.mac spam is out of hand



  • Reply 41 of 42
    Ya I just got that in the mail today. Such a wicked mag.
  • Reply 42 of 42
    rb3rb3 Posts: 2member
    I have a Yahoo, Hotmail, .Mac, Fastmail, and an AOL account. The last has been active since 1993.

    You can imagine that my AOL account is nothing but spam, with a signal to noise ratio that is so bad it's beyond belief.

    My Yahoo account is a spam bucket, but the Yahoo team catches 95% of it, so of the 10-15/day, it's rare for any to avoid their filters.

    Hotmail is less spam than Yahoo, for me at least, but their filters are worse, so the spam I see is more intrusive.

    Fastmail and .Mac collect no spam, at all.

    All of these accounts have the same username before the @, so that's not the issue.

    Spam is a true plague, and I look forward to some distant day when it's no longer an issue.

    Ha, ha, ha.
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