I give Rummy 2 more weeks
That's right race fans, I predict that another group of pictures and a follow-on scandal will dethrone King Rummy in the next two weeks. Just a hunch. Any other thoughts?
Why would I think such a crazy thing?
Poor manpower planning in Iraq (troops spending 15 months in Iraq)
The current scandal
The poor insight into the wars costs
The poor postwar planning
The misdirection from the WOT.
The Bush admin is politically weakening thus opening the door for scandals to break. The Bush admin isn't in a position to quash stories using patriotism the way they did a year ago.
Anyway, I'm feeling verklempt now so talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic--Rumsfeld gets canned.
PS. Look what the left wing Economist has as its cover this week.
Why would I think such a crazy thing?
Poor manpower planning in Iraq (troops spending 15 months in Iraq)
The current scandal
The poor insight into the wars costs
The poor postwar planning
The misdirection from the WOT.
The Bush admin is politically weakening thus opening the door for scandals to break. The Bush admin isn't in a position to quash stories using patriotism the way they did a year ago.
Anyway, I'm feeling verklempt now so talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic--Rumsfeld gets canned.
PS. Look what the left wing Economist has as its cover this week.

Originally posted by faust9
\\PS. Look what the left wing Economist has as its cover this week.
This a joke isn't it (I keep thinking we're beyond satire these days)
Originally posted by Harald
This a joke isn't it (I keep thinking we're beyond satire these days)
No, look at the link for the Photo. Go to a barnes and Noble. That is the current weeks Economist. <sarcasm>A truely left wing pub BTW</sarcasm>. I'm not talented enough to create anything like that.
Originally posted by Harald
This a joke isn't it (I keep thinking we're beyond satire these days)
It's not.
Originaly published in The Navy Times
Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, also shares in the shame. Myers asked ?60 Minutes II? to hold off reporting news of the scandal because it could put U.S. troops at risk. But when the report was aired, a week later, Myers still hadn?t read Taguba?s report, which had been completed in March. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld also failed to read the report until after the scandal broke in the media.
By then, of course, it was too late.
Myers, Rumsfeld and their staffs failed to recognize the impact the scandal would have not only in the United States, but around the world.
If their staffs failed to alert Myers and Rumsfeld, shame on them. But shame, too, on the chairman and secretary, who failed to inform even President Bush.
He was left to learn of the explosive scandal from media reports instead of from his own military leaders.
On the battlefield, Myers? and Rumsfeld?s errors would be called a lack of situational awareness ? a failure that amounts to professional negligence.
[edit] I should add that the above is from an editorial
Originally posted by faust9
That's right race fans, I predict that another group of pictures and a follow-on scandal will dethrone King Rummy in the next two weeks. Just a hunch. Any other thoughts?
"President Bush praised embattled Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Monday, saying, "Thank you for your leadership. You are courageously leading our nation in the war against terror.
"You are doing a superb job. You are a strong secretary of defense, and our nation owes you a debt of gratitude."
Nope, he'll stay.
Next stop in November, let's see of the voters do the right thing.
It's too bad that Rumsfled's direct manner didn't kick in with this crisis. I don't know if another person would have done better or worse with the whole thing.
Originally posted by Smircle
"President Bush praised embattled Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Monday, saying, "Thank you for your leadership. You are courageously leading our nation in the war against terror.
"You are doing a superb job. You are a strong secretary of defense, and our nation owes you a debt of gratitude."
Nope, he'll stay.
Next stop in November, let's see of the voters do the right thing.
Bush has shown that he is just as wishy-washy as the next politician. If Rumsfeld remains an albatros then he will be asked to leave, or show the door IMHO. Cheney dubbed good'ol Rummy the best Sec. of Defence ever... C'mon Dick get real please.
Originally posted by Scott
What else is Bush going to say?
It's too bad that Rumsfled's direct manner didn't kick in with this crisis. I don't know if another person would have done better or worse with the whole thing.
Better or worse?!? Rummy waited until the night before he spoke with the senate on Friday to even look at the photos. When did 60 minutes II break the story? When was Myers informed by 60 minutes that a story was brewing? Myers sat on a story of this magnitude without telling Rummy? Yeah right. I say it again, as soon as Rummy becomes to much of a weight, he'll be shown the door.
Don't forget it's an election year...
he'll be gone soon, someone high up has to go, and Jorge is not going anywhere.
This will show the world how serious US is about human-rights, and Rumsfeld?
Well Rumsfeld will start enjoying gardening, something he never had time for. Somewhere in a nice neighborhood, in his new sunny bungalow, with agents behind every tree...
We'll move on, and this will be just a 'bump' on a road to democracy...
Originally posted by Scott
I don't know if another person would have done better or worse with the whole thing.
Well, seems some other persons did not.
According to the Red Cross:
On 13 and 14 January he [Kellenberger] attended a series of meetings in Washington. In two days he would meet US Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz. In each meeting, say Red Cross sources, Kellenberger would deliver the same message: his organisation's belief that coalition soldiers were torturing and mistreating Iraqi detainees.
Within hours that message would be on the desks of Donald Rumsfeld and the most senior officers in the US military.
I mean, seriously - half of the admin talks to the head of the ICRC and noone informs the head honcho that american soldiers are allegedly busy committing war crimes?
Originally posted by Scott
What else is Bush going to say?
It's too bad that Rumsfled's direct manner didn't kick in with this crisis. I don't know if another person would have done better or worse with the whole thing.
Senator John Mccain? Colin Powell? Uh, sorry forget the latter...he'll be leaving soon too.
Anyway...would you have chosen Rummy for his past crimes? This administration did. It needed him. Another pawn (or partner) in the empire machine...
Cool photos and links for scott...
those damn cameras again!
Tried to link the article Washington Post reporter Ricks wrote today on how most of the military want him out now too.
Put a fork in him...he's done.
You have to remember that Bush doctrin for foreign policy, is based upon neo cons views whom best representant is Rumsfeld. Firing Rumsfeld will be an implicit confession that Bush foreign policy is a failure. By giving a blame, Bush say that Rumsfeld did make a mistake, but is still confident that the foreign policy of his admin is the good one.
Rumsfeld will certainly leave the admin in a few months, but not necessary now.
But being the architect of abuse? Priceless.
Originally posted by faust9
Anyway, I'm feeling verklempt now so talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic--
It isn't George's show, he is the figure-head, the real players are the group of ideologues: Wollfowitz, Cheney and Rummy . . . throw in the supporting cast of Libby etc etc, and you have the real decision makers . . . even if Rummy left his input would still be at play, Just like Perl's is.
Whether Rumsfeld resigns, gets fired or stays on, it looks bad every way for the administration. Are they going to keep passing the buck on this one? It's looking as if nobody is going to take final responsibility for this, and th admin probably is of the opinion that nobody will be unduly bothered.
This administration is a textbook example of the "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" maxim. When the final draft of the 9-11 "investigation" committee is made public ... even that pathetically narrow, ersatz, whitewashed, watered-down report maybe the final nail in the coffin of BushCorp. Or am I underestimating their absolute power and influence?
Originally posted by sammi jo
Or am I underestimating their absolute power and influence?
Unfortunately, I'm afraid we ALL are underestimating their absolute power and influence. I'm convinced that most of the neocons who frequent this board truthfully agree with Rush Limbaugh on this matter, who apparently enjoyed the photos and would have liked to play along? but I can?t say I find them surprising._
"I [weep] for my country, where peace is now a dirty word, where torture, death and human rights abuses are dismissed in a matter befitting Saddam Hussein, and where our leaders seek war and forment chaos." I couldn't agree more.
So, whatever we do, we shouldn't vote for John Kerry...because he's, um, a Catholic.
Edit: Grammar.
Originally posted by Northgate
Unfortunately, I'm afraid we ALL are underestimating their absolute power and influence. I'm convinced that most of the neocons who frequent this board truthfully agree with Rush Limbaugh on this matter, who apparently enjoyed the photos and would have liked to play along? but I can?t say I find them surprising._
"I [weep] for my country, where peace is now a dirty word, where torture, death and human rights abuses are dismissed in a matter befitting Saddam Hussein, and where our leaders seek war and forment chaos." I couldn't agree more.
So, whatever we do, we shouldn't vote for John Kerry...because he's, um, a Catholic.
Edit: Grammar.
No one enjoyed the photos. For you to suggest otherwise is exceptionally over the line.
I think it's clear Rummy will stay. It's probably the best option for the administration.