What's NEW @ WWDC

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in Future Apple Hardware edited May 2014
With Airport Express and new Powermac newly released, a new iTunes music store pending, and much talk of new displays, new iMacs and new iPods... So, what will be announced this WWDC? and what will be the relevance to developers? Will we see an amazing new device? or will Apple only focus on Software and OS X 10.4? Things are indeed getting interesting. Should we be holding our breath? I thinking so. But I could be wrong.

Please share with us, your thoughts and predictions...


  • Reply 1 of 42
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,445member
    iMac G5


    Xcode 2.0

    Quicktime 7
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  • Reply 2 of 42
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Based on those MacCentral comments, it looks like no G5 iMac either.
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  • Reply 3 of 42
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    Based on those MacCentral comments, it looks like no G5 iMac either.

    Kinda hard to tell:

    "While Boger didn't give a timeframe for an iMac G5, he did say the company faced similar challenges getting a G5 to work with their consumer desktop.

    "It's the same story -- the challenges are obvious when you look at the G5 and the size of the heatsinks and the enclosure; that would be a heck of a challenge as well."

    The last line in the first paragraph above makes it sound like they are done (past tense - faced similar challenges...)

    With the Info.plist snafu in 10.3.4 - The "PowerMac8,1 SMU_Neo2_PlatFormPlugin" indicates a new iMac - it seems that something totally new is coming for the iMac. Whether that be a G5 is yet to be determined, but I wouldn't rule it out. Maybe it will be something completely different.
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  • Reply 4 of 42
    macmattmacmatt Posts: 91member
    New iMac = New Cube design???

    Also, is there any details of QT7 ?
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  • Reply 5 of 42
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Well, how long has it been now since the last iMac speed bump (ie, not the screen size rev) 10 months? more? Heck, I really don't know, but it's been a long time.
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  • Reply 6 of 42
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by Flounder

    Well, how long has it been now since the last iMac speed bump (ie, not the screen size rev) 10 months? more? Heck, I really don't know, but it's been a long time.

    Sept 2003 - up to 1.25GHz.
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  • Reply 7 of 42
    dfryerdfryer Posts: 140member
    All I want is a "consumer" machine (think eMac) but with an upgradeable graphics card. Is that so much to ask?

    *crosses fingers*
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  • Reply 8 of 42
    macjedaimacjedai Posts: 263member
    Alot of wishful thinking on my part, including disappointment in the latest "bumps", but how about the fabled "xStation"?

    It's basically, all the goodies that were talked about for the next revision: PCI Express (or PCIe, which ever has the 16x transport both ways), the Power 5 derived CPU, liquid cooling, etc., etc.

    When you look at the Pro Series comparisons, they're always compared to the P4 3.XX GHz "baseline" and then the Xeon 3.XX GHz workstations. Just imagine what an "Apple xStaion" would do to the Xeon workstations (compared to what the "Pro" models do to it). The developers will probably need to come up with additional code for the xStation's HyperThreading etc.

    Anyway, my $0.02 (had to be different)!
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  • Reply 9 of 42
    Man the eMac sports something equivalent (minus AGP) to the original Radeon that I put in my B/W G3/350 a while back. This is obviously a better version, but STILL.

    MacJedai, couldn't you consider Apple's Pro line their Workstation-class? I just don't think Apple calls them that, as you normally think of a terminal or dumby monitor with that. (At least that's what I think of).

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  • Reply 10 of 42
    macmattmacmatt Posts: 91member
    But could Apple ship another product with a G5 chip? like an iMac. Do they have enough chips to go round?
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  • Reply 11 of 42

    Originally posted by MacMatt

    But could Apple ship another product with a G5 chip? like an iMac. Do they have enough chips to go round?

    I believe it is not a question of quantities, since Apple must have LOADS of 1.6GHz parts to build iMac G5. Heat is the key, here. So no iMac G5 at WWDC IMO.

    xStation? Why not, but rather improbable.

    I'm sure the key of the "Neo2" machine lies in Tiger... if someone here had the opportunity to see an alpha or beta version of the thing, go on, spill the bean! Inkwell breakthrough could mean tablet (so unlikely), new xGrid-like features could mean clusters (I'd really like Neo2 to be a consumer-oriented cheap cluster node, and Apple coming with a killer "zero configuration required" cluster starting at, say, 400-600$ the node... okay, I know that's never gonna happen, but still!), etc...
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  • Reply 12 of 42
    kurtkurt Posts: 225member
    The iMac is one area that Apple could really use a little competition. I really believe that if someone else were making Macs there would be a low cost G5 right now. It may not be as pretty as the iMac or have the expandibility of the PowerMacs but, someone would be making the 'headless iMac' that has been bantered about in this and other forums. I do think there is a sizeable market for one.

    Apple has had almost a year with the G5 and at least 6 months with the 970fx. They should have been able to design a bigger iMac that can handle the heat by now. The PowerBooks may be different but there is no excuse that for a low end desktop.
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  • Reply 13 of 42
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member

    Originally posted by willywalloo

    couldn't you consider Apple's Pro line their Workstation-class? I just don't think Apple calls them that, as you normally think of a terminal or dumby monitor with that.

    I'm not sure, but something tells me that the current PowerMac line-up is deliberately non-workstation class. A workstation, IMHO, should include a RAID controller and the most high-end GPU by default. However we don't see them in these PowerMacs. I suspect this is a hint that Apple implies the current PowerMacs are personal computers, rather than workstations. So, I think, Apple either avoids the workstation-class market or has something up the sleeve.
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  • Reply 14 of 42
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    Rampent speculation,

    but here goes...

    I like the xserve idea in Tiger also a new quicktime and an online movie store.

    some upgrade for wireless to perhaps stream video. Tie it in with quicktime and Tiger and you have alot to develop. Throw in some cool HD monitors with perhaps 3d effects (really wild speculation here) and Apple raises the bar again.

    so, Network many smaller apples together (emacs/imacs without screens? (small and stackable?) ) and do some cool 3d effects in Hi Def and that would be a WWDC that is not to miss.

    Apple has always been about easy networking way back to appletalk. Being the first to market with the cluster idea would sell more units if kids (or the kids in all of us) could cluster a bunch of computers together to play a wicked fast deep realism game. let the clusters render the hard stuff. I know not enough inter computer speed. Perhaps that is solved.

    Like it or not games drive the industry. Only very fiew of us NEED to to many layers of photoshop or render HD quality video. But, we wouldn't have the abilty to do those things if the gamers were not screaming for more poygons and fps.

    Perhaps tho, that is the WWDC for 2014

    but remember, why 1984 was not like 1984 (how the original mac with a 9" screen changed the world)

    Apple has always been about being and doing things different(ly)


    ps: who do you want to drive the industry a guy who bought all of his computer time or a guy that built his own computer?

    also, as I edit here, There are rumors that Apple will be releasing Remote Desktop 2 soon or at WWDC. I wonder if xserve will feature here?

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  • Reply 15 of 42
    ionyzionyz Posts: 491member
    I would love an iMac Cube, but I doubt thats the new form factor. Just the like idea of them releasing a Quad (haha) Power Mac, it would be great but I doubt we will ever see it.

    Speaking about xStation, I don't know. Aren't Power Macs expensive enough? Anyone remember when Apple offered a section in their online store for specialized Power Macs? They were targeted at video editors with pricey Targa capture cards and gobs of RAM and disk space. They ended up starting at $5000 I believe. Without those thousand dollar+ cards these days you can spec a Power Mac to $5000.

    Perhaps the crappy video cards are a way to empty stock on ADC gear. Who knows. At this point all this hardware speculation is tiring. All I want to see are some big software releases this year. Tiger (which had better be more appealing then Panther was, more worthwhile features), QuickTime 7, maybe even replace that antiquated word processors of theirs.
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  • Reply 16 of 42
    mccrabmccrab Posts: 201member
    If the rumors about new flat panel screens are to be believed and Apple waits to announce these at WWDC, I can't help but conclude that there will be a new hardware box (new cube or xStation) to accompany them.
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  • Reply 17 of 42
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member

    The "PowerMac8,1 SMU_Neo2_PlatFormPlugin" indicates a new iMac

    If Neo was the first PowerMac G5, then it makes sense that Neo2 is the new G5.
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  • Reply 18 of 42
    macmattmacmatt Posts: 91member
    So are you saying, you believe there will be no iMac G5 @ WWDC ?
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  • Reply 19 of 42
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    I don't think they are going to create a G5 iMac before they get a G5 into all of their pro machines.
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  • Reply 20 of 42
    limtclimtc Posts: 82member

    Originally posted by Nebagakid

    I don't think they are going to create a G5 iMac before they get a G5 into all of their pro machines.

    Not necessary. It might be G5 for desktop, and G4 for notebook.
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