Inside Tiger



  • Reply 61 of 65
    r3dx0rr3dx0r Posts: 201member

    Originally posted by ZO

    in the menu bar with bookmarks, new RSS news appears in parentheses, fro example - CNN (3) -

    If you click on it, a new sheet appears and you have all the items. You can give colors to new RSS items in the RSS sheet.

    great, thanks a lot for your answer.
  • Reply 62 of 65
    Looks like the developers left in the weather widget "Nowhere" programming that Jobs used in his keynote.

    Press option+command and then click the picture on the widget.

    Also from doing this I found out that if you are in the 1st dashboard mode (without the bottom pane up) you can hold option and hover over a widget and a X shows up to close it.
  • Reply 63 of 65

    Originally posted by xav3x

    My question is... can you activate the expose-like photo view/slideshow when browsing in Finder? (like the examples in Mail and Spotlight)

    That would be Amazing imo.

    Yes you can, select some pics, control click, et voila!
  • Reply 64 of 65

    Originally posted by patton76

    Yes you can, select some pics, control click, et voila!

  • Reply 65 of 65
    gsxrboygsxrboy Posts: 565member
    Does Tiger allow 'Internet Connect' to tunnel vpn and lan net traffic at the same time or is 'DigiTunnel' still needed?
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