Help in Setting up ADSL modem (newbie)



  • Reply 21 of 30
    piwozniakpiwozniak Posts: 815member
    Hey, no problem.

    On your router, go to SETUP tab, then click on Modem Setup button.

    Change modulation to GDMT.

    Click Aply

    Go to TOOLS Tab.

    Click on System Commands Button, click on Save All.

    Go to SETUP tab

    Click on Connection1

    Nat box should be checked ON, if it's not, check it ON.

    Change Encapsulation to VC

    Click on Apply

    Go to TOOLS Tab.

    Click on System Commands Button, click on Save All.


    I think for any setting to "stick" you have to go to TOOLS, and click Save All.

    NAT is used when you have x number of computers on your local network, and you want to be able to get out to the internet on all of them. Your router will use one public IP and share it for all the computers on your local network.

    See if it works now, What do you see when you go to Status?

    REMEMBER to do Save All after you make any changes.
  • Reply 22 of 30
    oisleepoisleep Posts: 14member
    Nothing's simple is it!

    When I go to modem setup, it currently is on MMODE, however even if i click GDMT then click apply, it doesn't seem to recognise that anything has been selected as it says "Please select the modulation type", even though I have the GDMT box checked.

    When I check the NAT box and also change the encapsulation from LLC to VC, then click apply, it refreshes screen and puts the settings back to what they were, i.e. NAT box unchecked and Encapsulation at LLC not VC.

    In status at the moment (with MMODE, LLC and NAT unchecked) it says:


    MAC address 00:0d:88:E3:94:6B

    IP Address:

    Subnet Mask:

    DHCP Server:Running


    Connection 1 pppoa Connected.

    It all seems to suggest everything is working - but its not!

    I have tried the setup on both PPPOA and PPPOE and I get exactly the same status report

    It's crazy!
  • Reply 23 of 30
    piwozniakpiwozniak Posts: 815member

    Good news:

    Connection 1 pppoa Connected.

    means it's connected, so that's good...

    Now, do you have a PC there?

    If you do, try connecting it the same way your mac is connected, and change NAT from your PC.

    Or if you have a different browser on your mac, try it.

    If you're still unable to make it work, shoot me an e-mail: piwozniak at

    I can tell you how to set it up, so i can connect to it, and do all these changes.

    It's just faster to exchange e-mails, than to post here.

    but hurry up dude, as i have to run out in about an hour, after then, we can continue on monday.


  • Reply 24 of 30
    oisleepoisleep Posts: 14member
    At last!!

    I switched from safari to internet explorer and it allowed me to change the settings, and its working now!

    I am really grateful for all your help in getting me up and running, much appreciated!

    It is running quite a bit slower than if I connect to the broadband with the PC, would that be normal?

    The next step is to setup the PC laptop with a wireless card and hook it up to the LAN - I think i'll leave this for a day or two though! (look out for the new thread asking for help on that soon )

    Once again, many thanks, you've made my day!

  • Reply 25 of 30
    talksense101talksense101 Posts: 1,738member
    well, it's ADSL season. I am trying to get a DSL setup and I am going with the router option. The ISP tells me that I have to use his router. Why can't I use a commericially available ADSL router instead?
  • Reply 26 of 30
    piwozniakpiwozniak Posts: 815member
    Most Likely, because they won't be making any $$$ on you.

  • Reply 27 of 30
    piwozniakpiwozniak Posts: 815member

    When you say, it works slower, what do you mean?

    Page loads, data transfer?

    Don't use Explorer to compare page load time to your PC, use Safari, it's much faster.

    If you want, go there:

    DSL On-Line Speed Test

    And test your connection, first using router, then going straight to your PC.
  • Reply 28 of 30
    oisleepoisleep Posts: 14member
    It just feels a lot slower,page loads and data transfer, I am at work just now so cant check out the site you mentioned, but I did a speed test at and it came in at about 41KBPS download and 20KBPS upload.

    I will do it tonight and compare the PC on USB modem with mac on ethernet, but the PC definately feels much faster.

    I also tried connecting the line directly into the main telephone socket (and not via the extension cable that I was currently using) but that didn't make any difference.

  • Reply 29 of 30
    oisleepoisleep Posts: 14member

    I tested the connection on a PC with USB ADSL modem and got speeds of 30KBps down and 55KBps up.

    On the i-book through the router I only got 27KBps down and 46KBps up.

    OK - it's not a huge difference but big enough to notice.

    Any ideas what may be causing it?

    Thanks again!
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