Do you have a PC to complement your Mac?



  • Reply 21 of 54

    Originally posted by ijerry

    Work uses PCs, I am tired of their quirks, so I bring in my Powerbook so I can get work done. I don't want adware, spyware, popups, viruses, daily patches, restarts, programs not talking to each other, forgotten preferences, lockups, reboots, system restores, defrags, network communication problems, random OS level pop-ups, and on and on...

    I will never spend a dime on a PC, I would sell one if given to me. A PC could never be a compliment to anything except a trash can. I still can't get a PC to run games as fast as I can a PowerMac, even with top of the line processors 1 gig ram and a top end graphics card. Not sure how people set theirs up to do it, but our PCs choke on Photoshop let alone a game...

    I will stay happy and trouble-shoot free with my Mac thank you very much...I don't have time to waste, I have to get my work done and meet deadlines to make money, and I can't on the PC with the troubles it gets on its own, and I don't trust anything on it...

    I have a 15" Ti Powerbook that I also bring to work and do a good bit of my work on it. I couldent agree with you more on the laundry list of bullshit you constantly have to overcome just to get day-to-day activities done. I recently parted a 2.8 ghz P4 together when I was offered a killer deal on the case, motherboard, processor, and ram (I have since come to learn the deal, however cheap it was, was not killer). I hate hate hate hate using windows xp. I cant find where I put things. It constantly decides that its going to shut down in the middle of my PC only 3D apps, which is the only reason I convinced myself to get it.

    To top it all off I have a friend who I constantly debate over the PC/Mac merits and I get so pissed off when he tells me how the Mac is just expensive hardware (only because it looks good), It cant perform powerful opperations and is not useful when it comes to the "level" of programing he does, They are not nearly as customizable as PC's, and "Artsy" people like myself only get them because they are easy to use and have smiley face and puppy-dog icons. I have truely debated if this is a friendship I need to have everytime this debate comes up.

    I am certain that PC people have been completely duped into thinking PC's are the only way to go. I often fanticize about becoming very very wealthy and just roaming the earth purchasing Macs for random people and making their lives better...sort of a year-round saint Mac
  • Reply 22 of 54
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Playmaker

    It constantly decides that its going to shut down in the middle of my PC only 3D apps, which is the only reason I convinced myself to get it.

    If by shut down you mean restart, then that is probably the result of bad (uber-cheap if the price is too good to be true, then it is) RAM, try other ram chips, try to stick to reputible brands like crucial.

    If by shut down you mean power off, change your power supply and run a UPS that should fix most any power irregularity.

    as bad as windows is, these two problems can make windows 1000x worse


    I am certain that PC people have been completely duped into thinking PC's are the only way to go. I often fanticize about becoming very very wealthy and just roaming the earth purchasing Macs for random people and making their lives better...sort of a year-round saint Mac

    Start with me please...
  • Reply 23 of 54

    Originally posted by Playmaker

    I have a 15" Ti Powerbook that I also bring to work and do a good bit of my work on it. I couldent agree with you more on the laundry list of bullshit you constantly have to overcome just to get day-to-day activities done. I recently parted a 2.8 ghz P4 together when I was offered a killer deal on the case, motherboard, processor, and ram (I have since come to learn the deal, however cheap it was, was not killer). I hate hate hate hate using windows xp. I cant find where I put things. It constantly decides that its going to shut down in the middle of my PC only 3D apps, which is the only reason I convinced myself to get it.

    To top it all off I have a friend who I constantly debate over the PC/Mac merits and I get so pissed off when he tells me how the Mac is just expensive hardware (only because it looks good), It cant perform powerful opperations and is not useful when it comes to the "level" of programing he does, They are not nearly as customizable as PC's, and "Artsy" people like myself only get them because they are easy to use and have smiley face and puppy-dog icons. I have truely debated if this is a friendship I need to have everytime this debate comes up.

    I am certain that PC people have been completely duped into thinking PC's are the only way to go. I often fanticize about becoming very very wealthy and just roaming the earth purchasing Macs for random people and making their lives better...sort of a year-round saint Mac

    Oh yeah, the cool thing is that here at work everyone that was a solid PC user is now going to get a Mac a couple have since bought iPods and they want to move the server to a Mac just because mine is always working. They now see first hand how much better the Mac is, and everyone buying a computer at home is getting a Mac, those that are not upgrading at home just are amazed at how far the OS has come...That at least brings a smile to my face, that and shutting down the PC when I get in to work!
  • Reply 24 of 54
    idunnoidunno Posts: 645member
    we have a family PC that sits opposite my mac... I only use the PC for on line banking (I knew I shouldn't have deleted IE from my mac)

  • Reply 25 of 54
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by iDunno

    we have a family PC that sits opposite my mac... I only use the PC for on line banking (I knew I shouldn't have deleted IE from my mac)


    What ass-backwards bank doesn't work on netscape/mozilla? IE is a giant security hole with a web browser tossed in at no extra charge, particularly on windows.

    BTW Great user name iDunno, that is cool
  • Reply 26 of 54
    ionyzionyz Posts: 491member

    Originally posted by iDunno

    we have a family PC that sits opposite my mac... I only use the PC for on line banking (I knew I shouldn't have deleted IE from my mac)

    Hmm, you can always download IE right?
  • Reply 27 of 54
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by Performa636CD

    i have an IBM thinkpad to "compliment" my G4 PB. until Macs can run 100% of the software a PC can, i'll always own both types of systems.

    God, I know what you mean. Why do you think I keep that Commodore64 around? Until the PC can run all that software...


    I think what you *meant* to say was "Until Macs can run 100% of the software that I need to use on a PC, at the same speeds..." because, you know, there's always VirtualPC...
  • Reply 28 of 54
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    I have a 2.4 GHz P4 @ 2.88 GHz with a Radeon 9700 Pro that I use primarily for Counter-Strike and web browsing...
  • Reply 29 of 54
    I use a Mac at home. I stopped using my PC since October of last year. I do like RPGs and I am going to try World of Warcraft on the Mac. If it doesn't work out, I will be forced to build a gaming rig. I don't want that to happen.

    I use a PC at work. I work in the Software industry and I have been stuck with the PC since the '80s.
  • Reply 30 of 54
    My PC Compliments my Mac all the time. Just today it told it how nice it looked today.
  • Reply 31 of 54
    I do, but the only thing the old Celeron-class machine does these days is sit there.
  • Reply 32 of 54
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I don't have a PC to compliment my Mac, but I have a Mac to constantly insult all PCs in the area.
  • Reply 33 of 54
    im curious why is there so much angst against pc's ?

    there wouldnt be an osx without the solid bsd foundation its

    built on. osx users owe the freebsd a lot.

    also the mac is technically a pc

    instead of bashing windows & linux ..which is ironic

    since osx is based on unix why not try to create something

    does anyone on this forum actually code for a living ?

    please spare me the web talking about actually

    hardcore engineering, protocol stacks, rtos's etc etc

    so before you armchair geniuses spew venom take a moment

    to think about the sheer amount of work people have put into

  • Reply 34 of 54
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    BSD predates PCs by a number of years.

    Windows deserves the venom thrown at it, technologically, it's a piece of crap. My hats are off to the developers who actually manage to make it do anything worthwhile, because MS certainly didn't try very hard.

    And yes, I code for a living, you could say... finishing my PhD in software engineering and architecture design, developing tools for real world practitioners to analyze OO code and produce design documents directly from source code. Basically, it lets you find instances of design patterns in any OO language (except Eiffel, for some esoteric reasons), in a way that's not dependent on static language constructs in the code. Currently writing up the tool to transform gcc translation unit dump trees of C++ into an XML schema I devised for use in other tools I've written.

    All of it on my PowerBook. Tried the Windows route (after working with in industry developing military flight simulators), decided it was way more trouble than it would ever be worth, and went back to MacOS X.

    Hardcore enough?

    Yes, a lot of work has been put into Windows... but quantity is not quality.
  • Reply 35 of 54
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member

    Originally posted by madmax559

    im curious why is there so much angst against pc's ?

    I used to hate PC's, but I was addicted to Unreal Tournament, so about five years ago I built my first gaming rig.

    I still prefer my Macs over my PC's, but building my own machines (five so far) has forced me to learn PC's inside and out. You make one mistake and you have a dead machine, then you have to figure what the heck happened to get the damn thing running again!

    Knowing both platforms is a great advantage over excluding one or the other IMO (plus, PC's make great folding machines!).
  • Reply 36 of 54
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    \\Yes, a lot of work has been put into Windows... but quantity is not quality.

    BINGO!!!! It doesnt matter if 100 million man hrs have been spent on windows, it is a peice of junk.

    I think MS has one last chance, they need to stop all work on xp and ready and release longhorn SOON, keeping a minimal team on for longhorn maintenance, then start from the ground up building a new OS, takeing nothing - not the FS or kernal, not the gui, not the tcp implementation - NOTHING from the 2k/xp/longhorn code base and get it done and gold by 2010.

    I dont see M$ doing this and as such, I see them, not going under but looseing their dominance, as the market matures, there will be a shift, I look for the numbers in 2010 to look like this:

    windows 50%

    mac 35%

    linux 2% (servers and nerds, linuix is doing nothing for user freindliness)

    some unforeseen yet to be announced os(maybe a consumer OS from SUN) 23%
  • Reply 37 of 54
    resres Posts: 711member

    Originally posted by Cake

    I used to hate PC's, but I was addicted to Unreal Tournament, so about five years ago I built my first gaming rig.

    I still prefer my Macs over my PC's, but building my own machines (five so far) has forced me to learn PC's inside and out. You make one mistake and you have a dead machine, then you have to figure what the heck happened to get the damn thing running again!

    Knowing both platforms is a great advantage over excluding one or the other IMO (plus, PC's make great folding machines!).

    Same thing happened to me. I loved UT when it came out and was terribly frustrated that I could not get a Mac to run it at a high enough frame rate (I had the fastest mac and got the best voodoo card for it, but that was back when Apple was falling behind in power, so I was just out of luck).

    So I bought all the parts and built my first PC (a 700MHz Athlon with an original Radeon card). Since then I've build two other gaming computers and I have most of the parts for my next one.
  • Reply 38 of 54
    I have a PC as well as my iBook G4 because I need the clockspeed (3Ghz+) and hard drive speed and space for digital audio. I dont have the PC connected to the internet so I dont have to worry about security. And yes before you ask, I would prefer a G5 and yes OSX IS better for digital audio but it all come down to price, esp. in New Zealand (the most expensive place in the WORLD to buy Apple stuff) I built a P4 3.4Ghz/1Gb ram/2x160Gb SATA HD raid/DVD burner plus other stuff for a THIRD of the price of a 2.0Ghz G5. Apple cannot continue to price-gouge its customers like this.

    Make no mistake, I like the iBook way more as a total experience, and have been a Mac user for over 15 years, but my PC does exactly what I need, its fast, stable (I never have problems with XP, maybe I'm just lucky) and MUCH cheaper than any Mac, even an Emac.

    I think you will find that is a lot of the reason Mac users also have a PC.
  • Reply 39 of 54
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Cake

    I used to hate PC's, but I was addicted to Unreal Tournament, so about five years ago I built my first gaming rig.

    UT2004 isn't out for Mac, is it?

    EDIT: You mean UT99. Sorry.
  • Reply 40 of 54
    I have multiple PCs but only 1 Mac, but all my PCs run Linux not Windows. My Mac dual boots with OS X and Linux.
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