Powerbook Supply Demand



  • Reply 61 of 101
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by rayapple

    And i thought I was completely nuts about my new PowerBook I was like a kid at Christmas when I opened the box!

    Yeah, it's amazing what Apple products can do to people. Just look at these forums.
  • Reply 62 of 101

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    Time to post my pictures - some are blurry and more to follow once my iMac has stopped being stubborn and has got off my desk!!!

    Click here

    tell me how iWork is when you play with it!
  • Reply 63 of 101

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    Yeah, it's amazing what Apple products can do to people. Just look at these forums.

    Why is that? I was a PC user up until last September....... I never really cared about computers like I do now. I actually lost sleep about the update coming out and when my shipment was delayed? I'm I sick or what
  • Reply 64 of 101

    Originally posted by I Thrash Therefore I Am

    tell me how iWork is when you play with it!

    So, like I posted before, I have had iWork for a few about a week and a half now, and used it on my iMac before my Powerbook came. And I have to say it, so far, I do not like Pages.

    I love Keynote, and was playing with the presenter display yesterday. But in my situation, I'm a student that churns out papers all the time. I woke up at 5 the other morning after falling asleep early, and had to churn out a paper on Entrepreneurship and economics in about an hour before class. I wanted to use Pages to spice it up a little, but found myself going back to Word.

    Now, granted, I haven't gotten used to the program, and 5 in the morning isn't the time to learn it before class, but in using it in the days afterward, its difficult to get used to. The interface is a little over-simplified in my opinion. The simple menus fit well in Keynote with the "Preview" style toolbar along the top, but I just can't deal with it in word processing. I need to differentiate my paper with the subtle formatting things that matter, and make it look professional, and also do a lot of tweaking as I write. So far, its been pretty difficult to achieve that through the "inspector" box, like in Keynote1.

    The templates are beautiful, although there isn't a large number to choose from. I would like to see an online template page for downloading, similar to


    Otherwise, I'm still trying to work with it, and trying not to resort to dropping it from the dock. For now though, I'm too used to Microsoft Word. It was also really disheartening the first time I tried to open a password-protected word document. All Ms docs with encryption are unreadable. It would have been nice to see a work around for this, as most of my documents are ps protected... which is a few hundred.

    I only paid the education price, so I'm not very upset, just a little disappointed. I want Keynote to show its worth against Keynote 1, and then I will be sold. That will come with my next presentation.
  • Reply 65 of 101

    Originally posted by SAukland

    So, like I posted before, I have had iWork for a few about a week and a half now, and used it on my iMac before my Powerbook came. And I have to say it, so far, I do not like Pages.

    I love Keynote, and was playing with the presenter display yesterday. But in my situation, I'm a student that churns out papers all the time. I woke up at 5 the other morning after falling asleep early, and had to churn out a paper on Entrepreneurship and economics in about an hour before class. I wanted to use Pages to spice it up a little, but found myself going back to Word.

    Now, granted, I haven't gotten used to the program, and 5 in the morning isn't the time to learn it before class, but in using it in the days afterward, its difficult to get used to. The interface is a little over-simplified in my opinion. The simple menus fit well in Keynote with the "Preview" style toolbar along the top, but I just can't deal with it in word processing. I need to differentiate my paper with the subtle formatting things that matter, and make it look professional, and also do a lot of tweaking as I write. So far, its been pretty difficult to achieve that through the "inspector" box, like in Keynote1.

    The templates are beautiful, although there isn't a large number to choose from. I would like to see an online template page for downloading, similar to


    Otherwise, I'm still trying to work with it, and trying not to resort to dropping it from the dock. For now though, I'm too used to Microsoft Word. It was also really disheartening the first time I tried to open a password-protected word document. All Ms docs with encryption are unreadable. It would have been nice to see a work around for this, as most of my documents are ps protected... which is a few hundred.

    I only paid the education price, so I'm not very upset, just a little disappointed. I want Keynote to show its worth against Keynote 1, and then I will be sold. That will come with my next presentation.

    Yeah, the only reason I was considering it was because I got the education price. Since then someone gave me an extra copy of office because they had one left over from an education 10pack.

    I changed my major to chemistry so atleast I dont have to write a lot of papers yet. Maybe I'll get iWork when it becomes better but till then I'll just use omnioutliner, appleworks, or office.
  • Reply 66 of 101
    yeah, PBs are sick!

    I got a wild hair after Macworld (since there was not anything new) to get a new PB 15" SuperDrive. Sold my iBook G4-800 12" to my best friend for $600 and got a PB: 15" Super, 1.25GB Ram, iCurve, BT KB and mouse, iWork, iLife 05.

    Within the next week my father (whom I work with) got one.

    Next week my brother had to have one...

    Three days later my mother ditched her dropped and dented 12" PB for a new 15".

    PBs are addictive...

    oh, and I bought my brothers G3-800 12" iBook for my wife to roam around the house. Now she does not have to sit in front of her G4-800 iMac all day.

    BTW I compute all day on an iMac G5 and the way that thing HOWLS all day, gimmie a G4...
  • Reply 67 of 101
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by I Thrash Therefore I Am

    tell me how iWork is when you play with it!

    In keynote - I don't like the whole template situation - I like to have blank slides. You click the text button and the test box appears in the middle, you can't click and drag to create your own. But it's the inspector that annoys me the most. Why doesn't it update for what you're working on like the formatting pallet in Office? But other than these things which just take time getting used to, it's a good solid app but they could make it easier.

    I haven't used pages yet (I bought iWorks for Keynote). But when I do I'll post my results. I'm making a portfolio using keynote later so if it's successful I'll tell you. I'm also finding Motion quite tricky. I understand that skills have to be built up, I've used Word since Word 4 and AppleWorks about as long. Keynote, Pages and Motion are all different and I'm not used to being this far down the learning curve. I find it difficult to be creative when I don't understand that apps capabilities. I actually take back my template comment I made a few months ago. If you're learning how to use a new App templates are great because they show examples of what to do but also how to do it and the limitations of the package.

    In a month when I've finished my portfolio and made a movie for my granddad's 80th birthday I'll tell you how Motion and Keynoter really are.
  • Reply 68 of 101
    ive been on my new 15in superdrive since i got it three days after it came out! this thing is sick! i wash my hands everytime i use it and wipe it off almost every day with a cloth. its insane. opening it was like getting an aston martin. since then ive been downloadng every freeware offer that i like from the apple store. ive gone insane. this is by far probably the best machine apple will make all year, even if they get a hot, buggy G5 Powerbook. this one is already too fast for me. oh and btw, whats with the fans? they havent gone on at all? ive even opened every application and messed as much as i could and no loud whirs. can u say whisper quiet? cant wait to get airport express and a wireless mouse in the coming month or so.
  • Reply 69 of 101
    I agree, the new PowerBook is the best thing going right now! The fan is super quiet, you may not be hearing it. I can't say enough about my new 17", I'll be happy with it for a long time
  • Reply 70 of 101
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Thrasher friend. I feel your pain. I had a similiar experience a couple of years ago when I bought my iMac 15" FP the day they were announced. Macs Giril and I had a great race across the Pacific, that time from Taipei, I recall.

    I love the Apple online store and am most committed buyer there-- though I do use the EdStore mostly. They are over time and as a general rule, much more reliable in my opinion than anyone else.

    That said, do let me know how you like your new 15"! I will be very interested to learn how it may compare to the original 15" Al. Mine is the 1.25 GHz with 1GB of memory. I had the screen pox problem in that first wave,b ut they fixed it 100% for nothing at the SoHo store. I've taken it to both Tokyo and London and got a little help in Tokyo with the Japanese software I run. VERY good service in both spots...

    I have been dying to jump to the new ones, simply to have something to do since I do not see G5 pbs on the horizon...
  • Reply 71 of 101
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member

    Originally posted by rayapple

    I agree, the new PowerBook is the best thing going right now! The fan is super quiet, you may not be hearing it. I can't say enough about my new 17", I'll be happy with it for a long time

    Do tell. I would like to hear a little more about the 17". How's the typing? Do you use it at a desk with keyboard and screen or just turn it on and blaze away. I am interested in receptivity for wireless, as I've got some serious interference problems on my AirPort BaseStation net when I go around the corner with my 15" under Extreme. I get better reception with my old Pismo by far so I use him where I cannot take the newer PB.
  • Reply 72 of 101
    how loud is the superdrive?

    i noticed the combo drive in my mini is pretty noisy.
  • Reply 73 of 101
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member

    Originally posted by SAukland

    So, like I posted before, I have had iWork for a few about a week and a half now, and used it on my iMac before my Powerbook came. And I have to say it, so far, I do not like Pages.

    ...The templates are beautiful, although there isn't a large number to choose from. I would like to see an online template page for downloading, similar to


    Otherwise, I'm still trying to work with it, and trying not to resort to dropping it from the dock. For now though, I'm too used to Microsoft Word. It was also really disheartening the first time I tried to open a password-protected word document. All Ms docs with encryption are unreadable. It would have been nice to see a work around for this, as most of my documents are ps protected... which is a few hundred.

    I only paid the education price, so I'm not very upset, just a little disappointed. I want Keynote to show its worth against Keynote 1, and then I will be sold. That will come with my next presentation.

    Thanks for the review.-- you too MacCrazy-- It should probably be on another thread, but I am very interested on using the new iWork with your PB. I've had MSWord since it came out a few months after MacWord/MacPaint in 1984, so (except for that bad Patch with Word 6.0) I cannot abandon it and Office, but I like to see Apple's software engineers at work, pushing MS to address issues for the academic or writer market as much as for the industrial one. I was struck by Thrash's Chem major. What do you major in?
  • Reply 74 of 101

    Originally posted by Cubit

    Do tell. I would like to hear a little more about the 17". How's the typing? Do you use it at a desk with keyboard and screen or just turn it on and blaze away. I am interested in receptivity for wireless, as I've got some serious interference problems on my AirPort BaseStation net when I go around the corner with my 15" under Extreme. I get better reception with my old Pismo by far so I use him where I cannot take the newer PB.

    I use my 17" solo. I have no problem using the keyboard. I was thinking this morning how easy and comfortable the keyboard is to type on. I don't use the AirPort Base station for my wireless, I have a netgear router which works great with my powerbook...... so far no problems getting a signal anywhere in my Apt. I would also like to say how impressed i'am with the sound quality from my PB. No need for any extra speakers! Its an amazing piece of metal
  • Reply 75 of 101
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by drsuse

    how loud is the superdrive?

    i noticed the combo drive in my mini is pretty noisy.

    super drive is super loud! It's really noisy, but the second the CD/DVD comes out it's like wow - is this thing on?
  • Reply 76 of 101

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    super drive is super loud! It's really noisy, but the second the CD/DVD comes out it's like wow - is this thing on?

    It is noisy, but I find any drive in a compact computer (laptop or mini) to be loud because of the small size.
  • Reply 77 of 101
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by rayapple

    It is noisy, but I find any drive in a compact computer (laptop or mini) to be loud because of the small size.

    my friends dell laptop isn't as loud. Although dells are big!! Does anyones computer make a funny clicking noise at startup. I think it's the cd opticals moving or something. Although it could be the hard drive.
  • Reply 78 of 101

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    my friends dell laptop isn't as loud. Although dells are big!! Does anyones computer make a funny clicking noise at startup. I think it's the cd opticals moving or something. Although it could be the hard drive.

    My new computer makes those same noises...... i think it's the hard drive. I had a dell, I found it to be noisy also.
  • Reply 79 of 101
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by rayapple

    My new computer makes those same noises...... i think it's the hard drive. I had a dell, I found it to be noisy also.

    Yeah that's what I thought at first. Those hard drive noises do annoy me, but that's the only noise (apart from the CD) that I notice. And I've really stretched the computer, using motion and illustrator, itunes and other programs at the same time. Although with iTunes on I wouldn't notice any noise I suspect - well it's silent now.
  • Reply 80 of 101
    How about your fan? Has it gone on yet?
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