Apple Poor Performance @ WWDC

in General Discussion edited January 2014
no words to say....


  • Reply 1 of 95
    bnoyhtuawbbnoyhtuawb Posts: 456member

    Originally posted by Chmul

    no words to say....

    Incredibly lame ... and Steve was promising an exciting year ...
  • Reply 2 of 95
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    It seemed pretty good from a developer point of view. Things that would actually concern developers were revealed.
  • Reply 3 of 95
    chmulchmul Posts: 6member
    Slightly redesigned 20 and 23 Displays witout price drops.

    30" Display for 3300,- plus extra needed graphic card for another 600,-!

    no other new hardware - though the imac is a real poor performer after 10 months of product cycle. Poor!

    And last but least no real improvements on Mac OS X! Tiger has it´s small gadgets and a Konfabulator clone. Poor.

    I´m sorry but there has more to come.

  • Reply 4 of 95
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member

    Originally posted by Chmul

    Slightly redesigned 20 and 23 Displays witout price drops.

    30" Display for 3300,- plus extra needed graphic card for another 600,-!

    no other new hardware - though the imac is a real poor performer after 10 months of product cycle. Poor!

    And last but least no real improvements on Mac OS X! Tiger has it´s small gadgets and a Konfabulator clone. Poor.

    I´m sorry but there has more to come.


  • Reply 5 of 95
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    cupertino, we have a problem.

    They were qick to put up the new displays on the apple store but forgot to take down the monitors from $699 ad.


    yet they show the new monitor!

    click on it and you end up with the low end of $1299.

    RDF indeed!

    apple stock down 1.05 on the news.

    to apple and the RDF that means up $2.00

    where the he*ll is my damn iphone!!
  • Reply 6 of 95

    Originally posted by TednDi

    cupertino, we have a problem.

    They were qick to put up the new displays on the apple stor but forgot to take down the monitors from $699 ad.

    click on it and you end up with the low end of $1299.

    RDF indeed!

  • Reply 7 of 95
    utsavautsava Posts: 53member
    Just when analysts started boosting apples stock... they go and pull this lame-o keynote. I find it funny they are taking pot shots at Microsoft "Redmond, we have a problem".. when they have 3% or less market share, an elderly consumer level product line and missed projections on the PowerMacs.. Bill Gates must laugh his arse off at Apple.
  • Reply 8 of 95
    kenaustuskenaustus Posts: 924member
    OK, so my new iMac and/or iPod were not presented - I'll wait.

    What was released was more than enough to motivate the developers and, from comments I read, the developers really liked what they saw. That was the primary objective of the keynote: motivating developers.

    Looking at the keynote I think that the iMac was a toss up for Steve J - he did end the keynote 15 minutes ahead of time, which might have been originally set aside for the iMac.

    For those of us expecting an iMac there was one important indicator of things to come: Tiger is going to fully support 64 bits. There is going to be a need to have the G5 iMac in the market before Tiger hits. Keep watching and you might a surprise this week or next.

    As for Tiger's impact in the consumer area: I'm going to order it as soon as i can. Too many nice features (of the limited ones we saw) not to.
  • Reply 9 of 95
    Doesn't seem like much but I'm sure it was better in person. It's hard to tell from a live text accoutning of the event. However, the displays are the same price as before but without the 17" model the cheapest one is now $1300. The 30" is a whoping $4000 with the required card. This creates a much larger gap between the pro and consumer models. It could also mean the new iMacs are going to go up in price as well. We should see those within the next few weeks. Keep in mind they were EOL over six weeks ago and shipments were halted three weeks ago. They are coming very soon. I have to agree this anniversary year has been pretty lame and we are already at the halfway point. I think the only great product announced so far this year was Airport Express. I'll have to get a couple with my iMac.
  • Reply 10 of 95
    ecumeecume Posts: 4member
    you guys dont get it. This keynote was about OSX and those core-video APIs are amazing and the widget frameworks will make it even easier to get stuff done fast - that's why we use MACs. You guys wanna go back to before-rendezvous? the new stuff will be just as significant.
  • Reply 11 of 95
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    What do you mean? When I click there the old 17" is still there available for $699.


    Originally posted by TednDi

    cupertino, we have a problem.

    They were qick to put up the new displays on the apple stor but forgot to take down the monitors from $699 ad.

    click on it and you end up with the low end of $1299.

    RDF indeed!

    apple stock down 1.05 on the news.

    to apple and the RDF that means up $2.00

    where the he*ll is my damn iphone!!

  • Reply 12 of 95
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Well as an end user who will actually be developing apps soon on OSX I'm excited.

    These reactions are why I don't think Apple should bring new products to WWCD for announcement. It's a developers show and what makes a developers propeller twirl is vastly different than a consumer.

    If Core Image and Video make it easy to incorporate excellent video support in apps then that's huge.

    If Spotlight and the new searching functions allow me to find the smallest piece of data on a Terabyte HD then that's great.

    If Automater allows me to reduce the redundant tasks I do often then that's great.

    I see nothing but potential in the hands of someone creative.
  • Reply 13 of 95
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    click on the pictue of the monitor in the powermac g5+ monitor it says under the monitor $699. clicking that picture takes you to the monitor page and the $1299 20"
  • Reply 14 of 95
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    There's actually a bunch of cool things here...

    (So glad spotlight isn't literal spotlights). Edit: I mean "spotlights everywhere".

    Spotlight is gorgeous, (I like the gloss to the OS GUI, even if a ripoff of SmoothStripes).


    I looks good to me. I want it...
  • Reply 15 of 95
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member

    Originally posted by TednDi

    click on the pictue of the monitor in the powermac g5+ monitor it says under the monitor $699. clicking that picture takes you to the monitor page and the $1299 20"

    yes, then scroll down a bit...
  • Reply 16 of 95
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member
    Not to have a display smaller 20" is another stupid move from the makers of anything Mac. They are walking away from consumers big time. Seems to me they are squeezing themself into a pro only computer company and that means they are forgetting 99 out of 100 customers. Maybe we will see a new machine in the next month or so but if we dont they are kissing goodby joe consumer. wrong move because consumer is King, not that 1 out of 100 buyers who is a pro. it took 4 years for a new style display? what is going on at the hardware division
  • Reply 17 of 95
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member

    Originally posted by Aurora

    Not to have a display smaller 20" is another stupid move from the makers of anything Mac. They are walking away from consumers big time. Seems to me they are squeezing themself into a pro only computer company and that means they are forgetting 99 out of 100 customers. Maybe we will see a new machine in the next month or so but if we dont they are kissing goodby joe consumer. wrong move because consumer is King, not that 1 out of 100 buyers who is a pro. it took 4 years for a new style display? what is going on at the hardware division

    It's priced a bit high but they still do sell the 17" display.
  • Reply 18 of 95

    Originally posted by Aurora

    Not to have a display smaller 20" is another stupid move from the makers of anything Mac. They are walking away from consumers big time. Seems to me they are squeezing themself into a pro only computer company and that means they are forgetting 99 out of 100 customers. Maybe we will see a new machine in the next month or so but if we dont they are kissing goodby joe consumer. wrong move because consumer is King, not that 1 out of 100 buyers who is a pro. it took 4 years for a new style display? what is going on at the hardware division

    They may be increasing the gap between pro and consumer intentionally or maybe the next iMacs will be more expensive.

    It wouldn't be hard to include the 17" display from the iMac as one of the new monitors, but then again, seeing how small the 20" looks next to the G5 cpu...
  • Reply 19 of 95
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
  • Reply 20 of 95
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    This isn't speculation about future Apple hardware, so off to General Discussion we go...
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