One (little) thing missing from iPhoto



  • Reply 21 of 27
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    To those wanting a Show in Finder option...

    I know this sounds crazy at first, but that's what Export is for.


    This leaves the database intact at all times, and you get to put the resulting file (sized for the ratio you want, etc, etc) exactly where you want it, and toss it when you're done if that's what you want.

    I also fought iPhoto at first (600+ images, nicely organized in folders) until I realized that *this isn't an app for browsing an existing catalog*. This is an app for organizing photos that are loaded in in batches, that may or may not have anything to do with one another. Ie, rolls of film. In *that* respect, it works pretty darned well... certainly better for organization than the Finder, where you get essentially two levels of metadata, the folder and filename, and god forbid if you have a pic that should go in multiple criteria...

    The importing from files on disk bites, to be honest... I'd like to see it retain the filenames if nothing else, and making albums from folders would be excellent as well. But... within five minutes I'd figured out that keywords are a much nicer approach for my needs, and within another 15 minutes had my images organized more thoroughly than I ever did before. (Now if we only had more than 14 keywords to play with... )

    Too bad I can't seem to get Comments to work... :/
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  • Reply 22 of 27
    chromoschromos Posts: 191member
    They've posted iPhoto Applescripts. One of them is a 'Show in Finder'. Another very useful one will email the selected photo.

    <a href=""; target="_blank">iPhoto Scripts</a>
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  • Reply 23 of 27
    Well, gee, I'm glad everyone ignored the whole reason I started this thread...

    Anyway, I think I agree with FormerLurker on the point that it should be easy to update. If you examine the package contents, you'll see that the plugins are nicely divided into bundles. It should also be easy for "themers" to give it a makeover with all those little tifs. I snagged that nice VBR MP3 of "Joy of Man" from in there too. Heh.
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  • Reply 24 of 27
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member

    That is a great way of looking at iPhoto! Exporting is very easy.

    I am going to try the show in finder script just to see what it does.

    Let my boss know about the books that can be made in iPhoto and he got real excited. These will be great freebie gifts to our clients and some of our staff for our projects. Anxious to try out this great feature.
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  • Reply 25 of 27
    [quote]Originally posted by kcmac:

    <strong>former lurker (regarding Show In Finder command)

    Not quite sure what you mean here...Are you saying that I need to be in iPhoto at the same time that I would be in iMovie for example?

    I would simply like to go to the import option under the file menu and navigate to a file that I have labeled telling me what pics are in that folder. iPhoto forces me to remember the year, day that I took the picture.

    Please enlighten me...I would love for iPhoto to work for me...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'm hoping that Apple will add, to iPhoto 1.1, a Show In Finder command that you can evoke on the selected thumbnail.

    It would work just like that command in Sherlock 2, which would to be, opening a new Finder window with the selected file highlighted. Perhaps you can then drag and drop it into iMovie... but at least you will know exactly what its folder hierchy is (or you could option-drag it to your Desktop, import, and then delete the extra copy from your Desktop).

    Hope this clarifies what I meant!
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  • Reply 26 of 27
    [quote]Originally posted by chromos:

    <strong>They've posted iPhoto Applescripts. One of them is a 'Show in Finder'. Another very useful one will email the selected photo.

    <a href=""; target="_blank">iPhoto Scripts</a></strong><hr></blockquote>


    geez, I go away for a day and Apple's already added some functions!

    Now where's that script to link to Graphic Converter and run autolevel correction ??

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  • Reply 27 of 27
    [quote]Originally posted by CosmoNut:

    <strong>How about the ability to sharpen, color correct, brighten, etc. images. I mean basics, folks.

    Oooooh, red eye reduction. Whoopdee doo.

    The truth be told, the rest of it's REALLY cool!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Do not worry. All of this is coming in the next few months. Apple will be working very hard on iPhoto till it is done. They just rushed it out the door for the new iMac. Many features like the ones you have listed were in iPhoto but had to be striped away inorder to let it ship semi bug free.
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