What will be the new specs for the next PM line?



  • Reply 281 of 281
    I'm hoping dual-core by mid-2005.

    9 months since the last announcement?

    That puts the PowerMac revision at March or earlier?

    PCI Express should be more established by then and we may seem the Fall or Spring graphic card refreshes by then.

    If Apple has Antares samples now? IBM begin ramp in Jan/Feb?

    Could we expect a March announcement?

    I think the PowerMac's disappointing Rev B needs a thunderous Rev C announcement to get things back on track.

    Dual Core.

    3 Gig (as promised.)

    PCI Express.

    Price cut on the LCD Monitors. Particularly the 30 inch.

    £2500 is alittle obscene. And I want one. But I'd rather pay £1995.

    Lemon Bon Bon
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