iTunes-like Microsoft music store due this week

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Microsoft Corp. is expected to announce its long-anticipated foray into the online music business this week, reports San Jose Mercury News.

The company will quietly launch the MSN online music store along with the new version of its Windows Media 10 player.

Early-release versions of the player look like knock-offs of Apple's iTunes Music Store, complete with brushed nickel finish. A button in the upper right corner of the player will take consumers to the download store.

Microsoft has reportedly told entertainment executives that it expects to introduce as many as 130 million people to the service when it prompts users to update their Windows Media Player software later this week. These estimates do not include an additional 300 million potentials who drop by the MSN site on a daily basis.

The company also claims that the music store will be compatible with nearly 60 digital music players, but not Apple's popular iPod.

Several slightly dated screenshots of the new media player are available across the web through Windows enthusiest sites such as (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).


  • Reply 1 of 33
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    hmmm... do you think apple will unlock that wma-compatibility with the next version of itunes software, if indeed the microsoft store proves to be a success?

    i could see rob glaser now jumping off the roof of real headquarters, screaming steve's name all the way down...
  • Reply 2 of 33
    Not too bad in terms of how it looks, but then Apple did show them how to do it (nothing new there). The question will be how well it works and if it is compatible with XP SP2.

    Had to laugh at the "Rip" and "Burn" tags on the screen. Old Bill G must love Steve J - seems he gets all his inspiration from Steve and the good folks at Apple.
  • Reply 3 of 33
    After using MP10b for a while on my mule PC, I have to just say that iTunes is 1000 better as a jukebox. I can't believe how simple it seems in iTunes and how cumbersome it seems in MP10... or is it possible that I am stupid?
  • Reply 4 of 33
    gmacgmac Posts: 79member

    Originally posted by g::masta

    After using MP10b for a while on my mule PC, I have to just say that iTunes is 1000 better as a jukebox. I can't believe how simple it seems in iTunes and how cumbersome it seems in MP10... or is it possible that I am stupid?

    Nope, you're not stupid. I used to have my whole collection in a MP9 library. Switching to iTunes was like a breath of fresh air - so much easier to find and organize music.

    Someone has to say it, so I will: I just hope iTunes Music Store comes to Canada before Windows Media store does!
  • Reply 5 of 33
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Sure, it might be crap, but its skinnable! That means its gonna rule!
  • Reply 6 of 33
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    Originally posted by Louzer

    Sure, it might be crap, but its skinnable! That means its gonna rule!

    Skinned crap is still crap.
  • Reply 7 of 33
    tuttletuttle Posts: 301member
    I was worried when I read the thread title, but after seeing the screenshots I can only shake my head in disbelief.

    1) You are MS and have vast, but not unlimited, resources to throw at a product that is a key for the home computer user in the future.

    2) You have Net access at work and at home and can read the fawning reviews of iTunes. You can easily narrow down the endless number of "I never knew managing my music library could be so simple" stories of new iTunes/iTMS users into the key UI elements in the applications that enable that simple power and elegance.

    3) iTunes is freely downloadable, so you can play with it until you know every tiny detail of the product from the UI all the way down to the database.

    And all they can come up with is some UI elements that look vaguely like iTunes. Microsoft users would flock to a blatant ripoff of iTunes/iTMS. Don't even try to hide the fact by calling it mTunes/mTMS and in six months peecee users will be claiming it's the best music player/store app and that MS was the one to invent it.
  • Reply 8 of 33
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by Tuttle

    And all they can come up with is some UI elements that look vaguely like iTunes. Microsoft users would flock to a blatant ripoff of iTunes/iTMS. Don't even try to hide the fact by calling it mTunes/mTMS and in six months peecee users will be claiming it's the best music player/store app and that MS was the one to invent it.

    Microsoft will likely flex its monopoly muscles and grab the people that haven't made the switch to iTunes.

    Once Microsoft brings this out, Apple's only hope will be the iPod.

    No matter how good iTunes is, Microsoft will win because it will bundle WM10 with Windows and users will just use it instead of an alternative.
  • Reply 9 of 33

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    No matter how good iTunes is, Microsoft will win because it will bundle WM10 with Windows and users will just use it instead of an alternative.

    Of course it will help a -little- if those of us who are musicians keep making CDs for our windows friends with music encoded as AAC and including a copy of iTunes.

    That probably works out to be about two drops in the bucket...

  • Reply 10 of 33

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    Microsoft will likely flex its monopoly muscles and grab the people that haven't made the switch to iTunes.

    Once Microsoft brings this out, Apple's only hope will be the iPod.

    No matter how good iTunes is, Microsoft will win because it will bundle WM10 with Windows and users will just use it instead of an alternative.

    Possibly, but...

    If Apple is smart, it will make as many strategic partnerships as it can. The one with HP is a great example. Lots of consumers will soon buy an HP that has iTunes preinstalled on it.

    Another thing is that it is all about the message. Apple has been pushing the iPod and iTunes on both platforms for awhile now. It has almost sunk into people's heads. Heck, the iPod is now becoming a status icon from what I have been reading.

    Apple has a strong momentum going with its music strategy. Let's hope they continue to keep making it stronger.

  • Reply 11 of 33
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    MS will certainly make a dent into Apple's lead. With over 60 players capable of playing WMA content that means Real and Connect will be left out of the equation. Napster is where the music is coming from if the use of the logo on the top right of the various screen caps. means anything and Napster still has some cache, especially among those who used to use the old service. With the amount of $$ they have, MS will put on a massive ad campaign. Apple needs to take the gloves off in response. They've never really done that before.
  • Reply 12 of 33
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    This is insane. Microsoft is going to kill napster. Think of this like the American Idols of computing.

    Apple is the frontrunner.

    The 3 Divas are




    Walmart can survive because they are huge and well funded. Ditto for Microsoft. That leaves Napster the company that just sold their core assets to chase this dream. The market will spit amongst these 3 until Napster is dead. Then only Walmart and MS will remain to battle Apple.

    Microsoft doesn't have the seamless Player/Jukebox capability nor do they enjoy a typical "Lockin" with music. It will be tough to unseat Apple as long as the iPod is a hot seller.
  • Reply 13 of 33
    Is the walmart music store doing well or something...

    I have never heard another person irl talk about the walmart music store ever.

    Unless they are way ahead of napster or something, I can't see napster dying before walmart.

    MS sucks, but they have an advantage over apple in the music store business due to Windows, however...

    1. They are late to the party

    2. Their music doesn't work on the ipod

    3. Um....thats about it really.

    MS has a knack for showing up late, throwing gobs of money into something and killing the competition... this could get ugly...
  • Reply 14 of 33
    ibook911ibook911 Posts: 607member
    I have looked at the other music services, and I find them all a joke. Nothing is simple, quick, and full-featured like i-tunes. Windows Media Player with a store built-in? Yikes. I hate the rare occasions that I have to open that program. I have looked at the other music services, and I find them all a joke. Nothing is simple, quick, and full-featured like i-tunes. Windows Media Player with a store built-in? Yikes. I hate the rare occasions that I have to open that program. People often talk about a dislike for Windows OS or Explorer, but I think the Media Player is the worst thing Microsoft has put on this planet. JMHO.

    I feel like the people who will go to this Windows Media Player Store are the ones who hardly know about online music. They'll probably lose it when their computer crashes because they won't back it up. I don't mean to be read, and I'm not trying to be offensive, but I simply don't get why people don't use what is #1: i-tunes!

    However, I have no problem with Microsoft giving this a shot! I just hope it doesn't actually hurt the real online music provider.
  • Reply 15 of 33
    ajmasajmas Posts: 601member
    Talking of poorly designed UIs, has anyone taken a look at Sony Connect's client for MS-Windows? That really looks bad.
  • Reply 16 of 33
    gavrielgavriel Posts: 175member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    This is insane. Microsoft is going to kill napster. Think of this like the American Idols of computing.

    Apple is the frontrunner.

    The 3 Divas are




    Walmart can survive because they are huge and well funded. Ditto for Microsoft. That leaves Napster the company that just sold their core assets to chase this dream. The market will spit amongst these 3 until Napster is dead. Then only Walmart and MS will remain to battle Apple.

    Microsoft doesn't have the seamless Player/Jukebox capability nor do they enjoy a typical "Lockin" with music. It will be tough to unseat Apple as long as the iPod is a hot seller.

    Microsoft is by far Apple's greatest threat. They are a well funded, monopoly monolith, with a penchant for aggressive business behavior. Also, Microsoft is doing this not only to get a slice of the online music business, but also to standardize on their proprietary Windows Media format(s).
  • Reply 17 of 33
    Why does the Napster logo appear on the Microsoft screens posted by A.I.?
  • Reply 18 of 33
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    Don't forget that while Apple has the iPod, MS will soon unveil their own branded MP3 knockoff player.

    From a report I heard, MS had specs of and pics of the iPod plastered on the walls of their development team.

    Now, I don't think they can best the iPod (short of copying it down to the scroll wheel). But coupled with their clout, and inclusion of WM10 player, this store has a chance to give Apple and iMTS a run for their money.

    It also doesn't help that Apple's distribution and supply of iPods (regular and mini), have been spotty at best. I'm not writing off Apple yet, but the fallback plan could always include dropping the iPod mini to $199.
  • Reply 19 of 33
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    I don't believe MS is coming out with their own branded player. They have made deals with several other companies to put out players (same as they did with the tablet). I read that 60 excisting and new players will be compatible with the new WM10 software.
  • Reply 20 of 33
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    60 players and nothing yet that seems like a capable iPod competitor. It's the typical PC numbers game. Impress you with the numbers and then piss you off with the product.
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