Your Ride (Bicycles) Pics



  • Reply 81 of 81
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    My ride is a run-of-the-mill Shimano 351 Hybrid (sorry, don't have a pic).

    I got it a couple years ago from the insurance company after my previous hybrid was stolen. The old style wasn't available. I didn't originally like the new style (the gear shifters, for example, are the rotating type whereas the previous ones were two-way switch type). But honestly it didn't matter much once I got used to it. Which type of shifter, if either, is for the "real bikers"?

    I just dropped 120e for a new tire, brake pads, maintenance and checkup work. I don't ride for fun, only to get to places, so I figure this'll last me a long time. I'll have to learn basic bike maintenance, too. All the bike repairmen I've met seem slimy and I get the feeling I'm paying twice as much as someone who knew what the repairs are worth and only did specific work orders.

    The next bike I get in the far future will in all likelyhood be a road bike. And I'll get bike bags.

    Any of you familiar with the fixed-gear, brakeless messenger bikes? Are they good for general use? I understand the bike messengers around here use this style because they are slightly lighter and have less parts to break. The concept sounds good to me.
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