What's the word on Office X?
Very interested in changing from Appleworks to Office X. Any feedback on the M$ product would be appreciated.
(Will miss the database on Appleworks though, as I have an extensive thesis bibliography and CD inventory catalogued in this program. Don't quite want to spring for Filemaker as it costs way too much for the little that I require it for. Any suggestions?)
(Will miss the database on Appleworks though, as I have an extensive thesis bibliography and CD inventory catalogued in this program. Don't quite want to spring for Filemaker as it costs way too much for the little that I require it for. Any suggestions?)
It is definitely an excellent version of Office. By adopting the Aqua features, the UI has been dramatically improved and it looks just plain amazing to boot. I liked it.
I'm buying Office X for sure.
<img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
Obviously, Word is now able to print (unlike the Test Drive). Also, the style menus are now WYSIWYG. Excel works well. MSN Messenger got a new icon and version number, but I haven't seen any improvements. I rarely use PowerPoint and have yet to test it out. As for Entourage, there's no way I would abandon Eudora and trust my mail to MS.
As a precaution, I turned off AirPort while starting up. I did a port scan later to see if Word would start broadcasting after I turned AirPort back on.
If you start Office while disconnected from your network, it won't start broadcasting when you turn the network back on. However, if your network connection is live when you start any Office application, Office will broadcast on a random port in the 3xxx range. I tried this 10 times, and Office broadcast on a different port each time. I haven't tried blocking the 3xxx ports to see whether office will go beyond that range.
[ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Escher ]</p>
As a precaution, I turned off AirPort while starting up. I did a port scan later to see if Word would start broadcasting after I turned AirPort back on.
If you start Office while disconnected from your network, it won't start broadcasting when you turn the network back on. However, if your network connection is live when you start any Office application, Office will broadcast on a random port in the 3xxx range. I tried this 10 times, and Office broadcast on a different port each time. I haven't tried blocking the 3xxx ports to see whether office will go beyond that range.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Eh? I fail to see the importans of this. Is it a way for MS to check if you are using a illegal copy?
<strong>Eh? I fail to see the importans of this. Is it a way for MS to check if you are using a illegal copy?</strong><hr></blockquote>
Anders: It's good to see you back on AI. Office broadcasts its serial number over the local network. If you try to run a second copy on a different machine at the same time, you will get a message that you do not have enough licences to do that. See <a href="http://forums.appleinsider.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=5&t=000022" target="_blank">this thread</a> in the Mac OS X forum for a more elaborate discussion.
Anders: It's good to see you back on AI. </strong><hr></blockquote>
Thanks Escher. But as I said back on Badflamingo I won´t be posting here anymore so the above post was my first and last ( <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> ) at the new AI.
[quote]Office broadcasts its serial number over the local network. If you try to run a second copy on a different machine at the same time, you will get a message that you do not have enough licences to do that.<hr></blockquote>
Uh. Now I understand. Now I can continue using Office with the date thing as the only problem until I recieve my student license (any workaround that?)
[ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Anders ]</p>
the above post was my first and last at the new AI.
[ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Anders ]</p>
Your only option for emailing from Word and Excel is to email the document as an attachment. In the Windows version of Office, you can have it translate your page on the fly into an HTML email and send it off. I have one user who creates a company newsletter in Word and emails it right out, no Dreamweaver required. I have another user who emails tables built in Excel (well, she was doing that until she switched from PC to Mac).
It sounds like a small thing, but it's surprisingly useful.
<strong>Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't heard from more people about the new version. Has it been hard to find, and thus most upgraders still don't have it yet...or is it just that unremarkable? The reviews I read in MacAddict and Macworld seem to bear out that it's worth the upgrade fee, but still no one has said much about it....
<img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
I wasn;t even aware an update was available...any word when it will ship as the default version?
Also, how compatible witht he Windows version is it really? Will I be able to save my documents to a CDRW or a Zip disc, stick it in a PC, and have it open flawlessly, saving all of my formating like margins, indents, lists, etc. etc.?
I've sent Word X e-mail attachments to a friend's PC and it worked perfectly, so I would imagine if the CRW's and Zip disks are formatted to work in Windows, the files should be just the way you want them.
[ 02-23-2002: Message edited by: jeffyboy ]</p>
<strong>I'm wondering how Entourage is (and compared to mail) cause I might start using it.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I've compared the two. I think the Entourage isn't as stable as Mail, I've had to quit the Entourage whenever waking from sleep. It will act as if it's retrieve mail, but just keeps going. The only thing to stop it, is to quit and relaunch. Also the anti-aliasing isn't as smooth as Mail.
Don't switch, I did and am regretting it. As soon as they add multiple email address fields per card in Address Book I am going to go back to Mail.
Mail, as SMacSteve pointed out, has superior anti-aliasing at text. Also the interface is cleaner and more efficient. I just find Entourage too bloated: a lot of features I don't use. Plus to really use Entourage it must take up your whole screen, which I don't like again. I just find Mail a lot more fun to use, plus the icon changes in the dock to show how many new messages you have, something Entourage doesn't do.
Anders: It's good to see you back on AI. Office broadcasts its serial number over the local network. If you try to run a second copy on a different machine at the same time, you will get a message that you do not have enough licences to do that. See <a href="http://forums.appleinsider.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=5&t=000022" target="_blank">this thread</a> in the Mac OS X forum for a more elaborate discussion.
library/application support/trash everything M$
same with users/library/application support/M$