Another Reason SUVs Suck.



  • Reply 121 of 152
    scottibscottib Posts: 381member

    Originally posted by GardenOfEarthlyDelights

    In Detroit, you'd be safer walking around at the corner Woodward and 8 Mile at 2 am with a sign around your neck saying you pockets are stuffed with $100 bills and you walk with a limp than riding this thing.

    Well, the image link is broken, but since I live about 6 blocks from that intersection, Woodward and McNichol (6 Mile) would probably be a more effective example.

  • Reply 122 of 152
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by johnq

    (Not directed at you Powerdoc, only on that subject)

    They are good for protecting your grill from skull imprints from pesky pedestrians.

    Plus they help the "mexican help" to get up on the hood to clean your car (god knows you or your own children would never be caught dead doing menial labor!)

    (That's sardonic by the way!)


  • Reply 123 of 152
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I'm currently driving a VW Jetta wagon with a turbo 4. It's my ideal form factor: small enough to be sporty, but big enough to haul around a ton 'o stuff if need be.

    With the turbo, I get to go fast, but still get 30mpg highway. I also get fun handling, quick steering, and short stopping.

    If I had kids I'd get a Passat wagon with a V6.

    I really can't imagine lumbering around in one of those behemoths. If you look at the specs, some of them actually have less cargo space than a mid-sized wagon; the envelope is just huge for all the fake macho cladding.

    As has been noted, a tiny percentage of drivers actually have use for the SUV form factor; for the rest it's just rationalization and vanity and insecurity.

    I wonder how many of you SUV enthusiasts tooling around like the master of the highway realize that people look at you and think: "What a complete, worthless tool. You are vastly overcompensating for all the world to see".

    By the way, I'm considering making a bumper sticker for the H2:

    "Hummer. Because there's always another impotent jackass with money"
  • Reply 124 of 152
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member

    Originally posted by addabox

    "Hummer. Because there's always another impotent jackass with money"

    good bumper sticker

    I thought this might be good: "SUV = Such Ugly Vanity"
  • Reply 125 of 152
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by addabox

    "Hummer. Because there's always another impotent jackass with money"

    Sticker Junkie
  • Reply 126 of 152
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Oh you *bastard*.

    Now I actually have to fight my evil urges!
  • Reply 127 of 152
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Oh you *bastard*.

    Now I actually have to fight my evil urges!

    Friend of mine made 100 stickers that say "Honk if you demand satisfaction"

  • Reply 128 of 152
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    good bumper sticker

    I thought this might be good: "SUV = Such Ugly Vanity"

    How about

    SUV = Statistically Unsafe Vehicle
  • Reply 129 of 152
    As long as Section 179 deduction exists there will be SUV's the size of houses. Why do you think that all our Congressman drive SUV's. If a vehicle weighs over 6000 lbs it can be clumped into the machinery and equipment category of this tax "loop hole". That vehicle, if used in "your" sole proprietor, partnership or corporation, can be fully deducted up to $100,000 of business income. Thats one reason there are so many SUV's ladies and gentle peps!

    Glad I married a CPA!

    <- all the way to the bank

    Oh Oh and if you get a vehicle allowance from work, [enter Mr. Congressman name here], then you can deduct that amount from your taxable income....and some people actually thought it was all about the "who has the bigger prick". No No my friends. Its about who has the most money. Haven't we learned that yet?
  • Reply 130 of 152
    burningwheelburningwheel Posts: 1,827member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    How about

    SUV = Statistically Unsafe Vehicle

  • Reply 131 of 152
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Just for reference.

    Maybe a good rule of thumb is if you need a ladder to be able to wipe off the hood, you have a vehicle that is too big for you.

    Like when you buy a motorcycle, fit is a crucial buying/riding decision. Both feet need to touch the ground and you need to be able to be strong enough to keep it from tipping over when stopped.

    What is so obscene about the alleged "cargo" needs of SUV users is that so much of the extra weight they are driving around is GASOLINE. Wait, no...I mean
  • Reply 132 of 152

    Originally posted by scottiB

    Well, the image link is broken, but since I live about 6 blocks from that intersection, Woodward and McNichol (6 Mile) would probably be a more effective example.

    I agree with the Six Mile reference, but that rapper guy named his movie 8 Mile. Grew up in Warren (8 1/2 Mile Road).
  • Reply 133 of 152
    huge pick-ups suck too. i hate it when i go to an indoor parking lot and these SUVs and pick-ups are just huge and screw everyhing up
  • Reply 134 of 152
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Walnut Creek, Ca.

    A surreal world of upscale shopping districts and Hummers, Yukons, Escalades, etc.

    All this massive iron, jamming into parking garages, spewing pollution, barely able to navigate the narrow streets, and for what?

    Hauling 10 cords of wood to the cabin? Delivering a a small army to battle? Braving the outback to bring supplies to the forward post?

    Hell, no. Most of them are being driven by solo women who have gone shopping for clothes and kitchen utensiles. Maybe a quick lunch at the Califonia Pizza Kitchen.

    When you see them all together like that, just the sheer tonnage of pointless bullshit, each one carrying maybe 150 lbs of driver and cargo and vaporizing all that good middle eastern oil, you realize just how off the rails consumer culture can be.
  • Reply 135 of 152
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by addabox

    Walnut Creek, Ca.

    A surreal world of upscale shopping districts and Hummers, Yukons, Escalades, etc.

    All this massive iron, jamming into parking garages, spewing pollution, barely able to navigate the narrow streets, and for what?

    Hauling 10 cords of wood to the cabin? Delivering a a small army to battle? Braving the outback to bring supplies to the forward post?

    Hell, no. Most of them are being driven by solo women who have gone shopping for clothes and kitchen utensiles. Maybe a quick lunch at the Califonia Pizza Kitchen.

    When you see them all together like that, just the sheer tonnage of pointless bullshit, each one carrying maybe 150 lbs of driver and cargo and vaporizing all that good middle eastern oil, you realize just how off the rails consumer culture can be.

    I think I said it earlier in this thread, but California is like the last place you could ever need a SUV. Particularly SoCal. Yet, I seem to see more here than anywhere else.

    The scenario you describe is equally applicable to most of thousand oak, north ranch, agoura, oak park, malibu, calabassas...etc

    All these areas, there is pretty much no reason for an SUV.
  • Reply 136 of 152
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    add my neighborhood to that list. I recently got rear-ended by some bimbette in Hancock Park who was too busy dialing her cell phone to notice the light was red. Luckily it was a low-speed thing and I have an older car with 5 mph bumpers. Too bad for her SUV didn't. Too bad for her she didn't have insurance. Too bad for her the car next to me was a police car.
  • Reply 137 of 152

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    All these areas, there is pretty much no reason for an SUV.

    As I said in my post above, there usually isn't a reason for these SUV's from a utility standpoint, but the higher income people aren't buying them for that. Its the tax deduction you can take from it.
  • Reply 138 of 152
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Jubelum

    Well, if you see a white, 4x4 GMC Yukon XL (with an Apple sticker on the back window) driving around Austin, avoid it. That is the 'lethal' weapon I have chosen. Just thought you should know.

    You're from Texas? I should've guessed.
  • Reply 139 of 152
    badtzbadtz Posts: 949member

    Originally posted by tmp

    add my neighborhood to that list. I recently got rear-ended by some bimbette in Hancock Park who was too busy dialing her cell phone to notice the light was red. Luckily it was a low-speed thing and I have an older car with 5 mph bumpers. Too bad for her SUV didn't. Too bad for her she didn't have insurance. Too bad for her the car next to me was a police car.

    I T-Boned a Black Ford Expedition @ Wilshire/Highland a couple months back.

    His fault of course (he made a blinded left turn).

    Anyway ...

    LA definitely has too many SUVs

    <<< --- works in Century City. Home of All the H2s
  • Reply 140 of 152
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    You're from Texas? I should've guessed.

    What exactly are you getting at?

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