Air Travel

in AppleOutsider edited January 2014
Okay, so I am about to embark on my first ever commercial air-flight next week for work, and I have no clue what I can and cannot bring now that the TSA runs the show. Do I need special luggage, can I take my iPod, cell phone and PowerBook? Thanks for the heads up.


  • Reply 1 of 24
    NO, Yes, Yes, Yes.
  • Reply 2 of 24
    toweltowel Posts: 1,479member
    Wow. Never flown before?

    TSA Travel Tips

    You don't need any special luggage. You can check just about anything. For carry-on luggage, most airlines permit one bag plus one "personal item". A bag is one that fits under the seat. Check your airline's web page for exact dimensions, but it's usually the "smallish-medium" one in a luggage set. Your typical gym bag or small duffel bag would be fine. A personal item can be a purse, briefcase, laptop bag, school backpack, etc.

    You can put just about anything non-explosive/flammable in your checked bags. However, there's a long list of weapon-like items prohibited from carry-ons bags. PDF with permitted and non-permitted items. You can bring just about any electronic device in your carry-ons. They all must be off for taxi/takeoff and landing. Once at altitude, you can use any of them except for those that have wireless features you can't turn off. So turn your cell phone off, don't use any blackberries or GPS or radios, turn off Airport on your PowerBook, etc.

    Security checkpoints seem to be running pretty smoothly these days, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

    - have your boarding pass and photo ID readily available

    - take off jacket/overcoat and put it through the machine

    - remove anything containing metal from your pockets (even gum wrappers), and put them in a tray

    - take your laptop out of its bag and put it in its own tray

    - be prepared to remove your shoes and belt and put them through the x-ray machine

    - understand that a rat's nest of cables and wires in your bag may cause security to want to examine the bag by hand. It's nothing personal.
  • Reply 3 of 24
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    advice: travel as light as you can. Checking baggage sucks, and the less you have to carry around the terminal, the better.
  • Reply 4 of 24
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    If you can put all the stuff in your pockets in your laptop bag or auxillary pocket of your suitcase, that will probably work out best for you. No need, then, to put it all in a tray and then remove from said tray.

    No matter what airline/plane you fly on, it will most likely be pretty tight on the plane. If you want to listen to your iPod on the plane after you take off, just keep it on your person after you've cleared security. Getting it out of the bags while in-flight will be more hassle than it's worth.

    I personally like to have my iPod on me while walking through the terminal, waiting to board, etc. If you get a good mix of stuff, the music could end up being a pretty clever soundtrack while you glance around at others and go through all the motions.

    Pee shortly before you have to board. Depending on how long your flight is, you probably won't want to fool with going on the plane.

    If it is a long flight, you might want to consider wearing sandals or shoes that are easily...let's say loosenable. Your feet will expand on the plane, so you don't want to wear shoes that are normally just the right size or a little snug.

    If your carrier has this feature, you might want to consider listening to their on-board air traffic control feed. I personally found it kind of interesting, and it gives you a much larger appreciation for how smooth, yet complex a system the airlines run. Keep a listen out for your flight number, because you'll eventually hear them say "cleared for takeoff," and then your plane will literally go from zero to very fast in a very short period of time. Kind of fun.

    Enjoy the experience!
  • Reply 5 of 24

    Originally posted by DanMacMan

    Okay, so I am about to embark on my first ever commercial air-flight next week for work, and I have no clue what I can and cannot bring now that the TSA runs the show. Do I need special luggage, can I take my iPod, cell phone and PowerBook? Thanks for the heads up.

    cell and powerbook i know you can bring.... i would think you can bring your ipod, i mean all it is a mp3 player...
  • Reply 6 of 24

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    advice: travel as light as you can. Checking baggage sucks, and the less you have to carry around the terminal, the better.

    this is true.. when i fly, i have one of those 1 strap shoulder book bags(laptop bags) and if it cant fit in there, then i dont bring it.. and the heaviest thing i put in there is notebooks and such for school.. next time i fly itll be my laptop i've moved up in the world w/ my iMac and powerbook
  • Reply 7 of 24
    regreg Posts: 832member
    It all depends on how long your trip is and what you are required to bring. If you have to wear something special or your stay is for awhile get the largest case you can with wheels and stuff everything in it except

    1. laptop and bag with whatever cables and accessories you need for the trip and a book to read in case I don't want to work on the flight.

    2. iPod

    3. It might be dorkie but I still use a fanny pack for tickets and other things I might need at a moments notice - phone numbers - candy and small papers or cards. I had a friend that use to put all those things in his laptop bag till one day it disappeared from under the seat he was sitting in.

    I tend to also get to airports early because I hate to cut things too close, you never know how long security lines will be. Find a seat near an electrical outlet and sit back and enjoy your wait for the flight. Start saving your frequent flyers so you can upgrade, business class is great for long trips.

  • Reply 8 of 24
    Oh yeah, also:

    Make sure all of your nuclear (nukular) devices have the big bright yellow "I'm a big, fat bomb and I belong to the NRA" sticker as required by law.

    And when you pull out your concealed guns, make sure you don't point them directly at the TSA agents or accidently kill too many innocent bystanders as they frown on that.

    But whatever you do: don't bring a cigar cutter. If they catch you with one: those TSA guys just shoot to kill. Ouch.
  • Reply 9 of 24
    A few minor points:

    Matches and lighters are now verboten.

    Take your swiss army knife off of your keys if you have one. If you forget to do so, you are screwed and have to give it up.

    You can take and use a GPS on a plane according to TSA rules contrary to what someone else posted above. Ive always asked pilots and they say it is OK but the airline would have the right to put the kabosh on that. A GPS cannot send out radio signals, rather it is strictly a reciever. What it does is compute how long it takes signals to reach it and then triangulate (with four signals) the location.

    While people make jokes about planes and guns, there are people who take firearms, placing them in checked baggage of course and it is not that uncommon. You just have to declare it and they tag it and everything. There are restrictions on ammunition. Also if you do take a firearm you have to be very careful about picking your bag up. Firearm bag tags are a Steal Me sign for airport thieves who try to steal bags.

    If you have plain black luggage then your luggage looks the same as 2/3rds of the rest of the world. Put some sort of distinctive marking or ribbon or trinket on your bag for easy identification.

    Flight attendants make for pleasant partners in fornication.
  • Reply 10 of 24

    Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath

    A few minor points:

    ...Flight attendants make for pleasant partners in fornication.

    Really ??

    Ours all seem to be old and bitter... hardly pleasant partners for much of anything !

  • Reply 11 of 24
    danmacmandanmacman Posts: 773member
    Thanks everyone for the tips. This really is my first flight outside of a single engine cessna I flew on when I was a kid. I fly out on NWA Sunday for Denver for a work related week long conference. It seems that all of the negative media attention surrounding the TSA and overall airport security has influenced my (in this area) uneducated opinion. Colander - if I am able to join the mile high club on the way to the mile high city on my first flight... well that'll be a hell of a story.
  • Reply 12 of 24
    Even though I was being a bit silly, in truth flight attendants are often ripe for the horizontal hokey pokey. Of course I don't think they really have sex in the plane as they gotta work and such. How else will humans get their pretzels if the flight attendants are busy humping their customers? They wouldn't so obviously we can't have that. And I think claims of people joining the mile high club are exaggerated; I doubt the number of folk who have gotten it on in a plane is very high.

    But once they land, flight attendants spend most of their time in strange cities where they have no cars, not really too much to do a lot of the time as they do the tourist thing the first time they visit and then they have to find something to do from then on. And the only people they know in any particular city are often just the rest of the crew. A lot of them get pretty bored and lonely which is understandable given the lifestyle where you are away from home for the majority of time. And when people are bored and lonely, well...

    Of course, if they are old and bitter, then it is probably better just to get a pillow and leave it at that.
  • Reply 13 of 24
    toweltowel Posts: 1,479member

    Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath

    You can take and use a GPS on a plane according to TSA rules contrary to what someone else posted above. Ive always asked pilots and they say it is OK but the airline would have the right to put the kabosh on that. A GPS cannot send out radio signals, rather it is strictly a reciever. What it does is compute how long it takes signals to reach it and then triangulate (with four signals) the location.

    TSA just does security. The rules on inflight use are made by the FAA and implemented by the airlines. And they don't necessarily make sense. The FAA only allows the airlines to permit particular devices that the airline has determined to not cause any interference. More devices have made those lists over the years, but any sort of dedicated receiver (pagers excepted) is still kabosh on any US airline - GPS, portable radios, TVs, etc. IANAEE, but I suspect, as your pilots have said, that it doesn't make much sense.

    But the rules are obviously very conservative. I mean, lots of people have used cell phones on planes (for example) and it hasn't ever caused any problem I'm aware of. It's just a combination of CYA by both the gov't and the airlines, and some residual carefulness about carrying hundreds of people in a narrow aluminum tube propelled at hundred of miles an hour by absurdly complex electronic systems.
  • Reply 14 of 24
    Don't make "bomb", "gun", "terrorism" or "Osama" jokes in the airport or on the plane...that tends to tick people off. I'm not really sure why.

    There's no reason you can't bring your iPod. In fact, you probably want to, since lots of planes, particularly those on domestic flights don't exactly have a wealth of entertainment (ie: they're school buses with wings)

    Don't wear an excess of metal objects, or carry a pocketful of metal coins since it's a pain in the ass while going through security.

    Keep all your documents on you.

    Watch the size of your carry-ons (look at Ben Stiller in "Meet the Parents")

    Have fun

    BTW: Where are you going to/from anyhow?
  • Reply 15 of 24
    spcmsspcms Posts: 407member
    Wear clean socks. The last two times i flew to the US they checked my shoes \
  • Reply 16 of 24
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Wear clean underwear. The last two times i flew in the US they checked

  • Reply 17 of 24
    mynameheremynamehere Posts: 560member

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    Wear clean underwear. The last two times i flew in the US they checked


    wear clean underwear and clean socks to impress the hot flight attendants when you "land" . And remember, women love guys with big "laptops"
  • Reply 18 of 24
    danmacmandanmacman Posts: 773member
    Just wanted to update. Got back from my trip early this morning. Everything went fine, the TSA lines were extremely short both to and from. Apparently NWA doesn't have hot flight attendants.... Anyway, thanks for everyone's input.
  • Reply 19 of 24
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    if you're taking your PowerBook, which you can, make sure you can open it up, turn it on, put it through the x-ray machine easily.

    so be prepared to take it out and put it through security. meaning, don't have tons of cables all over the place. keep your main powerbook in the laptop case, check in all your cable and adaptors and so on.

    ipod and cell phone... keep it side pockets of the laptop bag if possible.

    this way, procedure will mostly be

    check in baggage

    as you approach the entry gate, take out your wallet, keys, etc, put in the tray. take out powerbook, put in another tray, put laptop bag, and those two trays on conveyor belt

    walk through metal detector thingy

    make sure you check and pick up all the stuff that went through the conveyor belt

    are they still doing the shoe thing? be prepared to take of your shoes.

    when on the plane, you can only use your iPod, cell phone, and powerbook when at 'cruising altitude', you cannot use it while the plane is taxing, taking off, or landing, for most aircraft.

    USA-ians can correct any of my mistakes here with the latest in airline travel procedure
  • Reply 20 of 24
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by DanMacMan

    Just wanted to update. Got back from my trip early this morning. Everything went fine, the TSA lines were extremely short both to and from. Apparently NWA doesn't have hot flight attendants.... Anyway, thanks for everyone's input.

    oops.. i was a bit late. glad you had a decent flight anyway. the whole hot flight attendant thing is a bit of a retro sexual fantasy i reckon...

    if you really want, go for a flight with your girlfriend and try to do it in the airplane bathrooms


    (i haven't done this before)
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