Imperial Rome and the USA



  • Reply 61 of 62
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by talksense101

    The US is not a cultural super power. It is a war mongering bully with a history that is built on the carcasses of people. I can't see it survive by any other means having outsourced it's blue and white collar jobs.

    100 years from now, the super powers we will have to worry about will be the corporates. They control the media, the election candidates and the policy of most nations.

    Spare us the childish rhetoric...go back and play 'Dungeons and Dragons' or whatever it is you mistake for reality....
  • Reply 62 of 62

    Originally posted by talksense101

    The US is not a cultural super power. It is a war mongering bully with a history that is built on the carcasses of people. I can't see it survive by any other means having outsourced it's blue and white collar jobs.

    Name a country that ISN'T?
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