XBOX 360 vs. iHome?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
NEW YORK, May 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Unlock a New World of Digital Entertainment

With Xbox 360, gamers are always on. At its core, Xbox 360 is an amazing game machine with a wide selection of titles. But it is also an entertainment system that lets people power new experiences. Every Xbox 360 system has built-in progressive-scan DVD movie, CD music and photo playback support. The integration of Xbox Live into the system lets players receive game invitations from friends while they're watching movies or listening to music. And every MP3 player, digital camera and Windows(R) XP-based PC with a Universal Serial Bus (USB) 2.0 port can plug right into an Xbox 360 system to stream music and photos.

In addition, with built-in Media Center Extender functionality in every system, Xbox 360 players can access recorded TV and digital movies, music, video and photos stored on Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005-based PCs through any Xbox 360 system in the house.

Xbox 360 also opens the door to incredible, new high-definition entertainment. In addition to optimizing all Xbox 360 games for high definition, Xbox 360 will stream high-definition TV and movies stored on Media Center PCs starting this holiday season. As high-definition entertainment becomes more pervasive, Microsoft will offer more ways to experience HDTV and movies in any room in the house, any way people want it. Whether it's by the dropping of an optical disc in a drive, streaming to Xbox 360, or through broadband distribution, Xbox 360 will let players choose how to light up their high-definition content.

"Xbox 360 is a revolution that promises to ignite new levels of creativity, community and competition," Bach said. "Tonight's unveiling is a signal to the world that the next generation of gaming is here."

Apple better have something for us at WWDC or Paris.. If they miss out on a huge holiday shopping season with something like this on the market I dont think its gonna be as easy to come from behind as it was with iPod.. True the box isn't as "pretty" as something Apple would design but it does have some pretty amazing features, some of which have been speculated to be part of iHome (if it does exist). They have customizable user interfaces, detachable hard drives, custom faceplates, wifi, streaming multimedia..

Apple please save us from another generation of Bill Gates domination.. innovate something else!

Oh yea, and advertise it

*cough* Tiger *cough*


  • Reply 1 of 40
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member

    Originally posted by webavatar

    While the focus of the Xbox 360 is undeniably games, the system will encompass many multi-media functions as well. The machine will double as a progressive scan DVD player. Users will also be able to rip their CDs directly to the machine's hard drive.

    But the real multimedia functionality ties in with the 360's wireless capabilities. The machine will automatically connect and stream digital media -- including video and digital pictures -- stored on any PC running Windows XP.

    Apple better have something for us at WWDC or Paris.. If they miss out on a huge holiday shopping season with something like this on the market I dont think its gonna be as easy to come from behind as it was with iPod.. True the box isn't as "pretty" as something Apple would design but it does have some pretty amazing features, some of which have been speculated to be part of iHome (if it does exist). They have customizable user interfaces, detachable hard drives, custom faceplates, wifi, streaming multimedia..

    Apple please save us from another generation of Bill Gates domination.. innovate something else!

    Oh yea, and advertise it

    *cough* Tiger *cough*

    So, let me get this straight--Apple should introduce a game console or die? Is that what you are getting at? You do know that for about five minutes Apple had a game console, don't you? You also know that game consoles lose money? If you know this, then you also know that the money is in the games, not the consoles. You understand this, don't you? Now, just exactly why do you believe that Apple should get back into this market?
  • Reply 2 of 40
    arty50arty50 Posts: 201member

    Originally posted by Mr. Me

    So, let me get this straight--Apple should introduce a game console or die?

    No, Apple should introduce an AirPortExpress on steroids. Or they should start pumping up similar alternatives. Being able to buy a box that hooks your entertainment system up to your computer is a big deal. All you need is a simple box that provides a remote and a UI which allows you to play music and video files on your TV and home stereo. Now imagine you can set up multiple hubs.

    MS gets this. So does Sony, since the PS3 will do all this also. It's the perfect trojan horse. Don't believe me? Well guess why the PS2 did so well and was sold out for months when it was introduced. It had a DVD player. Yup, it was that simple. People in Japan went crazy for it because it was cheaper than most DVD players on the market at that time...and it played games! It was the perfect home solution. People who just wanted a DVD player bought it and suddenly had the ability to play games. People who just wanted a game console, now had a DVD player also. And then there were the millions who wanted both.

    Game consoles sell a lot of units. So if you can add compelling features that people will use, you can advance a new technology that people didn't even know they needed. And with the rise of computer based music and coming rise of computer based movies, this is huge.

    Apple needs to get with the program here. Whether they seek integration with the next gen consoles or come out with their own solution, it's vitally important that they get in this game.
  • Reply 3 of 40
    imiloaimiloa Posts: 187member
    indeed, there's a market for such a device. and like the ipod, a must-have apple solution could help sell more macs.

    unfort, we all know steve's view on television. so his ego, alone, may crush any hope of such.
  • Reply 4 of 40
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Sure I'm for it. Replace the gaming features of the Xbox 360 with a DVR and I'm sold.
  • Reply 5 of 40

    Originally posted by Mr. Me

    So, let me get this straight--Apple should introduce a game console or die? Is that what you are getting at? You do know that for about five minutes Apple had a game console, don't you? You also know that game consoles lose money? If you know this, then you also know that the money is in the games, not the consoles. You understand this, don't you? Now, just exactly why do you believe that Apple should get back into this market?

    Do you always spazz out over everything like your smoking crack? Notice how I posted the excerpt from the article pertaining to the digital home hub qualities of the device NOT the gaming cababilities.. the point is that in addition to playing games on the Xbox 360 you can also watch movies, play music, surf internet etc.. things that Apple needs in their hub. Instead of acting like some crazy drug addict thinking everyone else is so stupid try reading what is posted before you go on some rant.
  • Reply 6 of 40
    boukmanboukman Posts: 93member
    We all know that those boxes are sold at a loss, and that the money is in the software (games). What Apple should really do is get a programming license from Microsoft and make a special lite "Home entertainment" version of OS X, running iTunes and other software of that kind, that they could sell for something like 50$. This way, they wouldn't have to lose money on the hardware, while making money on the software and potentially making even more people tempted to "switch" to the Mac platform because they could see that it would be even better (Quicktime integration with H.264, Bonjour, other new technologies?).
  • Reply 7 of 40
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member

    Originally posted by Boukman

    We all know that those boxes are sold at a loss, and that the money is in the software (games). What Apple should really do is get a programming license from Microsoft and make a special lite "Home entertainment" version of OS X, running iTunes and other software of that kind, that they could sell for something like 50$. This way, they wouldn't have to lose money on the hardware, while making money on the software and potentially making even more people tempted to "switch" to the Mac platform because they could see that it would be even better (Quicktime integration with H.264, Bonjour, other new technologies?).

    If they could get approval from MS this might not be a bad idea. Even more appealing if they supported the PS3 when that shipped as well... plus any other Cell-based hardware that STI shipped. I'm dubious about whether MS or Sony would allow Apple to push its technologies into their private little playgrounds.
  • Reply 8 of 40
    kishankishan Posts: 732member

    Originally posted by Arty50

    No, Apple should introduce an AirPortExpress on steroids. Or they should start pumping up similar alternatives.

    There is a promo going on now where if you buy an AE you get 30 iTMS songs for free... could they be trying to move inventory prior to releasing a replacement or upgraded model?
  • Reply 9 of 40
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member
    Plus there are already boxes out like the SoundBridge, which offer the music functionality and have been out for over a year - go ahead and buy one of those if you want.

    (edit) Personally, my objection to both the SoundBridge and Airport Express is that the computer has to be on. Why can't I have a hard drive in the AE or SoundBridge and sync the music to it, as tho it were an iPod?
  • Reply 10 of 40
    bryan.furybryan.fury Posts: 164member

    Originally posted by cubist

    Personally, my objection to both the SoundBridge and Airport Express is that the computer has to be on. Why can't I have a hard drive in the AE or SoundBridge and sync the music to it, as tho it were an iPod?

    how do you plan on navigating your library/playlists without an interface (a.k.a. computer)?
  • Reply 11 of 40
    thttht Posts: 5,606member
    TIVO has taught me that the hardware company is powerless in the home entertainment market. Likewise, the lack of good cell phones has taught me that the hardware company is powerless in the wireless comms market.

    The market movers are cable companies and the wireless carriers. They choose who lives or dies. TIVO is dying because of the cheap DVR clones that the cable companies can rent out. All the good cell phones (US market) are at the mercy of wireless carriers choosing to sell it or not.

    The game consoles and media centers are great as stand alone units, but once they enter the networking realm in any serious fashion, they will be at the mercy of the companies who control that network.

    So, if an Apple media center comes into existence, it will be required for them to make a deal with the cable companies, telephone companies or wireless companies. If these companies choose to provide a networking game console, media center, cell phone as part of their service package, I can't see any outside company surviving that type of onslaught.
  • Reply 12 of 40
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    For iHome Apple's hope is centered around two technologies that will have profound impacts.

    CableCARD- The ability to access your cable provider's network without their STB is vital. CableCARD 2 will allow for bi-directional communication enabling OnDemand and PPV.

    IP/TV- Broadband coupled with high efficiency codecs will spur internet movie distribution. For every major release there are 5 indie releases begging for an audience. Apple has done well with Final Cut Pro and they should extend an olive branch to indies.

    I'd love to access IP/TV feature films for a nice low cost. The STB iHome should be the command center for dealing with our multimedia files. I'm not a big fan of streaming everything I want local storage.
  • Reply 13 of 40
    arty50arty50 Posts: 201member
    I should note that TiVo series 2 DVRs allow you to tap into iTunes and iPhoto. But Apple doesn't really advertise this much anymore, nor does TiVo. It would be nice if they could take this even further. But as others have said, TiVo is having their own problems.
  • Reply 14 of 40
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    comparing iHome to XBOX 360 is kind of like comparing OS X Tiger to Windows Longhorn. One doesn't exist. Hmmm, maybe both don't exist if you think about it. XBOX 360 is still not on the market and what we know of iHome is pure speculation in someone's pants.
  • Reply 15 of 40
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member

    Originally posted by bryan.fury

    how do you plan on navigating your library/playlists without an interface (a.k.a. computer)?

    Have you seen the Soundbridge? It has a display.
  • Reply 16 of 40
    wmfwmf Posts: 1,164member
    Shouldn't the topic be XBOX 360 vs. EyeHome?

    CableCard and computers don't mix, especially since Apple doesn't have TCPA/Palladium.

    I bet Apple is watching Akimbo carefully to see what they do right/wrong.
  • Reply 17 of 40
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    Originally posted by wmf

    Shouldn't the topic be XBOX 360 vs. EyeHome?

    CableCard and computers don't mix, especially since Apple doesn't have TCPA/Palladium.

    I bet Apple is watching Akimbo carefully to see what they do right/wrong.

    Yeah you pretty much have to have a STB for a CableCARD. Yes I do wonder how Akimbo is doing.
  • Reply 18 of 40
    bryan.furybryan.fury Posts: 164member

    Originally posted by cubist

    Have you seen the Soundbridge? It has a display.

    i have seen photos of it. quite frankly, i don't imagine it to be a lot of fun browsing thru thousands of songs with that display ... then again, i'm a big fan of the iTunes interface and can't really imagine being satisfied with anything less.
  • Reply 19 of 40
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Pulled this from another thread. //// It should probably go in here.

    When Apple announced OS X the first time they had an enormous amount of BUZZ generated around OS X, and everybody was talking X. Then Microsoft's little gaming announcement wasn't that impressive in the minds of anyone compared to PS2, and they went, and announced they were naming it the X-BOX (putting that big M$ "X"- BUZZ word out there), and it totally shifted all Apples BUZZ their way. M$ totally stole Apples OS X BUZZ with the X-BOX, and Apple can do the same in reverse this time around if they get to work, and come up with a really cool home media center with iTunes integration, and any number of Apple utilities, and features.

    But considering gaming is such a huge industry, and everybody is going to be buying, Apple would be naive to try to go head to head with console gaming without games integration.

    They would have to make it the real digital hub with some kind of connection that links up to the M$ 360º device, or even better. All 3 gaming devices. Other options is to partner up with one of the 3 (= 2 not nintendo) And have an exclusive deal with iTMS included that would boost that particular device into the lead category. Now that M$ has shown their hand Apple could team up with sony, and link to their device, or both, and have the real media hub for the home. I know XBOX it's supposed to run with windows Media Center, or something, but you never know. Apple could try and partner up with all 3.

    I'd like to see them partner with M$, but I think they (M$) are going to try and monopolize the XP media center thing, around the 360º. If M$ did give Apple an nod in to the 360º with such a device it would hardly hurt M$. Apple could pay some licensing, and M$ wouldn't look like a monopolist, It could still work with the XP media center too. Then Again M$ has shown their hand which could give Apple, and Sony much needed extra time to structure a PS3 / iHome network configuration that would knock the socks off the XBOX and put Sony as far ahead of the XBOX again as they were in year one.

    Random thoughts on how Apple could take advantage of the new gaming consoles, and generate an enormous amount of BUZZ, and money for them self's again this X-MAS, and in the following year.
  • Reply 20 of 40
    sport73sport73 Posts: 438member
    I don't think Steve's loathe of Television can prevent him from seeing that connecting the iTunes experience into other forms of media (video) and spreading the iLife into the living room is a MUST, it's a matter of survival.

    I've desperately wanted an iHome from Apple, and been consistently disappointed that it hasn't been announced...BUT, some evidence suggests that Apple already has the 'product' nearly ready to go, and is just waiting for the right time to announce (along with their partner)...Consider this:

    1. Rumors and early statements from Bill Gates himself eluded to the fact that MS saw the XBox 360 as a conduit into the living room for the Microsoft monopoly. Even Steve Jobs can't ignore the onslaught of competitors anxious to chip away at the iPod and build the 'next' iPod through media integration.

    2. As early as December, it is rumored that MS will announce details of the XBox 360 at the GDC in March, the location they unveiled the original XBox.

    3. Macworld 2005 in January. Steve announces the "Year of HD" but without much 'oomph', only displaying the HD abilities of it's video-editing line and QT playback.

    4. Steve welcomes an unusually unrehearsed and uncomfortable Sony exec onto stage, who rambles about very little as though he was going to say more.

    5. Just around that time (a few days/weeks) it was confirmed that MS would NOT be showing the XBox 360 at GDC.

    6. Steve tries to help with a "maybe more in the future" line suggesting that the Apple/Sony partnership could extend further.

    7. Apple doesn't want to build a console (no profit); can't build a Tivo or buy them (the rip-offs are killing Tivo); and no one can succeed without the help of the Cable Co's and/or satellite operators.

    8. Sony MUST include 'Media Center' functions into the PS3 in order to stay competitive and in accordance with the Cell design philosophy. But what do they connect to? Vaio PC's running MS Media Center? Seems to be giving up a lot to the competition...

    9. So, Apple has no clear way to enter the game with hardware, and Sony has no clear way to enter the game with Software. Both are fearful of giving the game up to MS by fighting eachother thus creating another set of devices that don't cooperate. So...Partner. Apple provides the Media Center software for the PS3 and the backend connection to iTunes/iVideo on the PC and Mac. Sony provides the hardware, games, and audience. Apple brings Pixar and other Hollywood studios who trust an 'insider' and Sony brings it's movie-house into a download-movie iTunes model tied into the PS3.

    10. Back to Macworld...Sony is NOT anxious to share details of the PS3, and Apple has a policy of not touting vaporware. If Bill's going to announce at GDC, it might be worthwhile to beat him to the punch. He's not announcing? Great, let's get our ducks in a row and do this thing right.

    11. iTunes & Tiger both include CLEAR hints that an iTunes video store is on its way.

    12. In the end, Apple and Sony will need to achieve peace over the iPod first, which means a Sony licensed version and the end of Sony's online Music store.

    13. The 2 companies cooperate on the DRM for downloadable movies.

    In the end, Apple gets another avenue for iPod sales, a strong ally in the living room with both HDTV sets and clout with the cable co's, and retains its core business selling Macs with OSX. Sony gets out of its failing Music player/store business and instead gets profit out of the PS3 with a stake in downloads made to the device. Sony is able to pitch the iPod as the partner device of the PS3, while still being able to sell Viao windows-PC's.

    Nevermind. This rant made more sense when I started but it's late and now I'm just delusional.
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