TS reports on new imac specs



  • Reply 621 of 697
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    Uh, since Apple hasn't really gained too many sales in the same period, that's the definition of stagnant.

    True but prior to SJ taking over Apple was losing millions a qtr. Stagnation is preferrable to declination. Every company sees stagnation after supply catches up to demand. This is why Apple is focusing on the iPod where that magical supply/demand issue is still present. In fact the stagnation that we see is a prime indicator to Apple that they must be more conservative regarding their lineup. Lowering prices doesn't always create a sustainable spike in demand.

    I see the Macintosh line as growing very slowly. I see Apple's foray into Consumer Electronics as being a more profitable venture right now as user aquit themelves to the new technologies being offered at a more rapid pace. The Macintosh will have to feed off of this synergy.

    Right now it is the US against Japan. We're coming..and they're worried.
  • Reply 622 of 697
    chris vchris v Posts: 460member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Apple's marketing is terrible, no not their TV or print ads, their website is awful.

    Take a look at the mini cooper website www.mini.com for an example of expert marketing.

    not from a navigability stand-point.

    1. Find flag, amongst sixty little flag icons.

    2. loading... loading...

    3. skip intro.

    4. Welcome. Click here.

    5. loading.. loading... finally, a page with information.

  • Reply 623 of 697
    moazammoazam Posts: 136member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Apple's marketing is terrible, no not their TV or print ads, their website is awful.

    Take a look at the mini cooper website www.mini.com for an example of expert marketing. Apple needs to do something similar, to walk people through a purchase, and show them what upgrades do and what benefits they have for the customer.

    You're off your rocker. The Mini Cooper website is plain atrocious. Usability and otherwise, it's crap. Lets get something straight, if I go to www.mini.com, most likely I'm interested in the Mini Cooper, its specs, its look, pictures of it, options, and prices. I'm NOT interested in playing stupid GAMES like Jigsaw Puzzle Mini! I don't know what the hell those ppl are thinking.

  • Reply 624 of 697
    moazammoazam Posts: 136member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Apple needs to do something about the fact that, for example, my dad can not go to the Apple online store and understand why he should upgrade to an 80 GB HD over a 40 GB one...I doubt he knows what a Gigabyte is.

    I don't know who said it, but I remember hearing it a while back. People always say "Buying and using a computer should be as easy as buying or using a toaster!" The best response has been "Guess what, this is NOT a toaster, this is a computer!"

    When your dad goes to a car website, does he have to be told the exact differences between a 5speed transmission and a 6speed transmission? Does the manufacturer explain why the gear ratios are different? No. But I bet your dad, or a person who wants to plunk down $20k-$60k+ on a car will go read up on it!

    Apple actually has pretty good training and education system if you are anywhere near their stores. I'm a very computer savvy person and was still impressed by their in-store *free* classes on Final Cut Pro, iMovie, OS X, etc.

    Apple may have some issues, but website usability and online store buying experience is NOT one of those issues.

  • Reply 625 of 697
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Lordy, are you kids still squabbling in here? Go to your rooms and do your homework.
  • Reply 626 of 697
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member

    Originally posted by moazam

    I don't know who said it, but I remember hearing it a while back. People always say "Buying and using a computer should be as easy as buying or using a toaster!" The best response has been "Guess what, this is NOT a toaster, this is a computer!"

    When your dad goes to a car website, does he have to be told the exact differences between a 5speed transmission and a 6speed transmission? Does the manufacturer explain why the gear ratios are different? No. But I bet your dad, or a person who wants to plunk down $20k-$60k+ on a car will go read up on it!

    Apple actually has pretty good training and education system if you are anywhere near their stores. I'm a very computer savvy person and was still impressed by their in-store *free* classes on Final Cut Pro, iMovie, OS X, etc.

    Apple may have some issues, but website usability and online store buying experience is NOT one of those issues.


    That's why I said, go to www.mini.com and see that they in fact do exactly what you say auto manufacturers do not do.

    While the brick and mortar stores may be good for the 80 million Americans that live within 20 minutes of one, there are the other 220 or so million who do not have that luxury. Online could be better, that's all I'm saying. While the layout is gorgeous, the detail is lacking in certain areas.
  • Reply 627 of 697
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member

    Originally posted by moazam

    You're off your rocker. The Mini Cooper website is plain atrocious. Usability and otherwise, it's crap. Lets get something straight, if I go to www.mini.com, most likely I'm interested in the Mini Cooper, its specs, its look, pictures of it, options, and prices. I'm NOT interested in playing stupid GAMES like Jigsaw Puzzle Mini! I don't know what the hell those ppl are thinking.


    It's called marketing, once you read a few books about it, come back to me. Try the book, "Thinking For A Change."
  • Reply 628 of 697
    moazammoazam Posts: 136member

    Originally posted by vinney57

    Lordy, are you kids still squabbling in here? Go to your rooms and do your homework.

    *grumble* *mumble* *kicks floor* fine...

  • Reply 629 of 697
    moazammoazam Posts: 136member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    It's called marketing, once you read a few books about it, come back to me. Try the book, "Thinking For A Change."

    Ah yes...so in your mind, Apple, they don't know jack about MARKETING. I mean, how could they. All the PC-bigots bitch that Apple is ALL marketing, and you say they can't market for crap.

    There are countless rumor sites, thousands of fan and forums sites, people wake up at ungodly hours of the wee-morning to watch Steve Jobs make keynote addresses all over the world, they even evangelize the product like crazy to their friends. Yes, Apple marketing must be horrific.

    Anyways, none of this matters. Back to my 'homework'.

  • Reply 630 of 697

    "Cheap" is < $2k? It's 2004, folks, not 1996. Not having a headless machine between $1k & $2k is a hole in Apples lineup big enough to drive a truck through...

    Humvee...all the way...

    Lemon Bon Bon

    Leading the campaign for non-AIO choice in the £895-£1995 price bracket.
  • Reply 631 of 697

    Originally posted by WildDude92

    I am in the market for a new Mac. Can someone please enlighten me?

    There is a lot of nVidia GeForce FX 5200 Ultra graphics card bashing going on.

    I have NO plans to play Doom3. I do plan on using: email, Safari, iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto, iDVD, Photoshop Elements (I currently run these on an 800Mhz iMac 15 LCD). I plan on buying and learning FCP, Motion, and Maya PLE. I do plan on maxing out the ram.

    A dual 1.8Ghz PM G5, ATI Radeon 9600 and 20 LCD may be twice the cost of the G5 iMac.

    Is there a significant disadvantage to running FCP, Motion or Maya on the FX 5200 Ultra for non-professional use? If so what?

    A good post, indeed.

    You and I have something in common.

    1. I need a new mac.

    2. I´m probably going for the Apple Production Suit ( edu.discount !!!! yeiii)

    3. Maya Unlimited ( also edu.discount !!!! yeiii )

    How will the 5200 stack up ?

    I believe Motion and Maya can give the only question to that.

    Motion will probably be okay, doing heavy-duty Maya PLE stuff will probably be something else . . .

    Zon ( I feel optimistic about iMac 3g. My Imac 450DV+ still rocks ! )
  • Reply 632 of 697
    @homenow@homenow Posts: 998member

    Originally posted by moazam

    Ah yes...so in your mind, Apple, they don't know jack about MARKETING. I mean, how could they. All the PC-bigots bitch that Apple is ALL marketing, and you say they can't market for crap....


    Good one M, it's nice to see someone use Messiahtosh's arguments against him . Yes, if Apple knew everything about marketing they would not be at 3% market share, that is unless that is part of Steve's plan of world domination....
  • Reply 633 of 697
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    Stagnant? Have a read here. Things are not as bad as some media outlets spin them.

    And what about server sales? No, Apple is doing very well, thank you.

    By the way, read on to page two in the above link; 4,677 viruses released in the first half of 2004 - nearly all exclusive to Windows. That's over 25 new viruses every day! Who in their right mind would endure such torture just to ensure a clean, stable system??? I smell a sense of dread in Redmond. XP SP2 full of security holes? Who'd a thunk it?
  • Reply 634 of 697

    Originally posted by moazam

    Ah yes...so in your mind, Apple, they don't know jack about MARKETING. I mean, how could they. All the PC-bigots bitch that Apple is ALL marketing, and you say they can't market for crap.

    There are countless rumor sites, thousands of fan and forums sites, people wake up at ungodly hours of the wee-morning to watch Steve Jobs make keynote addresses all over the world, they even evangelize the product like crazy to their friends. Yes, Apple marketing must be horrific.

    Anyways, none of this matters. Back to my 'homework'.


    I'm saying they know a lot about it, you do not.
  • Reply 635 of 697

    Originally posted by @homenow

    Good one M, it's nice to see someone use Messiahtosh's arguments against him . Yes, if Apple knew everything about marketing they would not be at 3% market share, that is unless that is part of Steve's plan of world domination....

    No child left behind must not be working, your reading comprehension is lacking.
  • Reply 636 of 697
    It's all about shapes.

    iMac one, they look like bubbles.

    iMac two, they look like igloos.

    iMac three... soda can, pyramid, ufo, toilet???
  • Reply 637 of 697
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by monkeyastronaut

    It's all about shapes.

    iMac one, they look like bubbles.

    iMac two, they look like igloos.

    iMac three... soda can, pyramid, ufo, toilet???

    Toilet....taken....original iBook. Well, ok, toilet seat but that's just nitpicking.
  • Reply 638 of 697
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member
    And besides, if AIOs don't sell, why is everyone so hot on the Vaio models? Also, Dell's selling a boatload of their compact combo systems. People are buying them... especially businesses.
  • Reply 639 of 697

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    Toilet....taken....original iBook. Well, ok, toilet seat but that's just nitpicking.

    Right... toilet is discarded. I'm putting my bets on soda can now.
  • Reply 640 of 697
    Final direction bet.



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