TS reports on new imac specs



  • Reply 301 of 697

    Originally posted by hivemind

    hehe, that's the site i went to to confirm the price!

    i guess i was only looking at the blue one.


    i suppose apple then got greedy after selling so many and added $200. tsk, tsk. it's not like it went to r&d: "hey bob, what's your favorite color?" lol .

    Nope, neither of those links are for the original Bondi Blue iMac.


    The original iMac was $1299. For the 5-color ones, they dropped the price to $1199, and then for the slot-loaders (your link), they dropped the price even more, to $999. However, the $999 one was pretty lame - it had no CD burner. And you couldn't add one easily, either, since it had no FireWire ports. For those things, you had to go with the usual $1299 price point.

    So the pricing of the rumored iMacs is not all that different from the original. I'm not saying that's necessarily a good thing - you could argue that the market has changed enough to require lower prices. But you can't say the original iMacs were cheaper than today's...
  • Reply 302 of 697
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by mooseman

    blah blah blah...

    So keep saying an FX5200 is "fine" for a "low end consumer machine." Fact is, the majority of people don't see $2200 as "low end."

    You must be being obtuse on purpose, because no one's this stupid in real life...

    Low-end = $999 model. Period.

    Now go away.
  • Reply 303 of 697
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member

    Originally posted by CharlesS

    Nope, neither of those links are for the original Bondi Blue iMac.


    The original iMac was $1299. For the 5-color ones, they dropped the price to $1199, and then for the slot-loaders (your link), they dropped the price even more, to $999. However, the $999 one was pretty lame - it had no CD burner. And you couldn't add one easily, either, since it had no FireWire ports. For those things, you had to go with the usual $1299 price point.

    So the pricing of the rumored iMacs is not all that different from the original. I'm not saying that's necessarily a good thing - you could argue that the market has changed enough to require lower prices. But you can't say the original iMacs were cheaper than today's...

    I know. I paid $1299 for mine. I took his comment on the price of the colored (rather than saying Bondi) to mean the first instance of multiple colors. $1299 at the time I bought mine though was still quite competitive with anything I could have bought on the PC side of the fence.
  • Reply 304 of 697
    My take. #1

  • Reply 305 of 697

    Originally posted by CharlesS

    Nope, neither of those links are for the original Bondi Blue iMac.


    The original iMac was $1299. For the 5-color ones, they dropped the price to $1199, and then for the slot-loaders (your link), they dropped the price even more, to $999. However, the $999 one was pretty lame - it had no CD burner or FireWire ports. For those things, you had to go with the usual $1299 price point.

    So the pricing of the rumored iMacs is not all that different from the original. I'm not saying that's necessarily a good thing - you could argue that the market has changed enough to require lower prices. But you can't say the original iMacs were cheaper than today's...

    hey, lame or not, $999 rings the bell. everybody uses that tactic of getting people to buy higher when they realize all the stuff they could be doing if they only spent a little more...

    why didn't they stay with this philosophy? now it's spend $1300 and pay another $500 (500!) for a decent screen size or another $900 (900!!!! lol) for a crazy-big screen. it's insanity, i tell you! i realize cost of components, etc etc, but this is an iMac, the computer for the colorful average joe. there is too much difference between the models, imo. one screen size (a good one) is really all that is needed. apple is trying waaay to hard to wow the entire universe, and forgot the simplicity factor.

    and the final line-up for the g3 imac was $999, $1299 and $1499.


    even their highest-end g3 iMac never hit above $1500 starting point.

    the price differences they have now are just too freaky, regardless of where they start.
  • Reply 306 of 697
    Hey, I'm a new member, and I'm looking to buy a Mac for the first time. I'm most likely going to get an Imac, but I have some questions. Basically I was going to get the present Imac G4, it is prefect for my use and the design is great, with the small footprint. My questions... is the new G5 going to be considerably better performance wise? I'm trying to decide if I should hold out for it instead. But if I want a G4 I need to get it now before Stock runs out. So any suggestions... I'm kind of at a loss. I would be glad to use the G4 but if the performance on the G5 is condsiderably better I would would consider holding out for it, eventhough the design is unknown and I would prefer a computer with a small foot print...don't have much room.
  • Reply 307 of 697
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by nsousansousa

    My take. #1

    Why is it iMac 4 and not 3?
  • Reply 308 of 697

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    You must be being obtuse on purpose, because no one's this stupid in real life...

    Low-end = $999 model. Period.

    Now go away.

    ...who is obtuse? You?

    If you could both read AND comprehend, take another shot at it:

    "The widescreen 20-inch iMac will include a 1.8GHz G5 processor, slot-loading SuperDrive, 80GB Serial ATA hard drive, NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra graphics processor with 64MB of DDR video memory, and 256MB of DDR SDRAM.

    The top-of-the-line 20-inch model will be identical to the mid-range, 20-inch iMac with the exception of a larger, 160GB Serial ATA hard drive."

    If thats gonna sell for $999, I'll be first in line.

    Thanks for the ad hom, though, I find its a very telling character flaw.
  • Reply 309 of 697
    geobegeobe Posts: 235member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Jamil

    [B]Check out the Think Secret story on the new Imac specs. 17 & 20 inch widescreen, confirms AIO pizza box design similar to Sony, priced from 1300 - 2200, Geforce MX 5200 ultra graphics (any good?). Still crippled RAM. No pics though.

    new imacs

    With integrated Speakers and the guts on the back of the flat panel, it sounds like they are going to release a 25th Anniversary Macintosh.

    I the original 20th and this is fantastic to me. I have always thought that an updated 20th with todays features would blow the doors off the competition. Good sound, great design, form and function beyond others.

    i would buy it.
  • Reply 310 of 697

    Originally posted by PB

    Why is it iMac 4 and not 3?

    Sorry. You're right. But soon I will show the reason behind iMac 4.

  • Reply 311 of 697

    Originally posted by Nobby

    Hey, I'm a new member, and I'm looking to buy a Mac for the first time. I'm most likely going to get an Imac, but I have some questions. Basically I was going to get the present Imac G4, it is prefect for my use and the design is great, with the small footprint. My questions... is the new G5 going to be considerably better performance wise? I'm trying to decide if I should hold out for it instead. But if I want a G4 I need to get it now before Stock runs out. So any suggestions... I'm kind of at a loss. I would be glad to use the G4 but if the performance on the G5 is condsiderably better I would would consider holding out for it, eventhough the design is unknown and I would prefer a computer with a small foot print...don't have much room.

    ...my suggestion is find a tower G5 and get a flat panel display. Apple has the Dual 1.8ghz machines selling for $1699 in the Special Deals department. Its a 10x better deal than getting any iMac if you plan on keeping it more than 6 months.
  • Reply 312 of 697
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by mooseman

    ...who is obtuse? You?

    If you could both read AND comprehend, take another shot at it:

    "The widescreen 20-inch iMac will include a 1.8GHz G5 processor, slot-loading SuperDrive, 80GB Serial ATA hard drive, NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra graphics processor with 64MB of DDR video memory, and 256MB of DDR SDRAM.

    The top-of-the-line 20-inch model will be identical to the mid-range, 20-inch iMac with the exception of a larger, 160GB Serial ATA hard drive."

    If thats gonna sell for $999, I'll be first in line.

    Thanks for the ad hom, though, I find its a very telling character flaw.

    Oh for christ's sake. I give up. You're incapable of being reasoned with.

    The above quote is *SPECULATION* you idiot. It *MAY* or *MAY NOT* be correct.

    What *I SAID* was that the 5200 was fine *FOR THE LOW-END $999 MACHINE*, and that *IF* it was in the higher end machines, even I would see that as a problem. You posted the *SPECULATION* of the *HIGH-END* specs, you idiot.

    Jesus. Now go away, you simplistic little troll.
  • Reply 313 of 697
    geez, apple had better get that new iMac out soon, or people are gonna start hating everyone around them.......... pardon this newbie for saying so, but this (FH) used to be a very civil board... like a month ago! watching it slowly decline in terms of treatment and handling of others, is really saddening. it feels like a chicken coup. come on, people-- where's the love?

    we're all in this together, right?
  • Reply 314 of 697
    maffrewmaffrew Posts: 166member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by geobe


    Originally posted by Jamil

    Check out the Think Secret story on the new Imac specs. 17 & 20 inch widescreen, confirms AIO pizza box design similar to Sony, priced from 1300 - 2200, Geforce MX 5200 ultra graphics (any good?). Still crippled RAM. No pics though.

    new imacs

    With integrated Speakers and the guts on the back of the flat panel, it sounds like they are going to release a 25th Anniversary Macintosh.

    I the original 20th and this is fantastic to me. I have always thought that an updated 20th with todays features would blow the doors off the competition. Good sound, great design, form and function beyond others.

    i would buy it.

    Having only gotten 'into' Apple products this year, i googled the 20th and i have to say, it's pretty ugly, don't like it at all.

    I like nsousansousa idea of what it should look like. I don't know if the actual one will look remotely like that, but if it did, i'd buy one.

    I love the sunflower iMac, and all the other systems (including the eMac, as far as CRTs can look good) are all excellent, so i have confidence in Apple's design abilities. Looking forward to seeing what they come up with.
  • Reply 315 of 697
    moosemanmooseman Posts: 126member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Oh for christ's sake. I give up. You're incapable of being reasoned with.

    The above quote is *SPECULATION* you idiot. It *MAY* or *MAY NOT* be correct.

    What *I SAID* was that the 5200 was fine *FOR THE LOW-END $999 MACHINE*, and that *IF* it was in the higher end machines, even I would see that as a problem. You posted the *SPECULATION* of the *HIGH-END* specs, you idiot.

    Jesus. Now go away, you simplistic little troll.

    ...ROTFLMAO. I imagine that if anyone in here had been as pointedly personally abusive towards another you would ban them. But, hey, no problem for me. Says more about you than me.

    I'm sure the whole point of future hardware is speculation. I might be simple and stupid, but I damn sure I know that future hardware is about speculation.

    But, keep apologizing for Apple's decisions to under-deliver to their customers so they can maintain forced turn-over. Its also sad that you think its OK for a thousand dollar machine to have no optical drive AND a three year old GPU. If that seems reasonable to you, you need to get out more.

    You think its reasonable for Apple to try and hit the "sweet spot" Fred Anderson talked abut them missing by offering a $999 machine without an optical drive and with a 3 year old GPU?

    You think that is reasonable? That sounds "good?" It might be reasonable in a $699 box with a CD-R/W, PCI slots, and sitting in an AGP slot. Its not reasonable in a an non-upgradeable AIO. Unless you think trashing perfectly good computers every year or two is reasonable just because you can't upgrade the GPU.

    I'm sure you'll move the focus of the argument once again, since you can't obviously respond with any logical defense. Ad homs are the last resort of the intellectually impotent.
  • Reply 316 of 697

    Originally posted by Nobby

    Hey, I'm a new member, and I'm looking to buy a Mac for the first time. I'm most likely going to get an Imac, but I have some questions. Basically I was going to get the present Imac G4, it is prefect for my use and the design is great, with the small footprint. My questions... is the new G5 going to be considerably better performance wise? I'm trying to decide if I should hold out for it instead. But if I want a G4 I need to get it now before Stock runs out. So any suggestions... I'm kind of at a loss. I would be glad to use the G4 but if the performance on the G5 is condsiderably better I would would consider holding out for it, eventhough the design is unknown and I would prefer a computer with a small foot print...don't have much room.

    i say wait 2-3 weeks to see what the newest model will be like. that way, if you decide that you don't need the extra horsepower or what-have-you, then the g4 iMac will also be a bit cheaper

    also, the suggestion to buy the low-end g5 tower and seperate monitor is a good one if you can afford it and can handle the physical size of a g5 and (possibly) crt monitor.
  • Reply 317 of 697
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member

    Originally posted by hivemind

    i say wait 2-3 weeks to see what the newest model will be like. that way, if you decide that you don't need the extra horsepower or what-have-you, then the g4 iMac will also be a bit cheaper

    also, the suggestion to buy the low-end g5 tower and seperate monitor is a good one if you can afford it and can handle the physical size of a g5 and (possibly) crt monitor.

    True, I've seen 1.6G5 towers with superdrive on the Apple special deals every now and then for $1299. Add display of your choice and there you go.
  • Reply 318 of 697
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    The specs reported by thinksecret seems very conservatives and therefore should be considered accurate.

    The pizza box looks, is a little disapointing for me, the magic arm of the I mac G4 LCD was really a great plus for many people.

    I am surprised that they Apple can still ship a geforce 4Mx in his computers (does is still exist ? ).

    As Kickaha said , it will be a disapointement if Apple put a geforce 5200 in the high end consumer model.

    Unfortunately it was the case the last years.
  • Reply 319 of 697
    moosemanmooseman Posts: 126member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    The specs reported by thinksecret seems very conservatives and therefore should be considered accurate.

    The pizza box looks, is a little disapointing for me, the magic arm of the I mac G4 LCD was really a great plus for many people.

    I am surprised that they Apple can still ship a geforce 4Mx in his computers (does is still exist ? ).

    As Kickaha said , it will be a disapointement if Apple put a geforce 5200 in the high end consumer model.

    Unfortunately it was the case the last years.

    Its a disappointment in a $1300 model as well.
  • Reply 320 of 697
    nobbynobby Posts: 2member

    Originally posted by hivemind

    i say wait 2-3 weeks to see what the newest model will be like. that way, if you decide that you don't need the extra horsepower or what-have-you, then the g4 iMac will also be a bit cheaper

    also, the suggestion to buy the low-end g5 tower and seperate monitor is a good one if you can afford it and can handle the physical size of a g5 and (possibly) crt monitor.

    But if I wait I don't know if I will be able to get the g4 considering it is pretty much sold out now.... Or do u think they may be available in the future?
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