My 5000$ Ti-ncan - Drop a Lawsuit on Apple?



  • Reply 61 of 63

    These days, my battery runs out in less than half an hour - so I resort to using my laptop plugged in. I didn't know that battery problems were a normal occurrence until I read alcimedes reply above.

    Well, you can still order new batteries that are compatible with your laptop from Apple. After mine started to degrade I picked up a couple of new ones and my battery life is instantly double what it was before.

    -- Mark
  • Reply 62 of 63
    skaimauveskaimauve Posts: 30member
    Post removed
  • Reply 63 of 63
    johnhenryjohnhenry Posts: 152member
    Do you have a Lawyer?

    Your experience with this laptop is utter crap.

    Apple seems to have improved lately but in the past seemed to love denying anything was wrong with anything.

    I would seek a Lawyers advice and even have them make some phone calls to apple at the very least. Otherwise...

    Small claims court as you said.

    I would be pissed.
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