The Obligatory 2004 NHL Playoffs Thread

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Holy smokes what a great bunch of match-ups we have! Hard to pick them, but I'll take first crack at it. We should do one of those points-based pools too. I like the one where you rank the teams 1-16 in order of which you have the most confidence in to win the Cup (16 = best). Each time that team advances, you get that many points. Then just tally them at the end.

I'll post my rankings shortly, but first the matcups.

Tampa - NYI

Tampa wins the East and plays well all year against the Phillys, New Jerseys and Bostons, but frequently lose to... who else, the Islanders.

Boston - Montreal

Two very evenly matched teams -- both statistically and depth-wise -- who absolutely despise one another. This one will be a classic matchup.

Philly - NJ

One very deep team with average goaltending vs. a team with great goaltending and almost no offensive depth. Classic offense vs. defense (Scott Stevens is out and Rafalski is playing on a broken leg; gotta love hockey players).

Toronto - Ottawa

This one needs no explanation for hockey fans.

"Lose Leafs, LOSE!"

Detroit - Nashville

This won't be close. Edmonton would've made it a real series IMO.

San Jose - St. Louis

Both teams have suspect goal tending, both play physical, both have a history with one another in the playoffs. Should be high scoring.

Vancouver - Calgary

I am biased but I think unless Kiprusoff stands on his head, Calgary is in trouble. No Reinprecht or Yelle hurts, also.

Colorado - Dallas

The team that was given the Cup before the year began (by people like myself), finished fourth and played with very little heart at times this year. Dallas has the better goalie, is bigger up front, and knows how to play playoff defense (even though no Hatcher or Sydor hurts). This one will be fun.

...and the second round matchups show potential for some great series, too. It's going to be a great playoff season. Hopefully so great the powers that be will be compelled to reach a new CBA (complete with some good officiating and rules changes) by September 15.

My "confidence rankings" (I'll be happy to run the "pool" if you guys want. No moolah required....)

16. Detroit

15. Dallas

14. Ottawa (homer vote, I admit it)

13. Toronto

12. Vancouver

11. Tampa Bay

10. New Jersey

9. Colorado

8. Boston

7. Montreal

6. Philadelphia

5. St. Louis

4. Calgary

3. San Jose

2. NY Islanders

1. Nashville


  • Reply 1 of 249
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    I'm from Chicago.
  • Reply 2 of 249
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member
    As Joni Mitchell sang?.. ??got a little money riding on the Maple Leafs??.

    Not that this would be my first wish ? see where I am posting from ? but I think that this may just be the year for the buds. And as I said a couple of years [oops, Freudian slip...I meant months ] ago, I?d really like to see the parade down Yonge St.

    So win, Ottawa, if you can,?but if not, I?m cheering for the Leafs this year.
  • Reply 3 of 249
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    This is going to be one of the greatest post seasons ever me thinks. there are a lot of VERY good teams playing for the Cup this year.

    I can't wait for Wednesday to get here.

    Go WINGS!!!!!
  • Reply 4 of 249
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member
    Canucks all the way (Bertuzzi wouldn't get his name on the cup. burn)

    and Moogs... how can Detroit and Dallas be one two in your rankings... ??

    shouldn't the eastern champ be in the number two spot if the western team wins?
  • Reply 5 of 249
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    This is going to be a great playoff year... I can just smell it.

    And man, I am having a really hard time thinking about any series other than the Canucks/Flames matchup. I still can't believe I am actually going to be watching Calgary in the PLAYOFFS. Christ, it seems like a lifetime ago since Calgary did their usual first round exit dance. heh heh

    I think it's going to be a great series, but yes, Kipper is going to have to play phenomenal for them to advance. I am really biased, but they just seem to have a "this year's Anaheim" feeling to them. We just need Oliwa to beat up Brad May a few times, Cloutier to get run a few times so he loses his cool and his focus... having Ohlund break his leg would be nice too. The bastard has done a pretty good job of shadowing Iginla in the past...

    One nice thing, it's not like Kiprusoff is just on a little 4 game hot streak, the dude has been shutting it down all year. Lowest goals against ever in the NHL this year. Cloutier has only been non-shitty for the last couple of weeks. Definitely going to be a good series though - Vancouver is going to be TOUGH.

    The big upset in round 1 might just be Tampa. I bet most hardcore Lightning fans don't even have a good feeling about this matchup. Yikes... if they start coughing up weak goals, heads are gonna roll.

    The other #1 vs. #8 - you're right Moogs, Detroit is going to roll up Nashville pretty quick. Edmonton would have been a MUCH better series, especially with the roll they were on to even get close to making the playoffs.

    Anyway, I think I'm buying an old beer fridge to set next to the couch this weekend. I'm not leaving the house for 2 months.

  • Reply 6 of 249
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Here's how this pool would work (I didn't rank those teams for the hell of it, I was actually putting forth my rankings for the pool, hoping others would do the same)...

    The conferences basically go out the window. You look at the sixteen teams who make the playoffs, and you rank them according to which has the best chance overall to get the Cup. Obviously you have to consider who is playing who to achieve better odds at better point totals as well, but you can rank them any way you want.

    Then, every time a team wins (a series), you get the numer of points associated with your ranking.

    IOW, if you rank New Jersey #12 and they advance past the first and second rounds, you'll get 24 points for that. Obviously the first team they beat (Philly), would get you no points, because they didn't win a series... kind of simplistic but WTF. Thought it was worth trying. I'm open to suggestions for altering the scoring system, I just wanted to have some fun with you yahoos during playoff time.

    Bunge: I feel your pain. Believe me. There's a reason I watch the Canucks more than the Hawks, and his name is Bill Wirtz. Hope to God Chicago doesn't get the #1 pick... they'll never sign the kid to a long term deal (Ovechkin).
  • Reply 7 of 249
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member

    Anyway, I think I'm buying an old beer fridge to set next to the couch this weekend. I'm not leaving the house for 2 months.

    Now people get just how badly conceived that "Murbot Poll" really was... pass the Molson, Homer.

  • Reply 8 of 249
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    16. Detroit

    15. Toronto

    14. New Jersey

    13. Ottawa

    12. Philadelphia

    11. Tampa Bay

    10. Boston

    09. Dallas

    08. Colorado

    07. San Jose

    06. Calgary

    05. Vancouver

    04. Montreal

    03. St. Loius

    02. Nashville

    01. New York

    It was a toss up between the Leafs and the Red Wings for me, but when I look at the teams the eventual Eastern Conference champ will have to beat to get to the Finals, I could see that team being pretty worn out. So I had to give the nod to Detroit.
  • Reply 9 of 249
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by Moogs

    Bunge: I feel your pain. Believe me. There's a reason I watch the Canucks more than the Hawks, and his name is Bill Wirtz. Hope to God Chicago doesn't get the #1 pick... they'll never sign the kid to a long term deal (Ovechkin).

    I saw the Stanley Cup hoisted in the old Chicago Lemiux and the rest of the Penguins. It was better than the current situation.
  • Reply 10 of 249
    concordconcord Posts: 312member

    Originally posted by murbot:

    This is going to be a great playoff year... I can just smell it.

    Y'know... I think I'm catching a whiff of that too...

    The Canucks - Flames matchup has got my near undivided attention. Canucks are lookin' hot right now, Cloutier has been solid in their last 6 straight wins, Nazzy's scoring again... Nucks in 5 or 6 is my call. This is too bad, I'd like to see both teams move further into the playoffs.

    The way Colorado has been playing lately, and their abyssmal coaching, Dallas is lookin' to smack them down pretty hard. Dallas is healthy again, rock-solid goal-tending... I don't envy the Avs meeting them first up. Dallas in 5 or 6. I kinda hope the Avs somehow win this one somehow so the Canucks can match up with them further on. *That* would a series worth watching.

    Ottawa - Toronto... damn, too many Canadian teams matching up in the 1st round. My pick is Toronto in 6 or 7. A Canucks - Toronto Final would be my dream matchup for this year.

    Boston - Montreal... should be another good matchup, especially since, IIRC, Boston is playing without their star goalie. Boston should win it, but I'm rooting for Montreal. A Montreal - Toronto matchup down the line would be sweet.


  • Reply 11 of 249
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    16. Philly

    15. Dallas

    14. Detroit

    13. Vancouver

    12. Ottawa

    11. Toronto

    10. Colorado

    9. Montreal

    8. Boston

    7. Tampa Bay

    6. Calgary

    5. St.Louis

    4. San Jose

    3. NY Islanders

    2. Nashville

    1. New Jersey

    Ok, who can spot the huge bias? Yes I'm a Philly boy and I just gotta support the home team even though deep down I know I will be let down again....but if we can just beat NJ I'll be super happy. I just hate them so much
  • Reply 12 of 249
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member
    16. Toronto

    15. Detroit

    14. Colorado

    13. Philadelphia

    12. Boston

    11. New Jersey

    10. Dallas

    9. Vancouver

    8. Tampa Bay

    7. San Jose

    6. Ottawa

    5. Calgary

    4. Montreal

    3. NY Islanders

    2. St. Louis

    1. Nashville

    Of course
  • Reply 13 of 249
    scottibscottib Posts: 381member
    16. Red Wings

    15. Maple Leafs

    14. Sharks

    13. Lightning

    12. Stars

    11. Habs

    10. Flames

    09. Flyers

    08. Avs

    07. Sens

    06. Canucks

    05. Devils

    04. Blues

    03. Bruins

    02. Islanders

    01. Preds

    Desperately desiring a Leafs/Wings finals: One for the Ages or Aged!
  • Reply 14 of 249
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member
    We need more entries for this. But perhaps AO is just not a forum interested in hockey (although it has been in the past).
  • Reply 15 of 249
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    I'm posting my list next week.

    Sorry, I'm too buy getting ready for the Flames game tonight. I keep pinching myself...

    I'm betting my wife's grandpa on the series. Loser shaves his head. The old bastard is going to look GREAT with a bald dome.

  • Reply 16 of 249
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member
    16. Vancouver Canucks

    15. Detroit

    14. Tampa

    13. Toronto

    12. Philly

    11. San Jose

    10. Boston

    9. Colorado

    8. Dallas

    7. Montreal

    6. New York

    5. Nashville

    4. Ottawa

    3. Calgary

    2. New Jersey

    1. St. Louis

    Equally obvious bias.

    An all Canadian Final would be cool, but might not get the ratings of a cross-border clash.

    But Vancouver - Tampa would be killer travel.

    As I write this, Boston is up 2-0 in the 2nd period of Game 1 vs Montreal.

    Nashville has scored first against Detroit (also in the 2nd period).

    *considers editing list...
  • Reply 17 of 249
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member
    Boston wins game 1 3-0

    Detroit comes back to win 3-1

    Colorado is up 2-0 in the first.

    Hope Vancouver keeps the anthem tradition of mass patriotic karaoke.

    Nucks in 6.
  • Reply 18 of 249
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    If you missed Robert Lang's goal near the end of the Detroit game, make sure you catch SportsCenter.

  • Reply 19 of 249
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    16. Ottawa

    15. Boston

    14. Detroit

    13. Tampa

    12. Vancouver

    11. San Jose

    10. Colorado

    9. Philly

    8. Calgary

    7. Dallas

    6. New York

    5. Nashville

    4. Toronto

    3. New Jersey

    2. St. Louis

    1. Montreal

    Go Sens Go!!!

    Lovin' the Bruins romp over the Canadiens!

    It is too bad 4 Canadian teams had to battle eachother, it would have been nicer to have more of them move on.

    PS. Leafs suck, burn in hell!!!!
  • Reply 20 of 249
    16. Toronto

    15. Vancouver

    14. Detroit

    13. Philly

    12. Boston

    11. San Jose

    10. Ottawa

    9. Tampa Bay

    8. Dallas

    7. Devils

    6. Calgary

    5. Montreal

    4. Colorado

    3. Islanders

    2. Nashville

    1. St. Louis

    Hope you Ottawa fans enjoy losing for the fourth straight time to the mighty Blue and White.


    Leafs will sweep the Sens.

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