iTunes, etc
  • Reply 1638 of 1761

    ... Got to ....
  • Reply 1640 of 1761
    ... get ... ... this ...
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