Movie: Alien vs Predator
I'm kind of ashamed to admit this, but I'm really looking forward to this movie. Any excuse to see two types of aliens battle it out as Marines add their own ammo to the corssfire is a good excuse to me. (It seems a little odd that Marines would be sent in as a part of an archeological find anyway, but...)
I still haven't seen either of the originals. Shoot me.
I still haven't seen either of the originals. Shoot me.
Originally posted by faust9
Remember that other great attempt to cross movie characters? Freddie Vs. Jason...
Those two characters didn't have access to the arsenal these two have.
Originally posted by faust9
Remember that other great attempt to cross movie characters? Freddie Vs. Jason...
i'm not sure if you meant that as a jab, but freddy vs. jason not only did remarkably well for what it was, but played to the camp that both franchises has become. oscar-winning material? not by a long shot. but if you went in wanting a weird, campy time, then it was a good flick.
btw, if there is an alien BORN from a predator, i predict that lone predalien will kick all sorts of unholy ass.
Originally posted by rok
btw, if there is an alien BORN from a predator, i predict that lone predalien will kick all sorts of unholy ass.
Wow, I never even thought of the implications of that. That would be worth the price of admission alone.
Remember, there are thousands of aliens, and just a tribe of predators.
But yes, the weaponry of the Preds kicks ass.
Both AvP1 and AvP2 were outstanding games. Dark Horse comics had some outstanding crossover series. It should be good stuff if, as has been pointed out, Hollywood doesn't "dumb" it down too much. I love this stuff...
As much as I'd like to see Aliens vs. Predator directed in the spirit of Aliens and Predator, or even a watchable rendition, we're not going to get it. Expect Mortal Kombat. *shudder*
Originally posted by hardhead
Placebo, first of all, why would you feel shame? This is POTENTIALLY a great match up for any sci-fi/horror fan!
Well, the concept of just matching two species of horror flick aliens, solely for the satisfaction of watching them tear each other apart.
I guess I feel half a spectator in a gladiation match, and half an enthusiast of lowbrow action films.
Originally posted by tonton
Which of the cast members do you think will run for governor?
Considering there were 3 candidates (2 successful) in the first Predator movie, I'm saying 5 of the actors in this movie will run for governor at some point, with 3 winning.
Originally posted by hmurchison
I'm going to see it. The Predator is going to kick the Xenomorphs slimy ass. You heard it hear first.
AVP is gona r0xor my box0r!
Cant wait!
Neat video: Making of the Creatures