The Obligatory 2004 NHL Playoffs Thread



  • Reply 61 of 249
    matveimatvei Posts: 193member
    Frenchies? Scabs?
  • Reply 62 of 249
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Sorry about the Frenchy thing (let my emotions get the better of me), but mostly I was referring to when they won the Cup back in 94 (?) and there was all sorts of rioting afterwards. Cars being smashed and turned over, looting, etc.

    The scabs thing is just a play on "habs" and refers only to the team itself AFAIK. I don't think it has any ethnic implications. You'd have to ask the Boston fans. That's where I've always heard it from. If it has some meaning I'm not aware of in that regard, I won't use it again. My intention was to badmouth the team there and the fans that condone the lousy on-ice behavior, not the whole of Montreal.

    Anyway, sorry if I offended. I just get sick to my stomach every time I think of the Ribiero thing and watch all this diving. It's sad and a blemmish on the game.
  • Reply 63 of 249
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Don't feel too bad, the fans in Montreal are pieces of shit. (except for the ones that are members here - they are awesome ) Very classy to see the Boston fans CHEER the Canadian anthem before last night's game. A far cry from what the dorks in Montreal do for the American anthem every game. It's ****ing embarassing.

    Oh man, what a game in Vancouver again last night. The Flames are looking really good. It's pretty amazing the intensity level they're playing at right now... and they are completely shutting the Canucks down. Could have easily been another shut out last night, their only goal went off one of the Sedin twin's tits fer chrissakes.

    I actually think I'm going to get tickets with a buddy for tomorrow's game. Quick little 3 hour jaunt into the city to catch a playoff game. Should be awesome.

    It is downright embarassing what the Canadiens are doing right now. I don't think I've seen such a team focus on pussying it up. Ribeiro was pathetic. Kovalev's little "ow, my hand" routine was absolutely ridiculous. Hey Moogs, if you liked Ribeiro taking that practice off, you must love that tape on Kovalev's hand, eh? Now THAT is funny. There is no way in hell that little tap hurt his hand through his ****ing glove. Someone please kill the both of them.

    Markov was equally as bad. Thornton's double minor... utter bullshit. He gets shoved into the goalie and gets called for interference. He's standing there in shock, Markov skated over like he's going to rough him up, so he puts a glove into Markov's grill... and the girl falls down like he got hit with a bat. I'm not even a Bruins fan and I'm frustrated as hell... but I think if you're a fan of HOCKEY you should be outraged at this crap, nevermind what team you root for. Do they think this is soccer? Sheesh.

    Someone else I wouldn't mind seeing killed is Ruuttu. He helps Rucinsky push Yelle over the boards, pulls a Royce Gracie by using some kind of ****ing Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu ankle lock on a Flame (can't recall who), then falls down like he's been shot when he gets so much as touched during the scrum. I know it's his job to be an agitator... but jesus, don't be such a blatant pussy about it.

    EDIT: Damn that sounds like an angry post. I'm actually quite a happy guy right now enjoying the playoffs, even if it sounds otherwise.
  • Reply 64 of 249
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member

    Jarko: Ju Jitsu... I'm going to learn... Ju Jitsu...?

    Man if you get to the game tomorrow I will be insanely jealous. If you have any taste or belief in God, you shall root for the Canucks! The flames are infidels and must be stopped before it's too late....

    Seriously though, Ruutu is a royal PITA (little bit like Barnaby, but is less mouth and more action; Barnaby is a yapping little dog most games), but he is in another realm compared to the punk-ass Canadiens who are giving the Koivu's and Ryders of the world a bad name. That bench dump thing was kind of funny actually. The ankle grabbing incident was hilarious. He looked so stupid it almost defies description.

    Either way, at least he's not a diving, flailing vag-boy most games. He does dive occasionally, but when he does, it's not the Canadien variety. He at least makes it look good like Foresberg does...

  • Reply 65 of 249
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    Let me be the first to say....


    Man that was sweet. Even if we blow it in the 2nd round I'm just stoked that we knocked NJ out early. Yeah baby.

    So does this mean I have 16 points already?
  • Reply 66 of 249
    matveimatvei Posts: 193member
    Bruins.... I'm so sorry you won't be advancing like you wished...

    Go Habs!
  • Reply 67 of 249
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    The Fleet Center is going to be a mad house tomorrow, so don't count your le chickeens just yet.

    The Vancouver-Calgary game last night was insane. I cannot believe they gave up a four goal lead, but then again three of the goals were deflections that most goalies are not going to see, let alone stop. Just bad luck / good puck pressure for Vancouver and Calgary respectively.

    Triple OT... man I was a little wound up. I thought the Canucks might be finished in the first OT period but they calmed down and played two more periods of good hockey. I loved it when Jovo-cop put the smack down on Iginla a couple times. Nothing like clean, open ice hits.

    Time to watch Ottawa pull out another win...!
  • Reply 68 of 249
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    Originally posted by FaydRautha

    You sound like a Rangers fan... :P Nope... this year I think they'll get deep. This is a great team with lots of depth and great goaltending. The Flyers have shown this year they can beta the teams that give them trouble. So you'd better watch out.

    Glad to see your Avs finally decided to start playing some hockey. :P It would have been terrible for them to go out early 2 years in a row...

    Haha. I do NOT like the Rangers. Funny thing: I don't like many of the East coast teams. But during football season I hate the Eagles with a passion (grew up in DC. . . Huge 'skins fan. Back in the days of the Nordiques they sold merch that had the "N" logo: my name starts with N, hence the Avs thing.)

    I think my Eastern hockey teams are rated like:

    Lightning (because I'll be going to their games next season. . . weird)

    Caps (from DC)


    - a few teams I don't care about -

    Rangers (Giants)

    Flyers (Eagles)

    Interestingly, there are a lot of Western teams I like. . . . Let's go Jets!
  • Reply 69 of 249
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member
    Looking grim for the Sens going into the third. A one goal lead seems to be enough for Ed....
  • Reply 70 of 249
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member

    Originally posted by Chinney

    Looking grim for the Sens going into the third. A one goal lead seems to be enough for Ed....

    Unless, of course, Ottawa manages to score.

    Screw my choices in the pool...Go Sens Go!
  • Reply 71 of 249
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member

    Fvcking right... Ottawa wins in 2OT!

    The third and 1OT periods were amazing. Ottawa looked like a completely different team. I will admit though Belfour was awesome. They must've had close to 50 SOG all told.
  • Reply 72 of 249
    matveimatvei Posts: 193member
    Fleet center won't be comparable to the bell center, all the fans are only interested in the red sox anyway....
  • Reply 73 of 249
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member

    Not this time of year they aren't. Maybe if the NHL playoffs were in August or September, I'd agree with you but... should be a great game either way. I am both nervous and excited to see the Vancouver - Calgary game. Should be fun.
  • Reply 74 of 249
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member
    I laughed trying to figure out wtf kind of Jarko-Jitsu move was going on in Canucks/Flames Game 5.

    Ankle bending? Trying to trim playoff beard with a quick skate shave.

    Some nights Ruutu is the Hunter S Thompson of Hockey. Surreal.

    Missed Game 6 triple OT out for dinner with Mom in Seattle.

    Hearing that the Canucks blew a 4-0 lead before marathon OT survival makes me glad I didn't watch...

    I'd have no fingernails left. But it sounds like Auld was awesome in OT,

    All the Canadian teams are going to game 7

    no score in the Montreal Boston game after the first period.

    The history of Canucks and Flames Playoff game 7 has some magic for those who seek it.

    The only game 7 Calgary ever won (vs Canucks) was the year they won the Cup (89)

    The only playoff game 7s Canucks have won (vs Flames), that year they've gone to the Final (82, 94),

    losing to a team from NY each time. Islanders and Rangers are both out this year...

    ergo, winner of this series goes on to get the Cup.

    Go Canucks!

    *prepares chips and beer
  • Reply 75 of 249
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Fvck. Boston bites the dust again. Thornton was invisible the whole series, on and off the ice. The guy needs a trade IMO. He isn't helping Boston or himself by remaining the Captain there. I must admit also: the fans really did suck there tonight. Quiet.

    Still, they didn't boo the Canadian national anthem or support flailing diving punks with peach fuzz. Ribiero must PAY... I hope Sydor pummels his ass next round. I wager Tampa Bay will win in six or less... which will illustrate clearly how overrated Boston really was.
  • Reply 76 of 249
    concordconcord Posts: 312member
    I just watched the last two periods of the Boston/Montreal game and I wondered... where's the intensity?!?

    Maybe it's because the Vancouver/Calgary matchup has skewed my perspective somewhat but Boston game was postively *tame* by comparison. Yay Montreal and all that but damn that was a boring game.

    And as Moogs points out - where were Boston's fans in all this?!? I've never seen a playoff game so quiet, let alone a GAME 7! Now that last game in Calgary - *that* was playoff hockey.

  • Reply 77 of 249
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    The intensity was for poop... from both sides.

    Reminded me of the Colorado - Dallas series. B-o-r-i-n-g.

    As for Vancouver-Calgary... I just hope we have a few more series with that level of intensity and desire the rest of the way. What a pleasure it's been to watch them go at each other full-bore period after period. Awesome stuff.

    Just an update: the first round scores aren't done yet but scottiB is owning us all so far with his picks... especially me, who is in last. I don't know why but I always seem to suffer with these pools. I thought maybe this system would help me out but noooo.

    Gambling apparently isn't my thing. I think i over-anlayze it. Ah well, the playoffs are still young yet!
  • Reply 78 of 249
    concordconcord Posts: 312member

    Originally posted by Moogs:

    The intensity was for poop... from both sides.

    Reminded me of the Colorado - Dallas series. B-o-r-i-n-g.

    Yeah, that was another yawner too. I think Colorado is beginning to find their playoff legs though. We'll see how the next series pans out.


    As for Vancouver-Calgary... I just hope we have a few more series with that level of intensity and desire the rest of the way. What a pleasure it's been to watch them go at each other full-bore period after period. Awesome stuff.

    Oh the roof's gonna blow off GM Place tonight!!! 8)

    It'll be a miracle though if (whichever team advances) will be able to do anything at all in the next round. What a beating these teams have taken in this series. You gotta wonder if anything'll be left in the tank for the next go-around.

  • Reply 79 of 249
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    I dunno... I read something from TSN that said the last two times these teams met / had game 7, the winner went to the Finals. Anything is possible! I don't think Vancouver has the goaltending to get to the Finals, nor Calgary the depth in general, but who cares. I think either might start the next series slow and work their momentum back up.
  • Reply 80 of 249
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member
    great intensity from both Nucks and Flames so far.
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