Whither the PowerMac?



  • Reply 161 of 169

    Originally posted by quamb

    how does one let apple know that they are waiting for the new powermacs? that a 7+month old tower is pretty damn outdated?

    do you think apple ever browse the net to see what the fans/users are saying? or do they go off and spend $ on market research every year?

    Something about Apple suing a 19 year old college student

    tells me that Apple does in fact read these forums.

    Otherwise you might consider the Apple support pages for more

    direct comments.

  • Reply 162 of 169
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member

    Originally posted by IonYz

    Unless "long time ago" was a two months, then no. I was reading long threads all over the net and they are still complaining. But like I said, I can only go by what they tell me. Only Mac I have at home is a Cube.


    Way to go IonYz, about tha Cube at home! Me too (with the powerbook on the side, of course....)

    The whole Tower thing is more a matter of horse power vs need. Many of us WANT the latest, but when I saw the El Capitain (actually when I heard it) I held off?? had IIci and other desktop Mac component types earlier before the Cube. I certainly would love the G5 dual, just to see how the processors distribute the work, but I really could not imagine my world built around the G5 case-- I kind of worried my place might look like that guy's in the original G5 add when he fired it up! Industrial chic, but the Cube and iMac G4 were more manageable even if n the latter was not upgradeable.

    I've posted on this before, but the key use variable for me remains the screen; a pb driving the new displays are excellent, especially with everything wireless, but the G4^3 still works great with that Cinema 22.
  • Reply 163 of 169
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I can attest to that. If you don't need the power don't get it, but if you do it's the only Mac choice you have, and that choice is ready for an upgrade big time.
  • Reply 164 of 169
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    Even if apple updates the G5 towers to 3Ghz you know that the top end model is going to have huge shipping delays. The 2.5Ghz model still takes a week to ship.
  • Reply 165 of 169
    Shipping on 2.5 now "same business day".

  • Reply 166 of 169

    Originally posted by IonYz

    I'm aware of that, funny some people have pink 23" Cinema displays. Well I don't think they find it funny. But still.

    Yeah, I bought a 20" on purpose for that reason.

    (Plus I'd rather by a second monitor than spend so much more $$ for 3 more inches...)
  • Reply 167 of 169

    Originally posted by thebeaglebeagle

    Yeah, I bought a 20" on purpose for that reason.

    (Plus I'd rather by a second monitor than spend so much more $$ for 3 more inches...)

    I heard there's an amazing new herbal suppliment........

    Oh never mind :-)
  • Reply 168 of 169
    ionyzionyz Posts: 491member

    Originally posted by thebeaglebeagle

    Yeah, I bought a 20" on purpose for that reason.

    (Plus I'd rather by a second monitor than spend so much more $$ for 3 more inches...)

    Yeah. For $1399 or whatever I payed my 20" has been wonderful. The best monitor I've ever owned.
  • Reply 169 of 169
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    I really like the fact that you can get 2 20" apple monitors for about 200 over the cost of a 23"... very nice. I'd much rather have 2 20" mons then a 23". It would look much nicer to go along with that nice g5.
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