A vote for Kerry is a vote for Bush



  • Reply 41 of 116
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    unbelieveable . . . I wouldn't believe it if I didn't start to read it for myself . . .but there it is in clear millions-of-colours . . . complete self-deception at work . .

    BTW . . . by the time you found it impossible to twist your rhetoric in such a way as to argue against any overt flop and say "finally" you had already given at least one . . . though all the others might as well have been conceded . . .

    I can't even . . . its too much . . . . Ill get banned . . .

    hopefully this will encapsulate:

    Say whatever you want. I clearly delineated the criteria I was looking for. He posted a bunch of nonsense that didn't meet it. You can self-deceive yourself all night thinking he did. I mentioned three instances that met that criteria off the top of my head for Kerry. Kerry no longer supports legislation he VOTED INTO LAW. Not voted on with a procedural vote that knows the bill is going no where. Not voted for one amendment, but then didn't vote for the final bill because the amendment was stripped. None of that sort of nonsense. We are talking about finalized bills that he voted into law that he no longer supports.

    You can do more than roll your eyes. Add something for goodness sakes. Find a bill that Bush signed that he no longer supports.

  • Reply 42 of 116
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    We are talking about finalized bills that he voted into law that he no longer supports. Find a bill that Bush signed that he no longer supports.


    What's strange is that's the only kind of flip-flop you can imagine-- despite being given several examples of different kinds. What's the deal?
  • Reply 43 of 116
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    If your house was on fire you'd say your nieghbor is smoking . .

    Just off the bat, from the list above . . . and really I only want to take or even look at one right now . . .

    the TARRIFs that Bush signed after touting "free Trade" (and yes, for neo-cons that means all trade='free' . . . at least it does for developing countries), those same TARRIFs that were in-themselves a flip-flop, HE LATER RESCINDED!!!

    . . a double flip-flop

    a virtual triple gainor


    Self-deception seems to be more difficult to uproot than one might think . . . I look at your posts and I come to that conclusion almost everytime . . . how else does one explain such excuse making in the form of logic and reasonable thinking? . . .

    such turning and twisting of thought?

    . . . it really is confounding!?
  • Reply 44 of 116
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by ShawnJ

    What's strange is that's the only kind of flip-flop you can imagine-- despite being given several examples of different kinds. What's the deal?

    Again most of those "flip-flops" were nothing more than quotes during the process. (investigations, interviews, etc.) Process is different than final. You could easily support a bill at it's introduction and oppose it at the end thanks to riders, amendments, etc. That doesn't mean you have flip-flopped. It is the bill that has changed.

    Kerry could have initially supported, say No Child Left Behind and then declared himself unable to support the final language. That isn't a flip-flop at all. However when he votes on the final bill, helps it become law, and then claims not to support the law afterwards, that is entirely different. Disturbingly so.

    Let me make it a little easier for you Shawn. You date someone before marry them. You can change your mind whever you want. You can screw whoever you want, go out with whoever you want. No big deal. You do the same thing after you are married, usually it is a big problem.

  • Reply 45 of 116
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Let me make it a little easier for you Shawn. You date someone before marry them. You can change your mind whever you want. You can screw whoever you want, go out with whoever you want. No big deal. You do the same thing after you are married, usually it is a big problem.


    See. . . . that isn't true where I come from . . . you don't fuck around on your girlfriend or else she doesn't become your wife.

    Just as, hopefully, this Bushwad won't become our president for another four years
  • Reply 46 of 116
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    If your house was on fire you'd say your nieghbor is smoking . .

    Just off the bat, from the list above . . . and really I only want to take or even look at one right now . . .

    the TARRIFs that Bush signed after touting "free Trade" (and yes, for neo-cons that means all trade='free' . . . at least it does for developing countries), those same TARRIFs that were in-themselves a flip-flop, HE LATER RESCINDED!!!

    . . a double flip-flop

    a virtual triple gainor


    Self-deception seems to be more difficult to uproot than one might think . . . I look at your posts and I come to that conclusion almost everytime . . . how else does one explain such excuse making in the form of logic and reasonable thinking? . . .

    such turning and twisting of thought?

    . . . it really is confounding!?

    Well lack of context will do that to you.

    For example Bush did reverse the tariffs. Of course you fail to mention that it was in the face of BILLIONS of dollars of sanctions from Europe via the World Trade Organization.(2.2 billion to be exact)

    So did Bush really change his position, or was there a proverbial gun to his head?

    Let someone hold a gun to your head Pfflam. Anything you say under such coersion we will simply consider character flaws on your part. No consideration of the gun is necessary at all.

    If you consider such basic understanding about being coerced to be above your self-described "logic and reasonable thinking" that can continue to be rewarded with being confounded.

  • Reply 47 of 116
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    See. . . . that isn't true where I come from . . . you don't fuck around on your girlfriend or else she doesn't become your wife.

    Just as, hopefully, this Bushwad won't become our president for another four years

    It's not whether you do or don't. It's whether you can without it become a court matter. Your girlfriend may not decide to become your wife, but the point is that she can't haul you into court over it either.

  • Reply 48 of 116
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    You know Trump...I didn't know your level of denial reached such extremes. I had you a notch above other posters who are fanatical about Bush....but I'm not so sure anymore. That reply to Faust was lame and laden with silly arguments.

    Just admit that there is NOTHING Bush can do to upset you or disappoint you and then we can all be more "honest" in our discussions.
  • Reply 49 of 116
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    [to Trumpt]

    well, never let anyone say that you felt Reason holding a gun to your head!!

    You are making excuses real good now . . . someday maybe you'll look back on these pages in sheer wonder.

    Free trade is free trade is free trade . . . the tarrif started out as a FLIP . . . because he had a 'reason' to reverse them, self-interest, simpy revealed that his proffessed ideological belief in free-trade only works when we are forcing open the toddering economies of tiny little countries and thereby getting our way with them, self interest, -his removal of the tarrif- was ideologically consistent if and only if you believe that his ideology is not free-trade but only self interest at the exclusion of political consistency . . . in other words: FLOP

    and just randomly: Bush says 'Science' . . . no, I don't even have to do this one . . . you know Bush has replaced numerous scientists in key positions with corporate stooges . . its just too obviouse . . . and then for you to attack the panel that came out against him for haveing an agenda is ABSURD

    Of course they have an agenda . . . its called SCIENCE!!!

    nuf sed . . . its too much . . . such equivocation should catch the eye of the public at large . . . its a true marvel
  • Reply 50 of 116
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    [to Trumpt]

    well, never let anyone say that you felt Reason holding a gun to your head!!

    You are making excuses real good now . . . someday maybe you'll look back on these pages in sheer wonder.

    Free trade is free trade is free trade . . . the tarrif started out as a FLIP . . . because he had a 'reason' to reverse them, self-interest, simpy revealed that his proffessed ideological belief in free-trade only works when we are forcing open the toddering economies of tiny little countries and thereby getting our way with them, self interest, -his removal of the tarrif- was ideologically consistent if and only if you believe that his ideology is not free-trade but only self interest at the exclusion of political consistency . . . in other words: FLOP

    and just randomly: Bush says 'Science' . . . no, I don't even have to do this one . . . you know Bush has replace numerous scientists in key positions with corporate stooges . . its just too obviouse . . . and then for you to attack the panel that came out against him for haveing an agenda is ABSURD

    Of course they have an agenda . . . its called SCIENCE!!!

    nuf sed . . . its too much . . . such equivocation should catch the eye of the public at large . . . its a true marvel

    Don't post after the second six pack anymore. You are mentally mumbling.

  • Reply 51 of 116
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    You know Trump...I didn't know your level of denial reached such extremes. I had you a notch above other posters who are fanatical about Bush....but I'm not so sure anymore. That reply to Faust was lame and laden with silly arguments.

    Just admit that there is NOTHING Bush can do to upset you or disappoint you and then we can all be more "honest" in our discussions.

    I'll gladly answer all your baseless and strange assertions regarding me right after you get your left hand out from under your desk and stop manipulating your lower member.

    I mean you should just admit that is what you were doing because hey.... I claimed it.

  • Reply 52 of 116
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Don't post after the second six pack anymore. You are mentally mumbling.

    I'll admit to a run-on sentence . . . and on and on

    But the point is worth re-iterating, and if you were intellectually honest, -as your 'comrade SDW is so fond of saying- worth trying to understand.

    Bush put the tarrif into place=FLOP

    Bush took the tarrif out=FLOP

    According to Bush's expressed ideology, we should not need tarrifs: if our economy needs tarrifs than we need to go into different lines of work.

    Bush's ideology (unexpressed) is self interest, it only operates as expressed when it is at the expense of economies other than our own.

    The rest of the post was clear, so I will repost it (with a little editing):

    "and just randomly: Bush says 'Science' . . .

    . . . you know Bush has replaced numerous scientists in key positions with corporate stooges . .

    its just too obviouse . . .

    and then for you to attack the panel that came out against him for haveing an agenda is ABSURD

    Of course they have an agenda . . . its called SCIENCE!!!

    . . . such equivocation should catch the eye of the public at large . . . its a true marvel
  • Reply 53 of 116
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I'll gladly answer all your baseless and strange assertions regarding me right after you get your left hand out from under your desk and stop manipulating your lower member.


    This is getting fun.
  • Reply 54 of 116
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Sadly pfflam it appears you thought that post was...clearer?!?!

    Perhaps you should stop posting after the FIRST six pack instead of the second.

  • Reply 55 of 116
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Sadly pfflam it appears you thought that post was...clearer?!?!

    Perhaps you should stop posting after the FIRST six pack instead of the second.


    That's what you resort to.

    Stand up! you pathetic whimp!
  • Reply 56 of 116
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I'll gladly answer all your baseless and strange assertions regarding me right after you get your left hand out from under your desk and stop manipulating your lower member.

    I mean you should just admit that is what you were doing because hey.... I claimed it.

    Speaking of mental mumbling

    I don't mean to hurt your feelings Trumpy , but don't flatter yourself , you're not one I'd jack-off to.

    But feel free to take a break from defending your daddy Bush to go play with yourself and your "Mission Accomplished" poster.

    And you're supposed to be a teacher?

    Wow Shawn, you thought that 2nd grade comeback by Trumpy was impressive eh?

    Edited for "clarity".
  • Reply 57 of 116
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    That's what you resort to.

    Stand up! you pathetic whimp!

    I don't beat up drunks. Sober up. Post something that makes sense in the morning. Maybe even try that neat "quote" feature to show how you are replying to me instead of just mumbling assertions about what I am saying that exist in your head.

  • Reply 58 of 116
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Speaking of mental mumbling

    I don't mean to hurt your feelings Trumpy , but don't flatter yourself , you're not one I'd jack-off to.

    But feel free to take a break from defending your daddy Bush to go play with yourself and your "Mission Accomplished" poster.

    And you're supposed to be a teacher?

    Wow Shawn, you thought that 2nd grade comeback by Trumpy was impressive eh?

    Edited for "clarity".

    I'm supposed to be a teacher? Yes, I mean I must never have sex either. They just plug me in at the end of the day and let me recharge for the next morning.

    What's next? Gasping when I drink a beer? Passing out if I watch...South Park or Chris Rock?

    As for my mission accomplished poster. You know your wife has it. She hung it up in your bedroom after I was done. She said something about motivating you via shame to do a little better.

  • Reply 59 of 116
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Edited for "clarity".

    Translation: "Cleaned-up"
  • Reply 60 of 116
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I don't beat up drunks. Sober up. Post something that makes sense in the morning. Maybe even try that neat "quote" feature to show how you are replying to me instead of just mumbling assertions about what I am saying that exist in your head.


    Its an amazing thing to watch, ladies and gentlemen.

    we have seen a man take the utmost tortured path of reasoning in order not to let insight disturb his fantasy-land romance with a well-known figurehead of state.


    we have seen this same man succumb to extremes of avoidance, where his reason veared woefully far from the crystal clear issues at hand.

    and finally,

    we have seen this self same man, this very trumptman, avoid reading entirely in order to hold on to the very thinest of veneers imaginable, yes, that veneer of self delusion known by many as vanity, by some as narcissism and by me as idiocy

    We have seen this man, in his 'vanity', 'narcissism' and 'idiocy' resort to the shallowest of ruses . . . yes, in his inability to accept insight, to peal away at the layers -however thin- that blind him, we have seen this man resort to giving up . . to laying the mental tool upon the bench

    Why? you might ask . . .

    well you might.

    If so, one would venture to guess this simple reason:

    He simply was wrong . . . and wrong a long time ago,

    and had nothing else to say
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