What's the word on Office X?



  • Reply 41 of 45
    My school <a href="http://www.uwm.edu"; target="_blank">University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee</a> offers a wonderful <a href="http://www.wisc.edu/wisc"; target="_blank">program</a> to its students that allows them to get software, including v. X for dirt cheap. Will my student license for v. X allow me to only load my copy on one box? The MSDN at the place i work doesn't cover the wonderful world of Macintosh. <img src="graemlins/embarrassed.gif" border="0" alt="[Embarrassed]" />

    [ 03-17-2002: Message edited by: PowerMatt ]</p>
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  • Reply 42 of 45
    patchoulipatchouli Posts: 402member
    MS Office X is good suite of office apps. Sure, it could be better, but it runs circles around the competition. Office XP for Windows is much better with more features (and has excellent integration with Windows XP ? which the DoJ can?t seem to understand the fact that we LIKE this idea!). The Mac version is terribly cut down in terms of features, but it adds the ease of use. It is overpriced, but you are getting 4 major programs for the money. Also, dealing with Apple?s insane over-pricing (not expensive, over-priced) for their products, this should be nothing new.

    Liking the added or many features of this suite is up to the type of user you are. If you just make chart lists with Excel and write up an occasional memo with Word one might think that it's bloatware. If you're a power user, you realize those 'stupid features' are often a godsend. If you think Office X is bad, just take a look at the competition. Appleworks is a joke and was deleted from my Mac for good!

    If it weren?t for MS Office X for Mac ? I wouldn?t own an Apple Computer. There are many peole out there like me and don?t think Apple doesn?t realize this! My theory is, if so many people think that there is better out there, why the hell aren?t they making the products? Netscape failed because it S U C K S! Their lawsuit is embarrassing for them and AOL (perhaps a soon-to-be bigger monopoly than Microsoft) who won't even bundle their OWN browser with AOL software! Now ?Real? is crying the MS blues but their technology is the shoddy pits too. These companies kill me. They should put their time, energy and money into making better products rather than trying to blame others for their failures. The irony of it all is maddening!

    I use products that work and are quick and easy to use. I don't care who wrote them, or how the company behaves in the marketplace. MS needs to be controlled a bit and have more competition so there is more flex in product pricing and a higher level of quality, not so that other companies can do the same and roll out their own shit products and make money off of them.

    [ 03-17-2002: Message edited by: Patchouli ]</p>
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  • Reply 43 of 45
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    [quote]Originally posted by Patchouli:

    <strong>MS Office X is good suite of office apps. Sure, it could be better, but it runs circles around the competition. Office XP for Windows is much better with more features (and has excellent integration with Windows XP ? which the DoJ can?t seem to understand the fact that we LIKE this idea!).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The trial is about IE not Office.

    [quote]Originally posted by Patchouli:

    <strong>If you think Office X is bad, just take a look at the competition. Appleworks is a joke and was deleted from my Mac for good!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Please repeat after me:

    AppleWorks is not a competing product.

    AppleWorks is not a competing product.

    AppleWorks is not a competing product.

    If you want to compare AppleWorks to another product it should be MS Works.

    [quote]Originally posted by Patchouli:

    <strong>My theory is, if so many people think that there is better out there, why the hell aren?t they making the products?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, MS bought the biggest competitor. Well, they didn't buy WordPerfect, but they paid Corel an awful lot of money.

    [quote]Originally posted by Patchouli:

    <strong>Netscape failed because it S U C K S!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sucks? Today perhaps, but how good could it have been if the competition was equal.

    Luckily it seems that IE will get some competition again if AOL switches to Gecko.

    [quote]Originally posted by Patchouli:

    <strong>I use products that work and are quick and easy to use. I don't care who wrote them, or how the company behaves in the marketplace. MS needs to be controlled a bit and have more competition so there is more flex in product pricing and a higher level of quality, not so that other companies can do the same and roll out their own shit products and make money off of them.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    First you say that you don't care how MS behaves and next you say that you do?

    And why do you need competition? You say because of higher quality and cheaper products.

    Didn't you say that Office was cheap?
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  • Reply 44 of 45
    patchoulipatchouli Posts: 402member
    [quote]Originally posted by JLL:


    First you say that you don't care how MS behaves and next you say that you do?

    And why do you need competition? You say because of higher quality and cheaper products.

    Didn't you say that Office was cheap?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I do care, that's why I posted that they need to be controlled. My point was, do this for the consumers - not companies who make shit products. In other words, I don't hate MS and all their products simply because of their market share and their business tactics. I own many MS products over valid competition because I find they have better features and GUIs and work better in Windows (just like Apple's Apps are optimized for it's own OS).

    I know they are in court because of IE, I was using integration as an example. Integration in Windows is a good thing that works very well. If you (not you, but in general) are a Windows hater, then there's really no point in trying to explain.

    No, actually I said Office WAS expensive, but to remember that it's just not ONE program you are getting, it's 4 (plus the hordes of extras which you may or may not use).

    Ok, so I agree that MS Works would be the better competitor for Appleworks. That doesn't change anything. MS Works includes a full version of Word 2002, a dumbed down and 100% compatible version of Excel 2002, as well as Money 2002 (which blows Quicken away), Encarta Encyclopedia 2002 (which is an insanely good and fast reference tool), MS Picture It! 2002 (a full featured easy to use photo app with a great GUI), and they even throw in the excellent Streets & Trips 2002. All these programs (which I have and use obviously) are very simple to use, well integrated, very stable and compatible. This entire package (5 + full programs) costs $109. Sure, Apple includes great programs with their OS for free, but that is to move the OS out and win over users. You also have to admit, iPhoto is weak and needs work as well as features.

    At the end of the day it's all about personal preference, tastes and opinion. I like and enjoy both platforms and see the good and bad in both. So, in the future, please don't misquote me.
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