Appleworks 7 may be coming. Good news
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This is great news. Appleworks X book with a publishing date of 2004. Remember "X" is just the placeholder until they know the final version number. Could we be looking at AW7 at MWSF?
Maybe this is why Keynote 2 hasn't arrived. It may be due for inclusion in a future AW version.
Does anyone see AW possibly going upscale meaning more features?
This is great news. Appleworks X book with a publishing date of 2004. Remember "X" is just the placeholder until they know the final version number. Could we be looking at AW7 at MWSF?
Maybe this is why Keynote 2 hasn't arrived. It may be due for inclusion in a future AW version.
Does anyone see AW possibly going upscale meaning more features?
Originally posted by hmurchison
It is norwegian. We have here some fellows from Norway I think
Now that would be nice. An *all new* Appleworks introduced with an *all new* iMac. That would be nice indeed.
Originally posted by Bancho
Now that would be nice. An *all new* Appleworks introduced with an *all new* iMac. That would be nice indeed.
Hopefully Appleworks 7/X won't be just a a heavily tweaked AppleWorks 6.x and a more of a complete rewrite (in Cocoa no doubt.)
And you don't need skills in norwegian to find out. ;-)
Originally posted by Zapchud
Five minutes of googling shows that the 'X' means 6. Which isn't all too weird, since it's the last version of AppleWorks to write something about.
And you don't need skills in norwegian to find out. ;-)
Drats Zapchud. There goes the dream
Different ISBN number and March 2004 publishing date.
They wouldn't publish a new book "just" for the differences in 6.2.9. This surely means that a new version is coming. Finally
I want to believe...I really do...
Title: AppleWorks 6 for Macintosh : Visual QuickStart Guide
ISBN: 0201702827
Author: Nolan Hester
Format: Paperback / 2ND July 2000
This is for Nolan Hester's first AW6 book.
Here's the new book
Author: Nolan Hester
ISBN: 0321246640
Publisher: Peachpit Press - March 2004
Format: Paperback
Seems clear cut to me. Date differs by 4 years and ISBN number is different. We gotta ask ourselves why would PP take 4 years and register a new ISBN for AW 6.2.9. Answer is they wouldn't. This is a new version coming that is substantial enough to warrant the need of a new updated book. That in my book is AW7.
I have to wonder what happened. Maybe it's predicated on some new or highly revised system libraries that aren't ready for prime time yet? Maybe they'll come out as private frameworks in 10.3.5 and as public frameworks - CoreOffice?
Steve was probably bummed that he couldn't demo Keynote 2 at WWDC, let alone Appleworks 7 and the iMacs.
Originally posted by Amorph
I have to wonder what happened. Maybe it's predicated on some new or highly revised system libraries that aren't ready for prime time yet? Maybe they'll come out as private frameworks in 10.3.5 and as public frameworks - CoreOffice?
Do I undrestand you correctly that you think Apple may be waiting to put enough of CI/CV and the speculative CO in 10.3.5 for their own use in Appleworks, but locked out from the rest of the developer community, i.e. frameworks = core system level code? What funsctions would you guess CO to have?
Why should Apple waste resources making a clone of Office ??
It would seem more economical to just include a license for Office with any new computer purchase and trash AppleWorks altogether.
Flame away!
Originally posted by KingOfSomewhereHot
Office X is a good app... and reasonably priced if you qualify for edu discount.
Why should Apple waste resources making a clone of Office ??
It would seem more economical to just include a license for Office with any new computer purchase and trash AppleWorks altogether.
Flame away!
1. there is not a suitable word processor included with every mac. that is absolutely pathetic
2. Apple won't license office or MS won't license it to Apple. one way or the other, it would have been done by now if it were gonna happen
Originally posted by ibook911
I simply do not get the point of Appleworks.
Originally posted by KingOfSomewhereHot
Office X is a good app... and reasonably priced if you qualify for edu discount.
Why should Apple waste resources making a clone of Office ??
It would seem more economical to just include a license for Office with any new computer purchase and trash AppleWorks altogether.
An affordable, easy to use productivity suite.
AppleWorks does NOT compete with Microsoft Office. AppleWorks competes with Microsoft Works in the Home, Education and Non-Profit markets. It would be silly for Apple to ship iMacs with a bunch of content creation and organizational apps (iLife) and then leave out an app for the kind of content most people create.
In the last few years, MS has seen open-source and the StarOffice efforts chip away at the dominant position of its cash cow. Thus, they've lowered the price a bit and "look the other way" when consumers who don't qualify purchase the Student and Teacher version.
But these efforts, if I may take issue with the King, are nowhere near "reasonably priced." As reported by Dvorak, Redmond recently submitted a bid for a Productivity contract in Thailand where they showed they could make a profit selling Office for $40. per seat.
Unless you like being held with a gun to your head, Microsoft's Office suite monopoly in the world must not be left totally unchecked. Period.
Frankly I'm a bit tired of MS' paradigm. I want something different. You want to see what Mac users are capable of? Look at what they've done with Keynote. My God I'm draggin my jaw in amazement. Why doesn't Microsoft compell people to create such beautiful works? Because Microsoft is about the money and they only do what's necessary to secure your funds.
As Frank777 has shown. There are powerful people that are considering leaving the MS "safe haven" so it's clear that MS Office doesn't hold sway with everyone. It's time for Apple to flex some skills here and show us what they believe an Office Suite should be. I don't choose Macintosh to "be like everyone else" I choose it because I like to align myself with those that demand a little bit more from their computing endeavours.
Bring on Appleworks 7. I'm ready.
The kicker. Much of this may be moot, as recent events show Sun getting in bed with Fujitsu too. The Japanese companies are hungry to buy out American technology firms?or their large divisions, just as Hitachi did with the IBM disk drive business. Fujitsu has been independently developing SPARC technology and may have actually surpassed Sun in expertise.
At a recent Sun event in Shanghai, the company swooned over its future with Fujitsu on next-generation products (many Fujitsu-designed). Someone in the audience said that this sort of arrangement usually results in joint ventures and a new corporate entity. McNealy said that this was not the case here. Why not? The only reason I can think of is that the real work is a full-blown merger, with Fujitsu essentially taking over Sun. The $2 billion in the bank from Microsoft is there partly to make Sun's books look better to Fujitsu shareholders.
Nobody gives the Sun board of directors much credit for being anything more than McNealy's lapdogs, so unless this idea comes from him, it won't happen. McNealy has been reluctant to do a merger lest he lose his job. But it would make sense to take the money from Microsoft, spin off StarOffice and Java development, and leave Microsoft in bed with Fujitsu?$2 billion short. Now that would be funny.
Thanks for that link from Dvorak. On a note, NeoOffice/J is going to be a good product for the Mac even if the Aqua port of K-Office doesn't see daylight. With the emphasis on making Darwin more friendly with Linux with every release of MacOS, OpenOffice is becoming easier to port to the Mac.
Appleworks 7 doesn't have to be designed from the ground up. Apple can bundle OpenSource office suites that are more mature. They can contribute something signifcant to the community by polishing the GUI of some of these, but that would require a new CEO.
I'm no believer yet.