Bush: Hypocrite?



  • Reply 81 of 82
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by SDW2001


    You have absolutely no right to pontificate on what "I think". Gore and others have not disagreed on policy. They're making hateful personal attacks during a time of war. Gore has stopped just short of accusing Bush of a crime. "He betrayed this country"? Are you honestly telling me that's just a criticism of policy?

    Concerning my positions: I have said many times that each and every position I hold is the result of quite a bit of crtitical thinking and understanding of indisputable facts. I balance this with my moral beliefs and of course, personality. By contrast, you have demonstrated time and time again that what you're interested in is rhetorical statements and "gotcha" politics. Your post above is a prime example. You refuse to take a position on an issue and then argue and support that position.

    We can disagree on interpretation of the Constitution. It is my opinion that freedom of speech has its limits. One cannot scream "fire" in a move theater for example. One cannot make threats or engage in slander/libelous behavior. I don't know that Gore should be prosecuted (in fact, I'd argue against it), but I do believe that his statements cross the line of reasonable political discourse.


    " You have absolutely no right to pontificate on what "I think". "


    Why not? We've been getting example after twisted example.

    Also I love the way you called me a " Ball Licker " in your round about example......

    The only reason I have a " Gotcha " policy with you is because you're so easy to get.

    I thought my last post outlined my position and yours. And yes you have a right to your misinformed opinion.

    You already know what thinking people think of Bush.
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