Smokers murder 35,000+ people a year



  • Reply 101 of 101

    Originally posted by burningwheel

    it's just my gut feeling. cigar and cigarrette smoke is so much more penetrating, i can't think of a better word. i mean the smoke lingers and attaches itself to everything. my father smokes cigars in his cars. he gave one car to my sister and even years later the car still smelled like cigars

    now when you drive home from work after drving on the freeway for 45 minutes, does your car smell like auto emissions? or do your clothes?

    Well, I live in NYC so I don't own (or need to own) a car...but I do know that the extremely poor air quality in the city is a result of the number of cars, trucks and buses that pass through it all day. Bloomberg would have done more for the lungs of New Yorkers if he had pushed for the MTA to utilize low emission vehicles or had created incentives for operators of commercial vehicles to do the same.

    Being tough on smoking is an easy position for a politician to take. Even smokers (like myself) concede that smoking tobacco does nobody any good, so while we may feel marginalized and demonized by anti-smoking legislation it's difficult to take a position condemning it. And it's easier to ban smoking than it is to create jobs or improve the school system. Or push for higher use of low emission vehicles for that matter.
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