Apple Hypes MWSF 2002
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[ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Fran441 ]</p>
[ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Fran441 ]</p>
I am setting myself up for a big disappointment on JAN 7. I keep saying "no G5 'till August... no G5 'till August..." and then Apples goes and does something like this. Sheesh.
I almost believe they were hacked.
Or maybe its their way of saying "Yes we said that the iPod was something but this time we mean it"
They will *have* to deliver... I think that no even the wildest rumors have a chance of coming true...
Steve's quite a slut when he wants to capture our imaginations...
Remember the thread a week ago in GD, where people said that they would like a hint from Apple before something big was announced? Looks like they got their wish.
I can't wait for this baby!
6 Days till MacWorld... "Insert some hint" :eek:
[ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: DaveGee ]</p>
BTW - The Apple no interest (180 days) loan is good through January 8, 2002! I think the intent was to have it expire BEFORE the new products are announced, but the change in keynote date may not have been taken into account. I've signed up (for way too much) hoping to get the 0% on something I order after the keynote.
BTWA - I called my local Apple store, and they will have the direct satellite feed on their big screen. I think one of the benefits of the brick & mortars is to be able to roll out new products after Steve presents them. The salesman said he expects to have new products to at least demo, but no promises.
<strong>Well, since that banner has to be changed for tomorrow... Do you think they will be doing any hit dropping?
6 Days till MacWorld... "Insert some hint" :eek:
It would keep the hype going if they didn´t gave too much away.
"6 Days till MacWorld... Its not an iMac"
<strong>5 Days till MacWorld... AppleInsider Message Boards Crash...</strong><hr></blockquote>
Heh that could actually be a great thing to write. "5 days to MacWorld ... AppleInsider Message Board will crash"
That would really be like the second coming: Name all the sign leading up to it.
"MS will go bankroupth"
"The cities will be redesigned"
<strong>YAY!!! It's almost like "Pro Go Whoa" and the Cookie, Shopping Cart, Tool, web page from a few years ago. Woohoo!! :eek:
Ahh yes... I remember that stuff...
Cookie, Cart and Tool was BTO Apple Store
and then six months later was the Pro Go Whoa was for the iMac and the G3 portable.
As for this advertising....If Apple keep this sorta thing going, I think we'll be seeing psychiatrist/psychologist demand skyrocketing around the globe!! People will develop the neck and shoulder twitch and screaming whenever they hear someone mention "iMac" or "G5"
Maybe there's a conspiracy between Apple and the International Medical Associations!!
Hey......I'm trying to "Think Different"
<img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />