Human common descent ancestor discovered



  • Reply 21 of 378
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    how many of these d'ya think noah got in the ark?

    I wonder if they count as a clean, or unclean beast?
  • Reply 22 of 378

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    I dont care for all the small talk.... Just tell me how and why proving evolution wrong makes your fantasy right. That right there IS the fundamental lie of the creationist.

    Good grief. I thought I covered this one. It's either A or B (as I stated several times). If you think there's another alternative, state it. Otherwise, don't ask questions you don't want answers to. (and therefore generate "small talk")
  • Reply 23 of 378

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    how many of these d'ya think noah got in the ark?

    I wonder if they count as a clean, or unclean beast?

    Who says Noah had to bring a fully-grown one? Eh?
  • Reply 24 of 378
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by benzene

    Good grief. I thought I covered this one. It's either A or B (as I stated several times). If you think there's another alternative, state it. Otherwise, don't ask questions you don't want answers to. (and therefore generate "small talk")

    Theres another lie or deception. You are not arguing its A or B. You are arguing thats its A or the literal word of the Genesis. This is not B because it could still be designed but not according to the literal word of Genesis. You need to prove the literal word of Genesis is the truth.

    BTW I thought your previous answers were very good and honest, and you just gained a fair bit of respect.
  • Reply 25 of 378
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    All I want to know is where is the jewish teacher and the clean looking nice little arian boy?

    Naah fuck it. I guess someone who wasn´t here the last time would get a kick out of this discussion. But those who was involved the last time \
  • Reply 26 of 378

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    Theres another lie or deception. You are not arguing its A or B. You are arguing thats its A or the literal word of the Genesis. This is not B because it could still be designed but not according to the literal word of Genesis. You need to prove the literal word of Genesis is the truth.

    Whoa Whoa Whoa!

    I don't know what you've been smoking, but I said:


    Originally posted by benzene

    Either we came about by chance, or something made us.

    The literality of the Bible is a whole 'nother can of worms.


    BTW, thank you.
  • Reply 27 of 378
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    No I don´t want to discuss Creationism but this you got all wrong benzene.

    Its not like the book of evolutionism was written and then everything has to match 100% to be true. Its adaption of theory according to findings that drives science. So its not a choice between A or B but about what theory that points in the most promising direction.
  • Reply 28 of 378
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by benzene

    Well, first of all I'd have to ask you if you even believed in God, because it would be foolhardy to show you evidence that would be relating to something you don't even think exists. But for the benefit of those out there who at least entertain the concept of a higher being, I'll do my best.

    Why would it be foolhardy to give me evidence of something I dont think exists? Youre hardly going to prove existance by withholding the evidence. I dont know wether God exists. If there was evidence it would be established by now, and the whole world wouldn't be able to deny Gods existance. But it doesn't exist unless you want it to.


    First, it's the oldest holy book that isn't laughably full of scientific holes (yes yes, I know some wiseass is going to throw a whole bunch of verses at me and ask me to explain them. bring it on)

    Second, its progression of thought (from the old to the new testaments) makes sense of what I think God would be like. If I had been raised hindu, maybe that would be different, and I'd think the bhagavad gita would be it.

    yet the literal word of Genesis is scientifically full of holes the size of jupiter - which is the topic were discussing.

    Second, prove the progression of thought is the product of God and not man. By the time the new testament was written there had been thousands of years of refined philosophy. Mankind was more than capable. Personally I find the actions of God rather perverted.


    Well in this instance I would invoke occam's razor, and say that if God really did make the world x thousand years ago, it's simpler to accept the account at face value, especially if there is not damning evidence to the contrary. (based upon my personal studies, there haven't been any)

    The whole of evolution is damning evidence to the contrary, not that evolution says that God didn't create it. It just says that it didn't happen 10000 years ago. Oh and it also implies that if Genesis is not true, then there is no need for Jesus to save you - which is the real reason its so important to prove it wrong isn't it.


    Well, people are debating whether or not shakespeare wrote all of his plays, and he only live a couple of a hundred years ago. So trying to determine which came first, the bible or astrotheology would be difficult at best. However, given the fairly universal stories about creation (and even the flood), why can't they actually trace back to the actual event?

    Its pretty clear that astrotheology came first and to pretend otherwise is another lie. And they do trace back to an actual event, the emergence of civilizations after the melting of the ice after the last ice age, but the flood was not global, didn't happen because God was angry.


    LOL. That's what I thought this whole thread was about. Just because creationists hold a fairly simple theory (God made it) makes us "stupid" and "simple". Am I "stupid" and "simple" for wanting a non-intrusive operating system? As I remember, Mac users used to be characterized as such. I point you to my earlier statements about it being either A or B. If it's not one, it pretty much has to be the other


    Yet another deception. Your arguing that god made it, I dont claim he didn't - but dont forget the important bit hey- "in accordance with a very strict literal interpretation of a book that evolved from sun-worship mythology". That is stupid and simple. A or B already adressed.


    To quote a charismatic creationist, "Millions of dead things, buried in rock layers, laid down by water, all over the earth." (I guess that makes me a Decieved, doesn't it?)

    It's no source of amazement to me to observe the conclusions different people can come to based on the same evidence. Fact of the matter is, many fossils exist in massive boneyards that consist of thousands of species all jumbled on top of each other (and these can be found all over the world in similar rock layers). You name a process other than a flood that can do that.

    LIE. They're sorted very carefully. You know what I mean and you know its true. There is no jumbledness here. The process is that they died and sank to the bottom of the sea. No 'global' flood necessary.


    Ah! Finally! Someone has asked that question. Interestingly enough, an inquiry into the original hebrew/aramaic root of the word used in the bible seems to lend credence to a type of man-made material, possibly similar to plywood. I'm sure you would scoff at the possibility that "primitive man" could have made such a item. However, don't forget that the egyptians were masters at electroplating and even developed batteries to do it with. Now that's early ingenuity!

    How convienent, studies showed that natural wood could never be built into a boat the size of an ark,without steel reinforcements, so your evidence gives noah a man made super substance. And noah made this plywood and built an ark himself in 7 days?

    Why couldn't God snap his finger and kill everything but Noah and family? Occams Razor is that the ark story is the collective memory of civilizations local floods and the boats built to escape.


    Well, the Jewish (not christian) historian Josephus mentions him, and other writings recovered from (I believe) Rome also make mention about some rabblerouser (as they put it) named "Jesus" in Israel.

    Also, places and people named in the bible have turned out to exist after all, even when many archaeologists scoffed at their existence. If you want to know more, ask me and I'll get you some more stuff when I get home.

    Josephus's paragraphs are known to have been inserted by the Catholic Church, don't read in the style of Josephus writing, and when removed make the writing more coherant. Next.

    Tell me, why would a Jew, expecting a divine prophet to appear as per scripture, actually witness the account, and write just a few paragraphs about this event. No its BS inserted by the Catholic Church to try to give some credibility to Jesus' existance when they realised there were no actual accounts of the man from his life, even though he was so famous and rode into Jerusalem on an ass and crowds lined the streets. Guess no-one took a photo either?

    Of course places and people occured in the Bible, places and people important to the authors. Funny how all these other places and people have been recorded well in comtemporary history aswell, but somehow not the most important person to have ever existed.


    Many scholars think that the name "Adam" came to be used as mankind after the original name "Adam" because older traces to the word "soil" or "ground" have been identified. (Which would be interesting, because the bible account has Adam created from soil)

    Occams razor suggests the opposite.


    Well, if you're using the KJV (which is pretty hairy stuff to read), it's "God". What is it supposed to be?

    The word is Elohim, that doesn't mean god. This is because the ancient Hebrew culture was polytheistic. That means the Hebrews worshipped more than one god. No shit, because they were worshipping the sun-gods, more evidence that the Bible evolved out of mythology.


    Well, the "flaming sword" that you are referring to was set in place to prevent Adam and Eve (or their children) from returning to the garden of eden. I believe this was done to serve as a reminder of Adam and Eve's disobedience to God's only command. Presumably, once the garden was destroyed in the flood, the sword was no longer necessary.



    Why couldn't the authors have gotten it from the same place the author of genesis did?

    I welcome these questions, as I don't have anything to hide. I'm not saying I'm some great thinker or anything, just that I have spent a lot of time going over what I believe and why. Having people ask questions only helps me be critical of what I hold as truth, and make sure that it makes sense.

    They did, it comes from sun-worship. Im glad you dont have anything to hide - so just answer the question. How does disproving evolution make your fantasy true?
  • Reply 29 of 378
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by benzene

    Whoa Whoa Whoa!

    I don't know what you've been smoking, but I said:

    The literality of the Bible is a whole 'nother can of worms.


    BTW, thank you.

    Youre so full of shit

    You are a creationist? Check

    You are trying to prove evolution is false? Check

    You claim it's either my theory (A) or your theory (B)?Check

    Then you claim your theory is nothing to do with a literal intepretation of Genesis? Check.


    Later, thanks for wasting my evening.
  • Reply 30 of 378
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member

    Originally posted by MarcUK Occams Razor is that the ark story is the collective memory of civilizations local floods and the boats built to escape.[/B]

    Quite interesting aspect of religions actually. Its like huge collectors of collective consciousness that describes how our minds work and does so in the society: What goes on in our heads is manifested in the sociale. What is interesting is how connected the myths are, even if those believeing in the almost similar myth could not have been in contact. Especially the change in the mind set when different groups went from being hunters to farmers and this change also change the understanding of the world in a similar way across the world.

    I think psychology and my own field of sociology could benefit from doing what antropologists have done in ages: Understanding their object from the religious myths present.

    I think the books that have changed my view on human nature the most is Mircea Eliades A History of Religious Ideas. Going forward in history, describing the various religions stories, concepts, ideas, connections and social meaning it also describes how thoughts are organized, a pattern that transcends barriers of geographic and time.

    I really don´t think deeply religious people will be offended by his descriptions on how religious thoughts are connected. We would probably only differ on one question: Are those common patterns the work of a real god or of patterns related to our biology.
  • Reply 31 of 378
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Before this turns into another Fellowship Wars-like thread, I'd like to propose a compromise.

    I'm willing to amend my personal faith to believe that conservatives were created by God, while liberals evolved from monkeys.
  • Reply 32 of 378
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    We also have muslim clerics up here in Canada who keep referring to Jews as 'sons of pigs and monkeys' in Friday sermons, so this evolution thing is apparently taking over Islam as well.
  • Reply 33 of 378
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Agreed. Conservatives are created by a figure of fiction while the liberals actually evolved.
  • Reply 34 of 378
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member

    Originally posted by Anders

    Agreed. Conservatives are created by a figure of fiction while the liberals actually evolved.

    Nah, conservatives are real enough - they just pasted the Democrats on Nov. 4th.

    No-one, on the other hand, wants to claim to be a member of the 'Liberal elite'.

    Well, except MarcUK. And he's a nut.
  • Reply 35 of 378

    Originally posted by Frank777

    Before this turns into another Fellowship Wars-like thread, I'd like to propose a compromise.

    I'm willing to amend my personal faith to believe that conservatives were created by God, while liberals evolved from monkeys.

    Which at least makes liberals evolved.
  • Reply 36 of 378

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    Why would it be foolhardy to give me evidence of something I dont think exists? Youre hardly going to prove existance by withholding the evidence. I dont know wether God exists. If there was evidence it would be established by now, and the whole world wouldn't be able to deny Gods existance. But it doesn't exist unless you want it to.

    I'm merely asking if you really care, or if you're just a troll...but we already know that, don't we?


    yet the literal word of Genesis is scientifically full of holes the size of jupiter - which is the topic were discussing.

    No, we're not. We are discussing the scientific evidence involved in orgins debate. If you seriously want a look at the "holes" (which I doubt), there are plenty of books written in defense/attack of them.


    Second, prove the progression of thought is the product of God and not man. By the time the new testament was written there had been thousands of years of refined philosophy. Mankind was more than capable. Personally I find the actions of God rather perverted.

    A chicken and the egg tautology. I would say "God created man in his own image", and you would say the opposite.


    The whole of evolution is damning evidence to the contrary, not that evolution says that God didn't create it. It just says that it didn't happen 10000 years ago. Oh and it also implies that if Genesis is not true, then there is no need for Jesus to save you - which is the real reason its so important to prove it wrong isn't it.

    Hmm, that's funny, I thought we were looking at the evidence for/against creation/evolution. Oh, that's right, you decided to bring up my personal beliefs about the bible, and lump them all together. Nice try.


    Its pretty clear that astrotheology came first and to pretend otherwise is another lie. And they do trace back to an actual event, the emergence of civilizations after the melting of the ice after the last ice age, but the flood was not global, didn't happen because God was angry.

    Really. Cite some evidence that says astrotheology came first, and then we'll talk. As for the flood, I revert what I said back a few posts ago about people looking at the same data and coming to different conclusions.


    Yet another deception. Your arguing that god made it, I dont claim he didn't - but dont forget the important bit hey- "in accordance with a very strict literal interpretation of a book that evolved from sun-worship mythology". That is stupid and simple. A or B already adressed.

    Here we go again. I very distinctly separated my creationistic beliefs and my statements about the Bible. You, sir, are the one who is decieving. I highly you really want to talk about the topics of the Bible.


    LIE. They're sorted very carefully. You know what I mean and you know its true. There is no jumbledness here. The process is that they died and sank to the bottom of the sea. No 'global' flood necessary.

    (A question finally on track for once)

    You really need to at least do a little preliminary research before you post. Very rarely do paleontologists find a single isolated fossil. Many times they are found in large "bone beds". Google is your friend, use it. As for sorting, that too makes sense. You yourself say that they died and sank to the bottom of the sea...sounds like a flood. Given the similarity of strata in which these fossils are found throughout the world, it lends credence to a global flood. Regional floods would have a hard time causing such extensive similar strata formation. But then again, same data, different interpretations.


    How convienent, studies showed that natural wood could never be built into a boat the size of an ark,without steel reinforcements, so your evidence gives noah a man made super substance. And noah made this plywood and built an ark himself in 7 days?

    I am not aware of these "studies" that you refer to. A link perhaps? As for the seven day theory, (which I've never head said anywhere before) you (again) need to do a little preliminary research. Try this link perhaps?


    Why couldn't God snap his finger and kill everything but Noah and family? Occams Razor is that the ark story is the collective memory of civilizations local floods and the boats built to escape.

    Hmm, a collective memory? In which the central tenet is a huge flood and one family survives? Also in which they usually save animals?

    Sounds like a pretty collective memory. Check this out.


    Josephus's paragraphs are known to have been inserted by the Catholic Church, don't read in the style of Josephus writing, and when removed make the writing more coherant. Next.

    Really. Have you even read josephus? Eh? How about a source for these rather conspiratorial statements?


    Tell me, why would a Jew, expecting a divine prophet to appear as per scripture, actually witness the account, and write just a few paragraphs about this event. No its BS inserted by the Catholic Church to try to give some credibility to Jesus' existance when they realised there were no actual accounts of the man from his life, even though he was so famous and rode into Jerusalem on an ass and crowds lined the streets. Guess no-one took a photo either?

    Well, Josephus lived in Rome, and died before Christianity came to Italy. (But you would know that, given your evidently exhaustive research into a topic you decry as "full of lies" wouldn't you?)

    Jesus public life only lasted a few years, and Israel was known to have lots of rabblerousers (Read Acts 5:36-39, where several of them are mentioned in the same context as Jesus).


    Of course places and people occured in the Bible, places and people important to the authors. Funny how all these other places and people have been recorded well in comtemporary history aswell, but somehow not the most important person to have ever existed.

    This is actually one of the greatest arguments of all times, whether or not Christ really existed. I would be crazy to think I could cover all the bases here. Then again, historians can't even agree that King Arthur ever existed...


    The word is Elohim, that doesn't mean god. This is because the ancient Hebrew culture was polytheistic. That means the Hebrews worshipped more than one god. No shit, because they were worshipping the sun-gods, more evidence that the Bible evolved out of mythology.

    The reason it's plural is that God is always referred to as a Trinity. This is covered quite well here.


    They did, it comes from sun-worship. Im glad you dont have anything to hide - so just answer the question. How does disproving evolution make your fantasy true?

    I'm going to say it for the last time: In this thread I was attempting to discuss origins. I have tried to answer some of your questions about the bible, but I am not a literature scholar. I have this gnawing suspicion that I'm feeding a troll in that regard.


    (an aromatic hydrocarbon)


  • Reply 37 of 378
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Benzene: Please stay away from calling someone who are really trying to make a real arguments a "troll". If that continues I have to close the thread. Creationist threads can turn really bad and my lock trigger is in unsecured position.

    About floods myths. They are present everywhere where floods happen regularly or where the culture has been in contact with other such cultures. Desert myths with drought as gods punishment to the people are present in cultures living under those circumstances. Myths about natural disasters as the punishment of god is both a form of social control and a way for the people to control their surroundings. It tells the members of the culture that if they go astray the order of the world may go out the door and chaos (a state where the predictable goes out the door. The predictable is crucial to cultures that does not live in plenty). And if they play by special rules they are able to control what isn´t controllable.

    Eskimo culture is particular interesting because the eskimos lived at a bare minimum up until recently. If they didn´t kill a bear at the hunt it could wipe out several families. So a strict set of rules and rites were applied to the hunt and the treatment of the animal after the kjll. If not carried out the master of the animal would get angry and keep the animals from the hunters. So in a reverse way the eskimos could control their world and had a way to ensure their survival, by living up to all those rules. Without a set of rules they lived by chance and an ever present fear of starvation would be present.

    Two funny details: Eskimos don´t have any myths about floods. Why not? And one of the rules about how to treat a bear after the hunt was never to break its bones (despite the delicious marrow) because it was inside the bones the soul was present. This myth is also present in many other cultures. Does hat mean that God really placed the soul in the bones or that the quality of bones (perhaps a strong protective surface around a strange gel substance) that appeal to certain structures in our head and makes it logic that the soul should be present there?
  • Reply 38 of 378
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member

    Originally posted by Frank777

    Nah, conservatives are real enough - they just pasted the Democrats on Nov. 4th.


    But fortunately the truth isn´t based on majority. Especially not in a country neither of us live in
  • Reply 39 of 378

    Originally posted by Anders

    Benzene: Please stay away from calling someone who are really trying to make a real arguments a "troll". If that continues I have to close the thread. Creationist threads can turn really bad and my lock trigger is in unsecured position.

    I think I made the right call, since MarcUK has repeatedly ignored/misrepresented my "A vs. B" statements and instead labeled them as biblical fundamentalism. Definition of a troll.

    As for this being a "creationist" thread, the title of the thread says otherwise.
  • Reply 40 of 378
    Sigh. Forgive me, but we've been here before and this is all utterly pointless. Marc, give up now. Let it go. Walk away.


    Originally posted by benzene

    I think I made the right call, since MarcUK has repeatedly ignored/misrepresented my "A vs. B" statements and instead labeled them as biblical fundamentalism. Definition of a troll.

    And he was absolutely correct to label your statements as Biblical fundamentalism, because that's exactly what they are.

    I don't want to get into this nonsense again because I've learned that empirical facts are absolutely irrelevant to the discussion. No information on the formation of carbon chains, the role and structure of mitochondrial DNA, the fossil record, the mechanics of evolutionary science or indeed the mechanics of scientific research and the scientific definition of the word 'theory' will make the slightest bit of difference here.

    I am telling you, in effect, that when I drop my telephone from my hand it will hit the floor in accordance with the theory of gravity. Benzene, you are telling me that it won't, and anyway gravity is only a theory. That's what we're talking, and the facts aren't relevant.

    No, I don't want to get into the details of this, not again. But I do want to say that, yes, absolutely, you're a Christian fundamentalist. It's OK. You are a Christian and you believe that God made man and evolution didn't happen. You're a fundamentalist. I don't care how rational you are otherwise, or how nice you are to strangers, or how good you are at computers. You are arguing in public to defend Biblical veracity and in defence of creationism and that, bam, makes you a fundamentalist.
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