What's NEW @ WWDC



  • Reply 21 of 42
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    Originally posted by Stoo

    If Neo was the first PowerMac G5, then it makes sense that Neo2 is the new G5.

  • Reply 22 of 42
    shaktaishaktai Posts: 157member

    Originally posted by Nebagakid

    I don't think they are going to create a G5 iMac before they get a G5 into all of their pro machines.

    Hmmm! Last I checked they have a G5 in ALL of their pro machines. In fact the G4 PowerMacs and servers have been completely discontinued.

    My best guess is iMac g5 @ 1.6 ghz. Probably with a newly designed enclosure. No it will not be headless.
  • Reply 23 of 42

    Originally posted by Shaktai

    Hmmm! Last I checked they have a G5 in ALL of their pro machines. In fact the G4 PowerMacs and servers have been completely discontinued.

    My best guess is iMac g5 @ 1.6 ghz. Probably with a newly designed enclosure. No it will not be headless.

    Yeah, I don't think heat will be an issue with a 1.6 G5 and a new enclosure designed specifically for the G5. It's just Tom Boger's comments that make me wonder:

    "While Boger didn't give a timeframe for an iMac G5, he did say the company faced similar challenges getting a G5 to work with their consumer desktop...

    ...It's the same story -- the challenges are obvious when you look at the G5 and the size of the heatsinks and the enclosure; that would be a heck of a challenge as well."

    First he says they faced similar challenges getting the G5 into an iMac [past tense] and then says it would be a heck of a challenge [future tense] so the this guy's a master at obfuscation.
  • Reply 24 of 42
    jaddiejaddie Posts: 110member
    Dear Friends

    What do you think the chances are of a video iPod's being introduced at WWDC? If you don't believe we'll see a video iPod at WWDC, when do you think we'll see one, if at all?

    I envision such a device as having a small color screen and the capability to import photos from digital cameras and media card readers very quickly and without any additional attachments.


  • Reply 25 of 42
    commoduscommodus Posts: 270member
    Video iPod? I'd say... zero.

    Steve Jobs has gone on record as saying that he doesn't believe a video iPod is viable, and even joked about the people who suggested that they keep expanding its features until it does everything.

    As the explanation goes: audio requires a minimal amount of attention, and the quality is easily addressed (better audio chipsets, better headphones). Video players are much more limited: you can't watch a video in many situations (walking on the street, exercising, etc.), and currently people are confined to the physical dimensions of the player. Even the PSP's relatively large screen is still no match for a portable DVD player or laptop - let alone a full-size TV!

    My guess is that the iPod will remain focussed heavily on audio for a long time to come.
  • Reply 26 of 42

    Originally posted by hmurchison


    no, the info.plist reference to "Neo2" clearly has nothing to do with Remote Desktop. It is in a list of platform/machine identifiers. Neo was the PPC970 (not the first PowerMac G5 as a whole) and Neo2 is obviously refering to the 970fx. Do you guys even read these boards?

    We will see an iMac G5 (or something new to replace the aging consumer-level desktop) in the next few months. I'd be willing to bet someone @ Apple realised the mistake made in 10.3.4 and 'leaked' that fud about remote desktop 2 being called neo.

    and good catch with the past-tesne reference to putting a G5 in an iMac. that much more evidence...
  • Reply 27 of 42
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    Do you guys even read these boards?

    Yes an much of what is speculated is false.
  • Reply 28 of 42
    ionyzionyz Posts: 491member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Yes an much of what is speculated is false.

    Right. While all this is fun and amusing the only people that know what's going down aren't talking. All we have is speculation to draw conclusions. I've about had it with all this stuff. Isn't WWDC here yet so we can stop all this crazyness.

    Oh wait, WWDC is nothing, afterwards we have to run in circles over SIGGRAPH for future hardware haha. Thats where we will find all our headless this and Quad that.
  • Reply 29 of 42
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    My money is burning a hole in my pocket. I need unprecedented restraint to avoid buying before WWDC.

    I've got roughly 3-5k (not bragging, I fought and scraped for it) to blow on a killer system. I'm happy with several of Apple's options at the moment considering I've been doing professional work on a G3 iBook 700 MHz. (Seriously, about 200k of work has been done on this little thing....not my money alas, only my former employer).

    Yes, I can buy now and be happy but I am curious what is coming this time. Keep in mind I can be happy with 2 "consumer" systems, rather than one "professional" system. (Both "so-called", since I do professional work on what is deemed a student-level laptop).

    What I hope for mostly is updated displays. I can "settle" for the current G5s. But a redesigned iMac "would do".
  • Reply 30 of 42
    jaddiejaddie Posts: 110member
    Dear Commodus & Friends


    Originally posted by Commodus

    Video iPod? I'd say... zero.

    Steve Jobs has gone on record as saying that he doesn't believe a video iPod is viable, and even joked about the people who suggested that they keep expanding its features until it does everything.

    Epson is getting US$599 for its P-1000 photo viewer. It seems to me that Apple would want to make an even better product and gain greater exposure to serious digital photographers as well as garner profits for shareholders.


  • Reply 31 of 42
    aphelionaphelion Posts: 736member

    Originally posted by MacJedai

    ... how about the fabled "xStation"? It's basically, all the goodies that were talked about for the next revision: PCI Express (or PCIe, which ever has the 16x transport both ways), the Power 5 derived CPU, liquid cooling, etc., etc.

    ... Just imagine what an "Apple xStation" would do to the Xeon workstations ...


    Originally posted by costique

    I'm not sure, but something tells me that the current PowerMac line-up is deliberately non-workstation class. A workstation, IMHO, should include a RAID controller and the most high-end GPU by default. However we don't see them in these PowerMacs. I suspect this is a hint that Apple implies the current PowerMacs are personal computers, rather than workstations. So, I think, Apple either avoids the workstation-class market or has something up the sleeve.

    As I see it the new single G5 power Macintosh is a given at the WWDC. The speed bump to 2.5 GHz was rolled out early to focus on new products like Tiger and the new Mac.

    But even with a new consumer/business Mac, and a major revision to the OS, Steve will have to talk about not reaching 3 GHz at some point. I believe that point will be as he announces the famous "one more thing".

    That one more thing will be a workstation class Mac. A quad system (finally!) most likely powered by four 2 GHz G5's (130nm). This will be Steve's way of making not reaching 3 GHz seem unimportant.

    The time is right to offer what would unquestionably be the "world's fastest PC" by any measurement.
  • Reply 32 of 42
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by concentricity

    no, the info.plist reference to "Neo2" clearly has nothing to do with Remote Desktop. It is in a list of platform/machine identifiers. Neo was the PPC970 (not the first PowerMac G5 as a whole) and Neo2 is obviously refering to the 970fx. Do you guys even read these boards?

    Explain to us, then, why Apple referenced the 970-based PowerMacs as PowerMac_7_2_PlatformPlugin and the 970fx-based PowerMacs (supposedly) as SMU_Neo2_PlatformPlugin?

    It really makes no sense unless this is a new "type" of machine. Those are machine codes, after all.

    From looking at them, they appear to relate to various system devices, fans, etc....I wish Apple would release this as part of their 7.4 source code for Darwin though. That would certainly make things more understandable. I emailed them asking why/when this will be available, but have not heard a word.
  • Reply 33 of 42
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Whats new at WWDC? whats new at WWDC?!? I'll tell you whats new at WWDC, what ever Steve says is "NEW" at WWDC!
  • Reply 34 of 42

    Whats new at WWDC? whats new at WWDC?!? I'll tell you whats new at WWDC, what ever Steve says is "NEW" at WWDC!

    you should get an HBO comedy special
  • Reply 35 of 42
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    Explain to us, then, why Apple referenced the 970-based PowerMacs as PowerMac_7_2_PlatformPlugin and the 970fx-based PowerMacs (supposedly) as SMU_Neo2_PlatformPlugin?

    It really makes no sense unless this is a new "type" of machine. Those are machine codes, after all.

    From looking at them, they appear to relate to various system devices, fans, etc....I wish Apple would release this as part of their 7.4 source code for Darwin though. That would certainly make things more understandable. I emailed them asking why/when this will be available, but have not heard a word.

    It could simply be liquid cooling related if you follow that line line of thinking.
  • Reply 36 of 42
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    It could simply be liquid cooling related if you follow that line line of thinking.

    But the NEW PowerMacs use PowerMac7,3 machine codes and basically use the same settings as PowerMac7,2 (the 970-based G5s). People, this is completely new!
  • Reply 37 of 42
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member
    Everybody is forgetting about MOTION!

    -Motion will begin shipping


    -New Display family

    -Tiger Preview

    -Wrap up of how good iTunes is

    -iPod sales figures

    -"One last thing" (The product none of us knows about)
  • Reply 38 of 42
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
  • Reply 39 of 42
    dfryerdfryer Posts: 140member
    Is there any code or other information associated with SMU_Neo2? (plugins, kexts, plists etc..)
  • Reply 40 of 42

    A new Mac Mini, 4K iMac and 4K Cinema Display.

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