Nintendo E3 Press Confered (Revolution news + Gameboy Micro!)



  • Reply 21 of 51
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    60 new GameCube games coming for 2005.

    400 games total for the Cube.

    New Mario games:

    Super Mario Strikers, Mario Baseball, Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix & Mario Party 7.

    Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness

    "Sinister" Pokemon RPG.

    (It's hard to take a game with XD in its title seriously, it's the smiley face for laughing really hard while squeezing your eyes closed.)

    New Zelda in the house. Link turns into a wolf.
  • Reply 22 of 51
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Not much new about the Revolution:

    - Play every damned Nintendo game ever (Download NES, SNES & N64).

    - Smash Brothers will be a launch title (wireless Internet play).

    - Mario, Zelda and Metroid games will come out for it (shocking!).

    We still haven't seen the new controller, but since you're able to play all the old Nintendo games they have to be able to do that (or the Revolution will have GC game ports somewhere hidden under a flap).

    Lots of great news on non-Revolution topics. New GBA (tiny). Lots of DS and GameCube activity. Best yet to come for the current generation hardware, apparently.
  • Reply 23 of 51
    stustanleystustanley Posts: 236member
    we havent seen the controller cos its thought controlled!!
  • Reply 24 of 51
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Those are fake photos. Nintendo may or may not have been the source, but they are fake. Apple uses fake photos for all of it's product, as do most companies these days.

    But it looks like Nintendo's marketing dept, or whoever did it, has to work on his technique with shaders.
  • Reply 25 of 51
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Behold, the GB Micro.

    4" wide, 2" tall and 0.7" thick
  • Reply 26 of 51
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    Someone had to go there...

    Sorry, I don't mind the Rev's looks *at all* but I do see it as hilarious that people "don't dare" rip into geekdom's darling Nintendo's industrial design with the same gusto that is reserved for Microsoft AnyThing?. The "I-played-it-when-I-was-8-so-it's-off-limits" mentality.

    The PS3, although I also like it's looks, for what it is (a toy I'll stuff into a cabinet and barely look at, as are all game consoles), is really no better than a $99 printer when it comes down to it.

    XBOX 360 is I think the least daring, just slapping the old design with an iPod stick. Revolution kind of just bows out of the looks race altogether, implying "what was good enough for Sony is good enough for us". It's a staid, perfectly acceptable form, but a bit shocking for their apparent not even trying.

    And no, "less is more" won't quite cut it as a justification for this design. "Less is only more where more is no good". Nintendo decided that no other form factor or case design would be beneficial, even if just cosmetically? Wow. Let's get them to design operating systems then.
  • Reply 27 of 51
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    Those are fake photos. Nintendo may or may not have been the source, but they are fake. Apple uses fake photos for all of it's product, as do most companies these days.

    But it looks like Nintendo's marketing dept, or whoever did it, has to work on his technique with shaders.

    Er, they had the unit live at the Nintendo conference - unless it's a mockup??

  • Reply 28 of 51
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by johnq

    Sorry, I don't mind the Rev's looks *at all* but I do see it as hilarious that people "don't dare" rip into geekdom's darling Nintendo's industrial design with the same gusto that is reserved for Microsoft AnyThing?. The "I-played-it-when-I-was-8-so-it's-off-limits" mentality.

    Well, I think the xbox (both old and 360) look like crap and while the ps3 and revolution arte sharp. It's not a conspiracy. I have all three current ones and the xbox is a big, bulky, loud POS with a bad controller that has good graphics. I have a love-hate relationship with the thing and it has nothing to do with my opinion about Microsoft. I assume other people view the situation in a similar manner.
  • Reply 29 of 51
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by iPoster

    Er, they had the unit live at the Nintendo conference - unless it's a mockup??

    I think the dejected horror of the Nintendoheads is weighing heavily the closer they come to realize this *really is* the new design (shock! can... it be?), after a week/hours of lambasting Microsoft and Sony about their "boring, unoriginal, uninspiring, etc." designs.

    Where's the :squeal" smiley?

    But hey, strap on the old "Less is more" line and you're all set. Impervious from criticism. Works like that in other areas, why not gaming?

    Fogive me, I am not on one side or the other as far as consolemakers go, I use them all happily. But I do love to watch people get hung by their own petards. (Not anyone here, just the general industry chatter)

    I hope they (themselves, the fans) are not too hard on it, though. It is *nice* and sleek and the biggest boon of all is that it will fit nicely in a backpack, even if you also have a book or laptop in there. The old Cube was too bulky for that unless it was the only thing in the bag. Nintendo *anything* portability is always crucial, less so for the other consoles.

    They are back to regular disc sizes I think? And slot loading, no?

    Overall it's very promising, in my opinion. It's a bit too like the updated mini PS2, but hey, who cares?
  • Reply 30 of 51
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by giant

    Well, I think the xbox (both old and 360) look like crap and while the ps3 and revolution arte sharp. It's not a conspiracy. I have all three current ones and the xbox is a big, bulky, loud POS with a bad controller that has good graphics. I have a love-hate relationship with the thing and it has nothing to do with my opinion about Microsoft. I assume other people view the situation in a similar manner.

    Well said. I don't doubt a portion thinks the way you do. Just not the most vocal ones.
  • Reply 31 of 51
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member

    Originally posted by johnq

    I think the dejected horror of the Nintendoheads is weighing heavily the closer they come to realize this *really is* the new design (shock! can... it be?), after a week/hours of lambasting Microsoft and Sony about their "boring, unoriginal, uninspiring, etc." designs.

    Where's the :squeal" smiley?

    Well, I was commenting on Splinemodel saying the pics were fake, not on what it looks like. But I would place it above the Xbox360 and on a par with the PS3. Flat and angular vs rounded. Revolution is the smallest of the 3, one thing l like about the GameCube. Could be better if it ultimately comes in colors like the Cube. Honestly, I don't buy game systems for what they look like, but wether I enjoy the games they have and the 'gaming experience' of the system.
  • Reply 32 of 51
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by iPoster

    Well, I was commenting on Splinemodel saying the pics were fake, not on what it looks like.

    I know. I was obstensibly talking to you about him saying they are fake. Kidding him to prepare for the letdown - they are real.
  • Reply 33 of 51
    johnsocaljohnsocal Posts: 193member
    Out of all 3 of the new system I like the looks of the xbox360 the most since it reminds of something Apple could have made.
  • Reply 34 of 51

    Out of all 3 of the new system I like the looks of the xbox360 the most since it reminds of something Apple could have made.

    In what way? I'd like to know, because I completely disagree with you.
  • Reply 35 of 51
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by Mac The Fork

    In what way? I'd like to know, because I completely disagree with you.

    There is a kind of ham-fisted industrial design (and hell, even web, marketing and UI design) that Microsoft offers forth, usually a good month or two behind Apple's efforts.

    It is usually an unsuccessful amalgam of me-too's tacked together as a "design".

    So when Sony went boxy, black with sharp grills and vents, Microsoft did too.

    When Apple went white, curved corners, dotted air holes and minimalist, Microsoft did too.

    But never, in either instance, all the way, or well enough.

    They seem to get their design inspiration via "Chinese Whispers" based on tidbids of what "the other guys" are doing, passed on and misheard and put together in a way that is a mockery of the original.
  • Reply 36 of 51
    johnsocaljohnsocal Posts: 193member

    Originally posted by Mac The Fork

    In what way? I'd like to know, because I completely disagree with you.

    The xbox360 just looks cooler in my opinion since the ps3 looks like a PC scanner and the Revolution looks like a SD card on steriods

    Im convinced that xbox360 will either be #1 or a very close #2 in this round of the console wars. Nintendo has lost so much ground since the N64 that they will have to be happy being #3. They can still be a very profitable company in that position riding the strength of their great 1st party titles and the near monopoly of the portable market with the gameboy.

    Does anyone know what Nintendos new controllers will look like?
  • Reply 37 of 51
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member

    Originally posted by johnq

    Overall it's very promising, in my opinion. It's a bit too like the updated mini PS2, but hey, who cares?

    Right now to me it sounds a lot like a Dreamcast. Half a generation behind and trying to compete. I sure hope they've got something impressive they haven't announced with it otherwise they will really be depending on their old franchises to bring gamers.
  • Reply 38 of 51
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I think the Revolution looks much much better than the PS3 and Xbox 360. Both of them look like moderately sleek DVD players.
  • Reply 39 of 51
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by johnsocal

    Im convinced that xbox360 will either be #1 or a very close #2 in this round of the console wars. Nintendo has lost so much ground since the N64 that they will have to be happy being #3. They can still be a very profitable company in that position riding the strength of their great 1st party titles and the near monopoly of the portable market with the gameboy.

    The 360 will do well, until the PS3 is released.
  • Reply 40 of 51

    Originally posted by Telomar

    Right now to me it sounds a lot like a Dreamcast. Half a generation behind and trying to compete. I sure hope they've got something impressive they haven't announced with it otherwise they will really be depending on their old franchises to bring gamers.

    Nintendo hasn't announced much of anything. We haven't played the games. We haven't seen prices. Comparing meaningless bits of PR - which are all we have to go on - won't give us an accurate picture of how these things will actually play. Let's wait a bit before making conclusions.
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