TCPA/TPM in MacOS X/Intel Dev 'kernel'... relax.



  • Reply 41 of 43
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by wmf

    More BIOS misinformation. It is possible to create locked-down, GUI, happy-looking BIOSes. It is also possible to create crazy, unfriendly, text-mode, overclocking EFI or Open Firmware.

    fair enough mate. my asus a8n sli board shows a pretty picture of sorts with a big shiny ass ASUS logo before the text spew part of the bios loading... heh. my dad was like, whoa... what's that?? he'd never seen a "happy-looking" bios on a PC before...

    i would then adjust my statements to read:

    apple would prefer to have a

    [locked down, GUI, "happy-looking" ]


    whatever apple ends up using, we know that the [BIOS/EFI/whatever] loading part will have to conform to apple's user experience principles/guidelines/etc

  • Reply 42 of 43
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    the thing we can agree on, if it will save this thread, is that let's identify who the real 'enemies' are.

  • Reply 43 of 43
    slugheadslughead Posts: 1,169member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Nobody knows if there will be TCPA in the Intel Macs. Period. The possibility is there, but that's all it is, a possibility. How you can jump from that to asserting that Apple will enforce trusted code computing across the board is beyond me. Heck, *take a look* at what's in the dev kits. What's protected? Rosetta. Is that Apple's? No. What's not protected? *EVERYTHING ELSE*.

    Again, I said that if they have TCPA, they'll probably support it. If they support it, then we're all probably going to be screwed.

    You're the one putting words into my mouth.

    Please don't lecture me on getting worked up over these "little things."

    If you really were a Libertarian, you'd know that the whole thing goes to crap because of too many "little things."

    Perhaps you should read some Bill Buckley.

    I still think it's a worthy effort to tell people what to look for, so when it happens there will be a bigger uproar immediately.

    The people have a lot more power in this situation than with something like Government (oddly enough).. if there's enough descent BEFORE the product comes out, it's less likely to happen.

    One might think that Apple's against DRM to some extent, but I for one think that they'll do anything to be on the "forefront of media." If that video iPod comes out, and you download.. say.. movies onto it from iTMS.. Apple might be forced to be more DRM friendly across the board.

    It's very dangerous to have Apple--a company that profits from media--making a whole OS. That means Apple's against piracy too, and might even start to take heavy-handed approaches.

    Sorry to be a downer, but if you follow the evolution of any institution, it's always downhill.
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