Woman fired for eating pork
Read the story.
I think this is a clear case of religious discrimination. A company policy that forbids certain foods on the basis of religious beliefs? Unacceptable. That would be like me saying my employees can't eat Bagels because I don't like jews and Bagels are "unclean". The policy isn't even written down, according to the article.
Your thoughts.
I think this is a clear case of religious discrimination. A company policy that forbids certain foods on the basis of religious beliefs? Unacceptable. That would be like me saying my employees can't eat Bagels because I don't like jews and Bagels are "unclean". The policy isn't even written down, according to the article.
Your thoughts.
sorry sdw, you have a strange interpretation of the current tort applications of religious freedom. and you are very wrong on this one.
Originally posted by groverat
As much as I hate Jews, I do not see this as being an unfair requirement.
As much as I hate the laugh out loud smiley, I really should use one right now.
Originally posted by Scott
It is company policy. It was written down. She was warned once.
Umm, did you bother to follow the link? The business owner clearly stated this policy was not written down.
From Linked Article
However, by the company's own admission to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, that policy is not written, Local 6 News reported.
I swear Scott, if you ever start using your brain, the universe will come to a complete stop.
Originally posted by Aurora
The company is a bunch of muslim fanatics, i would eat a BLT and then throw the bacon everywhere along with ham sandwiches and a few ribs. more B.S. by the fanatics. some of these ideas are just stupid and sounds like these fanatics are not living in the 21st century. zealots have many forms and they all suck including this company. Pork for everyone screw this companies faith and idiotic practice of missing out on Pork BBQ!
Who sounds like the idiot you or them?
Why not respect their religious ideologies?
Originally posted by hardeeharhar
Who sounds like the idiot you or them?
Why not respect their religious ideologies?
I respect anyone's right to hold his or her own religious beliefs. I don't feel that I have to respect the beliefs themselves. There's a lot of stupid, inane shit that people say, do, and believe in the name of religion.
Maybe there are good health reasons not to eat pork. But not eating pork because pork is "unclean", and firing people who dare to bring pork near your oh-so-holy pork-free personage, is just as stupid and intolerant as acting the same way because you think aliens from Planet X are using pork to sap and impurify your precious bodily fluids -- in my view, calling it a "religious belief" doesn't make it any more respectable a belief.
Originally posted by hardeeharhar
Who sounds like the idiot you or them?
Why not respect their religious ideologies?
why are they imposing them on their employees?
Originally posted by PBG4 Dude
Umm, did you bother to follow the link? The business owner clearly stated this policy was not written down.
Sorry I miss read it.
Originally posted by PBG4 Dude
I swear Scott, if you ever start using your brain, the universe will come to a complete stop.
Fuck off troll.
Originally posted by Scott
Fuck off troll.
Impressive comeback dude. Very impressive.
That's right up there with "yo mama".
OTOH, looks like the universe will continue on its merry way.
Originally posted by Aurora
The company is a bunch of muslim fanatics, i would eat a BLT and then throw the bacon everywhere along with ham sandwiches and a few ribs. more B.S. by the fanatics. some of these ideas are just stupid and sounds like these fanatics are not living in the 21st century. zealots have many forms and they all suck including this company. Pork for everyone screw this companies faith and idiotic practice of missing out on Pork BBQ!
Presumably you support gay marriage, and would rush about marrying any man you could lay your hands on because some people want to deny this based on their faith? Screw the the idiotic Christian faith and the idiotic practice of missing out on gay weddings?
After all, it's just one faith's belief ... why should that be imposed on people who don't share the belief?
(You may well actually be in favour of gay marriage, I don't know)
Originally posted by shetline
I respect anyone's right to hold his or her own religious beliefs. I don't feel that I have to respect the beliefs themselves. There's a lot of stupid, inane shit that people say, do, and believe in the name of religion.
Maybe there are good health reasons not to eat pork. But not eating pork because pork is "unclean", and firing people who dare to bring pork near your oh-so-holy pork-free personage, is just as stupid and intolerant as acting the same way because you think aliens from Planet X are using pork to sap and impurify your precious bodily fluids -- in my view, calling it a "religious belief" doesn't make it any more respectable a belief.
That is just it, though. This woman doesn't have the right to eat whatever she wants. Period.
Clarify: Yet she does have the right to practise whatever religion she wants. If she were a member of the all pork church, then the company would be fucked. But she isn't.
But back to the pork...
Say it was company policy you were not allowed to drink Pepsi. You could not have a Pepsi product on your desk, or even bring one into a company, lest you be fired. Is this fair? It does happen.
I would say companies can be in their rights regarding what kind of food you can bring on to their premises, but if they are like this, then they should provide a subsidized cafeteria to discourage an employee from buying and bringing in their own food. My two cents.
Originally posted by JimDreamworx
Say it was company policy you were not allowed to drink Pepsi. You could not have a Pepsi product on your desk, or even bring one into a company, lest
maybe if you worked at Coke?
Apparently, however, the christian right doesn't think this applies to students.